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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. Man, the jet mode on Animated Blitzwing looks really weak. "Here's a jet with tank treads on it."
  2. Thank you for making a video without annoying commentary. Simple, to the point, and the thumbs up was great.
  3. I'll add a couple of my pics too.
  4. I'm interested in seeing it simply because it looks very faithful to the feel of the comic. It's not going to be the comic. So I won't hold my breath for that.
  5. Exactly. I'm not going to pay $70.00 for a repaint of a $10 toy. I refuse to be a sucker.
  6. The chunky beats it simply on virtue of being perfect transformation.
  7. I was inspired today so I built Wall-E out of LEGO.
  8. I picked up Animated Starscream today. I'm pretty disappointed. There's so much "automorph" gimmickry in this figure that there's no fun in transforming it at all. Aside from pulling the legs down, it does everything else for you. The limbs are sort of floppy and he can't hold dynamic poses without the legs giving way. It also looks like complete ASS in jet mode from any other angle than directly above. I'm probably going to put it back in the box and return it to the store.
  9. It would appear to me that the boosters on the wings seem to fit right onto the little spike on the leading edge of the wing root.
  10. I will buy any new valk that isn't a repeat of previously released models. But I do love the VF-4.
  11. Yeah the fastpacks are pretty finicky about how they go on. They were such a pain in the ass about falling off when trying to put it back in fighter mode that I just gave up and put them back in the box. It looks better without them anyway.
  12. This man was an integral part of my childhood.
  13. Got mine today! Man I've waited so long for this toy. Here's some photos: If you'd like to browse the rest: http://www.flickr.com/photos/grandadmiral/...57605608846424/ My thoughts: The guns fit into the hands very nicely. The nose section can be tightened in Battroid mode so it doesn't flop around. Just give it a downward push and it'll snug into place. The thrust vectoring vanes are a little floppy. Getting the legs back into place when you transform back to jet mode is very tricky. Make sure you have clicked EVERY last little joint back in. I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what I had done wrong and realized I didn't have the knee joint clicked all the way back into place. The second time I transformed it went much more smoothly once I knew what to look for. I prefer how it looks without the FAST packs. Really pleased overall, though. No QC issues that I can see. I love this thing so much.
  14. I picked up Bulkhead and Prowl yesterday. Bulkhead is fine. Prowl has loose hip joints but is otherwise fine.
  15. Very cool. I've been looking forward to seeing these since I first saw the prototype pics several months ago. Very Microman-esque.
  16. I'm holding out for a CF 1A. I've always been drawn to the "non-hero" valks like the 1A, 1D, Superostrich and VE-1.
  17. Ordered mine from HLJ today, now I just have to wait for it.
  18. Good to know. Perhaps I will try the Sakura marker next time around.
  19. Protip: The markers work a little better if you drag them across the panel line like a paintbrush, don't press down on them like you would a pen or pencil. Keep something handy to wipe off errors. I found that if I slipped on an area and wiped it off right away, it would come off fairly easily.
  20. I bought the dark gray gundam marker to use on my valks from this store: http://www.gundamstoreandmore.com/gundammarkers2.html Pics of the results:
  21. But then, it doesn't really cost $250. It only costs close to that much because it has to be imported from Japan. The true price is about $200. Classics TC wouldn't cost $75 if it weren't coming from Japan. The true price is about $30 I'd say the YF-21 is definitely 6 times cooler than classics TC.
  22. Sometimes people buy things without educating themselves first.
  23. I was thinking about getting thundercracker, but I'm not about to pay $70 for a repaint of a $10 toy.
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