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Grand Admiral

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Everything posted by Grand Admiral

  1. It's pretty cool what you can do if you don't veg out in front of the TV every night.
  2. No sir, not around here. Line art accuracy is Serious Business.
  3. Yep, I'm glad I was wrong about them simply stuffing 2 seats into the regular cockpit. It's nice to see a company not use the cheap-ass solution.
  4. http://www.bricklink.com/ Actually there aren't a ton of star wars pieces used in these Vipers. They really use a lot of basic brick with just a few special pieces here and there. The only Star Wars specific piece in them is the canopy, which came from an X Wing set.
  5. I didn't build that one, so you'll have to go to Flickr and bug that builder for more photos.
  6. You can't have them, they're mine. The one on the left I designed as a "heavy viper" so it has lots of silly missiles and extra guns on it. This is the closest thing to instructions that I can give you. I built mine off my friend andrew's exploded view. You'll need a little bit of lego experience to build one. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=304038 Edit: Whoops, looks like J.T. beat me to it. P.S. Here's a picture of my 5 vipers lined up. http://flickr.com/photos/grandadmiral/2695...57606335930037/ You can browse through my flickr account to see individual photos. P.P.S. Here's a link to the Chieflug flickr group where you can see a whole pile of various photos of Vipers as well as the layout from Brickcon. http://flickr.com/groups/828545@N23/pool/
  7. Because the marketing department at Hasbro thought it sounded cool.
  8. Personally I think the "everyone is a cylon" theme was where the show came off the tracks. Last night's episode was so depressing and sh*tty that I'm not sure if I'm going to bother watching any further. I liked the show when it was HUMANS fighting for survival. Now, half the characters are cylons and everyone sits around crying and being depressed all the time. I'm at the point now where I don't care about any of the characters or the story anymore. And this is coming from a guy who stood up and cheered when they did the "Adama Maneuver" at New Caprica. What happened to the stories of human survival and interaction with the fleet? Gone. Now it's all I'm a Cylon, You're a Cylon, Who's a Cylon, and the Cylons are fighting amongst themselves about who's a better Cylon. FRAK THAT. I used to be a fan of the show. I used to look forward every week with anticipation. Now I'm just cynical and bitter about where they've taken it, and I feel like they've completely ruined what was once an awesome show.
  9. Hound I think is great in both modes. Although, Cyclonus, while having an excellent bot mode, seems kind of stubby and clunky in jet mode. However, the G1 toy had a fairly sleek jet mode and a clunky bot mode, I guess.
  10. The number refers to the measurement around the ribcage. It's the cup size that's important. I'd prefer a 34D to a 38A I'll probably only pick up the RVF25, because I like the modern Elint style.
  11. Wow, that's beautiful. I had the original Defensor back in the day. I don't recognize the motorcycle. What series was that originally from?
  12. I've transformed my VF-1J a couple of times. No trouble. I checked the shoulders but they seem to be fine with no evidence of problems.
  13. The pointing and laughing line forms to the right ---> Disclaimer: This is a joke. Please do not take it seriously or personally.
  14. Sympathy? No. If a Mod disagrees with me, a PM saying "knock it off" is perfectly acceptable. Publicly calling me out for it was bad form and smacks of taking sides.
  15. Is it also standard procedure to publically shame people if you disagree with them for reporting something? I reported the post yesterday morning before I'd had my morning coffee and it was my own rash, grumpy overrreaction. Since I couldn't un-report it once I had considered things a bit, here we are. I'm not going to say which post or why, because it just doesn't matter now. I apologize to everyone for anything that may have been taken as a perceived slight or personal attack or insult. I really didn't mean to directly attack anyone, even if my debate with QuinJester became impassioned, or I made vague references to "nerds", which seems to be a statement of fact to me, since we're arguing on the internet about the minutiae of toys based on an anime from 25 years ago. I've been publically shamed now, can we move on? Or do you need to point and laugh too?
  16. It could be. I could be completely wrong about all of it.
  17. I consider myself a nerd. I'm arguing on the internet about toys. I made a generalized statement about all of us being nerds. That's name-calling? Really? I actually enjoyed the debate with QuinJester yesterday. We came to a common ground. The "talking out your ass" remark is something that my friends and I say to each other when it seems like the other is BS'ing. Now we're just arguing about arguing about arguing and we've reached the NUH UH YOU DID IT FIRST stage. I'll go ahead and delete my retort above, since it serves no purpose.
  18. Oh, and sorry to accuse you of talking out your ass... usually there's about a 99% chance that someone on the internet is, in fact, talking out their ass.
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