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Everything posted by miriya

  1. It is definitely the banpresto. The Claudia is nice too. IMO the Milia and Misa are not as nice as the Yamato and CMS versions but the minmei and claudia are must haves. Hard to find for sure. Way out of print but they pop up on ebay every now and again. There is a german site selling some of these which is where I got my claudia but I think they are down to one misa and one milia.
  2. Just got my VF-1S and VF-1J as well as a gundam fix Gerbera from HLJ today. I decided to try a mod by combining some of the Gundam armor with the VF-1J. It looks a little silly and a little cool. Here it is:
  3. That rocks! Great job! Thanks for sharing. Edit: By the way, that is a great first post! A real contribution to the forums!
  4. I would be surprised if they keep them in scale ruskivfaussie because it seems that most of the revoltechs are the same hight. Is that right? I am not sure. If they are all the same hight then it would follow that whatever other mech they make will not be in the same scale such as the Rau or the yfs or the sv.
  5. Here is a new addition to my collection. Not macross but still cool. This is a Busou Shinki Santa Claus Sugaru weapons set put on a Angel Arnval. I could have gotten a better pose out of her I am sure but it took me about an hour just to put the weapons set on the figure. These things are really difficult to manipulate without them crumbling in your hands. I like the Sugaru head but I think that I will put the Angel Arnal head back on next week.
  6. I really liked the first transformers movie so I will give this next one a shot. I am actually quite looking forward to it. Even if the story sucks as long as the transformers look as good as they did or better than the first one I will be happy. I just love robots
  7. Wow. I think that most people here would list the 1/48s as the most liked valkyrie toy. Art is subjective. So your username.... Shall we go you and I while we can through the transitive nightfall of diamonds?
  8. I have not seen Macross 7 yet. So it is from that OVA or the Movie version?
  9. What is the VA-14 from?
  10. Has anyone seen the making of booklet? Is is cool or lame?
  11. oh yeah! Something by max factory?
  12. Probably the Hughes 1:1 scale FV-0A to be released in 2009. just kidding. But it would be interesting.
  13. I have the Animego and love it. I have not yet seen the ADV but now am very curious to check it out.
  14. I want one too. Must sell everything non-macross!!!!
  15. Graham master flash, This is my fourth post on this thread (sorry). "Will Yamato make more macross character figures after the minmei? If so which ones? Request would be for Misa, Claudia, Milia, Laplamiz, Komila, Roy, Hikaru, Max, Gloval, Bridgebunnies, Zentraedi Warrior." Also would love to see some photos of the new minmei figure. Get us excited. Get us ready for preorder. Thanks.
  16. Yes to that. I definitely think that Revoltech should come out with ALL of the Macross characters in the Fauline series. Misa, Milia, Claudia, Bridge Bunnies, Lapamiz, Minmei, Sara Nome, Mao Nome, Nora of course, Komila, all of them. I would so totally buy them all.
  17. Sorry Graham Master for posting a third time on this thread (may not be the last) OK so in addition to the Regult and the TV Rau, I have to second, third, fourth, or I guess, fifth the motion of a 1/48 VF-1D. I have wanted a VF-1D for a long time and the customs are too much for me. I would be soooooooo happy if Yamato would make a 1/48 VF-1D if that is an absolute no and they are going to go with the perfect transformation line of 1/60 VF-1s then I suppose I will have to wait for that but I would much prefer a 1/48 VF-1D. Thanks.
  18. Graham master flash, I forgot one more thing. I am sure that I am not alone in wanting this, even though no body has mentioned it yet (unless I skipped it by accident). "Will you please make a TV green colored Quedluun Rau"? Please? That would be nice. Of course my first question (previously in the thread) about wanting them to make a Regult is my main wish. I do recall many people wanting more zentraedi, meltraendi and any enemy figures. Thanks again master....
  19. Thank you very much Graham for this opportunity. Please ask them "will you or could you make a regult of any scale with a zentraedi warrior figure that goes inside? Sort of like the votoms figs. 1/60 may be big but it would be nice" second question from me is "will you reissue the 1/48 stealth fast packs?" Those are so cool. I am another vote for the vf-4 and would like to know "why not?" I would also like you to please thank them from me for their work. Thank you again Graham master flash.
  20. I am glad to have helped. This forum is great. I love macross world!!
  21. Here is an idea too. make a round cylindrical stand the same size as the mousepad, put a motor underneath inside with a speed control and have a rotating stand to show off the valk in 360. I would like to do that with lots of my figures too because they look cool from many angles. If they could be synced that would be cool too, a display case of spinning figures (or gently rotating figures). Hmmmmm. Too much time and money for me right now but if someone wants to try this I would love to see the results.
  22. Just realized that these mouse pads make great display bases! Got mine from Robotech.com . Also just want to reiterate that I love my vf-0a shin with booster! It is such a great piece. And for those of you who were wondering and did not already know from the other threads, I am very lucky and have one with shoulders and biceps that are intact and not cracked.
  23. Here is the second pose. More action like.
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