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Everything posted by D_Unit

  1. Steins; Gate, i think it measures the effect one's actions make when traveling back in time & altering effects... greater than 1.0 is it's significant enough to keep things fron reoccuring (if i remembered the anime correctly).
  2. SDF-1 from HLJ, think it was still more than my VF-4G. yeah, tuition cost me as much as a car a couple of years ago... now my budget is seriously constrained 'cause of all the gear & software i have to buy to make money. paid $600 for an Ableton Push and just found out it won't be in for 3 months... coulda gotten some nice valks with that dough. this would be a question for the younger crowd but; does anyone here consider just stopping (or not starting) collecting so that they can use the money to pay off debt/further their carreers so that one day in the future they can buy what they want even though the prices will likely be very much inflated?
  3. D_Unit

    Vf 1a

    From the album: My Sh*t

    TV VF-1A

    © yup

  4. yeah, i took a pic and all but how do i post it? there's no "attach" button and the "image" button ands a url. edit: just figured it out
  5. my Kakizaki TV arrived. just took it out of the box and planted it on a Gundam base (fork plug gripping around the gunpod) my little newphew got me. fits good and looks clean. less than a hundred bucks shipped is a great deal... wished i'd bought me a wall of VF-1's when they were on the cheap @ HLJ.
  6. D_Unit


    my vf-11c is still the same color and it's one of my most favorite yammies. by all means get one if you can find a price you're comfortable with.
  7. i ordered a VF-19P and that'll be all 4 me. irony always happens when i spend money without thinking so if this adds to the odds of Arcadia coming back full steam with a flood of Macross relealeses on clearance prices then so be it... though it'll more likely be that i'll recieve a flattened box of crushed plastic in the mail in a week or so. i know life is awesome no matter what... but Yammies are like the sunshine and fresh air to me.
  8. yup... ergo the question mark. i'm glad i got him (or any Yammie i can afford to get right now). maybe one day i'll make the big bucks and buy out everything i see on eBay... but it's time for me to bid a sad farewell to Yamato (if indeed they're done for good). it's been awesome being able to own their products and to show them off to my friends (especially the non-collectors). i'm not sure if it's any better to be taken out during your prime (like Yamato) or to be what i'm seeing outta the mass-retail Transformers line right now... sooooo... bleh.
  9. just bought the TV (least wanted of all time?) version... no panic... no reason. really groggy & sleepy from lack of rest........... maybe i'll wake up in the morning and go "WTF!?!"... that or there won't be a tomorrow as the world will end as we know it.
  10. initially, i was going to get 2 armor packs but then i saw that the current one comes with EX-color-matched wings and then the light bulb on my head went on... like oh yeah, guess they'll release ones with wings colored matched to the CF version.
  11. have no idea how to post a pic up here but i got mine this morning EMS from NY. did't have to pay any tax/duty because they always put a rediculously low price on their packages (though i only got dinged once from HJL this year). definitely my favorite Macross figure of the year, hope they'll make repaints so i'll have an excuse to get another one.
  12. just got mine sal-reg-shipped from amiami. appart form the usual minor paint annoyances, everything seems to be there. there was a yellow slip of paper this time around thanking me for my purchase but stating in bold letters that only the manufatuer is resonsible for product defects. amiami used to send missing/broken parts to me directly but i guess i'd better be really careful (and lucky) form now on.
  13. thanks... guess i'll pay now. it's literally "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!" tonight.
  14. err...... i just got one from AE, so do i pay them like RIGHT NOW (like usual) or do i have the 48 hours to pay them? god, i hope this wasn't a stupid question..........
  15. Will there be future re-stocks of this SDF-1 or is this the one-and-only run? I noticed that all the sold-out sites don't indicate re-stocking.
  16. Yup, had to pay $30 to the FedEx dude for my delivered VF-11C here in Vancouver. The bill stated that the toy was 13,651Y... yes those mofo's charged me tax and duty on the total cost (toy + shipping). What's worse is that tax (12%) on $149 (CDN converted on the toy price only) should only be $18. With EMS, Canada Post only does random checks of items over say $100-$150 CDN (1 out of 10 times). Meaning I had a 10% chance of paying $18 via EMS vs. 100% chance of paying $30 via FedEx. Ironically, I was to save $18 in 50% off FedEx over EMS. But I ended up paying $12 more ($30-$18) in the end. I did stand a 10% chance of paying $6 ($18-$12) more via EMS had I been the unlucky recipient of a duty check by Canada Post, but I would have gladly taken the 10-to-1 odds for $6 to save $12. Sorry if that was confusing... but the just of all is that was I will never-ever use FedEx or UPS again!!! Hey, I'd gladly make the 2 hr drive if it means saving some $$$.
  17. I'd rather they had 50% off EMS instead. Every time I use FedEx, I get charged duty and tax for it here in Canada (except when the product is super cheap of course). FedEx Canada seems to have their own customs papers and they fill them out all the time unlike Canada Post (which handles our EMS). I only get dinged 1 out of 10 times with EMS. The worst is the fact that FedEx always seems to have a higher price on the product shipped (like WTF???)... ergo making the charges even more. Anyways, I least I got my valk on sale and 50% off shipping.
  18. OMG, I was just about to head out with my friends when I read this. I didn't notice the Yamato sale at all (it was just a little link on their site). Got my drunk little fingers straight enough to place my orders though. This is totally insane (especially with the FedEx shipping)!!!
  19. Has anyone purchased a clearance Macross item from Over-Drive recently? Their clearance products description includes the following: "As this item is part of our in stock item clearance sale we will be giving away extras items such as the Macross Frontier Ichibankuji Mecha Set as well as many more items free with each purchase. Don't miss this chance to get the item you wanted at discounted prices! Note offer is valid while supplies last." Did anyone get these extras and what where they?
  20. Holy cow! I got on it when it first came out for $180+$40 shipping (and that's when the yen was pretty low). Guess I shouda looked at the MSRP on the guy. Funny thing is, all the headsup correction info I'm getting about Yamato is making me like them less and less. Perhaps I should stay ignorant and just be happy with buying Yammies when they go on clearance.
  21. I'm going to wait and pray for a clearance sale. Hopefully the 1/3000 isn't going to be a limited run... or be sold out completely.
  22. Huh? Add-on packs like TFA Samurai Prowl/Wingblade Ops/Hydro BB are cool ideas. Armor packs for the VF-0/VF-11 and a speaker getup for the new VF-19 would be great. I think that'll help increase figure sales too.
  23. 1) Wouldn't it be great if there were? Think outta the box I'd say (at least the arm clips fit). 2) What!?! Well, that's a fail. I noticed that the MSRP on the new YF-21 is 18,800Y. I like Yamato's recession sales tactics; give the consumers less but charge them just as much. It's so crazy it might just work. Ah well, at least the VF-22S & VF-19's are clearanced for $120 now.
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