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Posts posted by briscojr84

  1. Sadly those weapons are not used in the anime. Also we have to consider the Auerstadt as something more than just a submarine aircraft carrier. Following russian philosophy for naval aviation plataforms it may be armed with significant anti-ship weapons and maybe some anti-air, like the Kiev and Kuznetzov, wich are considered heavy aviation cruisers instead of carriers. My guess would be VLS tubes for cruise missiles and sea-skimmers and some torpedo tubes, also we have to consider if the octos were launched from the ship.

    I have a feeling the Octos probably were [unless there were other AUN vessels shown?], man is that the only exterior image of the Auerstadt.

  2. Thank you all mateys, for your kind words and appreciation. Sketchley made me see the agreement thing on a different level, thanks man.

    To answer Knight26: As you know I was working on the VF-0 too, but I halted it to focus on getting my history degree and to work on the DYRL mod for HomeWorld 2, but I will resume work on it soon. The escort destroyers are almost done, I recently finished a 5" gun for the burkes, the non stealth version used by the flight 1. To make the model final I need a good photoshop tutorial and a game engine to run it ;)

    Concerning the Auerstadt. My first intention was to make an Sv-51 and the sub-carrier, I have the greatest admiration for Sukhoi aircraft and russian subs, also it will be easer to complete it as a pack, since there are only 2 vehicles to model and we get a very good lineart from the anime itself, but I fell in love with the Asuka and got carried away ;)

    I promess I wil make an Auerstadt model, all I need to know is it´s real size and maybe what kind of conventional weapons it carries and where exactly, if not we can give it typhoon weapons ;)

    I haven't seen all of M0 yet, maybe someone has pics of it using it's forward and aft weapon systems, a screen cap hopefully, that is if it actually used them in the show.

  3. I have the idea I am seen as the anti-compemdium guy everyones hates, because no one has commented my "possitive" non conflicting findings-statements on the Asuka, like the amphibious launch bay and the sea sparrow, those things are in the anime and not in the compendium.

    I think we have to realize that most macross fans are not as hardcore as we are and maybe the information released by the creators to the public aims at the majority that does not want to know wich brand of lipstick Claudia La Salle uses ;)

    My point is: if something is not stated by the creators in the macross compendium it does not mean it does not exists and for the last time I am not against the compendium, it just does not have all of the answers.

    You are doing a good job man, let's see some more stuff, maybe a CG'ed Auerstadt.

  4. exactly

    I think part of the problem with the Macross cannon is that everbody originally jumped to the conclusion that those were NV's rather than new built, unless there is a source somewhere says those are NV's.

    I'll admit when I first saw the ship I thought to myself that they had attached four of them, but on retrospect I think it may be all newly built vessel.


  5. I was just wondering if you anybody has high quality scans of mecha, armor, weapons equipment, characters from Southern Cross And MOSPEADA, I'm going to be adding these sections back to my page, and while I've been scrounging images from the RPG books and the Robotech volumes I'm not really happy about the quality.

    I'd be especially grateful if anyone has high quality scans of the various Southern Cross armors and Robots, especially if they have the rank distinction pictures.

    Thanks for any help.

  6. Heh!!! Thanks very much for the compliment, Zinjo. I'm glad you like it.Well, keep in mind, Brisco, that I'm looking at all these VFs from the POV of a Macross RPG I'm gonna run. It'll be a little bit different than canon Macross, in that it will incorporate elements from both "Kawamori" continuity and Macross II continuity.Oh, it's OK, I know I'm clashing with the compendium. Again, for the purposes of my RPG, I'm unifying the lettering system for all VFs, based on that used in SDFM: A = general-issue (1 head gun), D = two-seater (0 or 2 guns), J = junior officer (2 guns), S = squadron leader (3 or 4 guns).Thank you. I really appreciate it. :)

    Oh, and while I'm here: Battroid-mode Super Nightmares! B))

    Ah, okay, those look really good to.

  7. Uhm, are you guys still talking about the VF-17

    If so the -17D is the same model that Gamlin piloted, the -17T is the trainer model that has two seats. And I don't think there is a -17B model, let me check the compendium.

    Here - VF-17A: First mass produced version.

    VF-17C: Version with improved avionics.

    VF-17D: Mass produced version currently in UN Spacy service. Two head-turret-mounted rear anti-aircraft laser guns and improved FF-2100X engines.

    VF-17S: Version assigned to team leaders. Four head-turret-mounted rear anti-aircraft laser guns and improved engines.

    VF-17T: Two-seater trainer version.

    VF-17T Custom: One VF-17T was customized by the Macross 7 Special Technologies Group with internal sound system and speaker launcher pod.

    Great looking art by the way Grebo.

  8. Okay everybody the beginning of the new format is up, although I still need to fix some of the new files I just did as well since I changed it again in the middle, sorry about that, when I get all of the files updated the Task Bars will be revamped and fully functional, I'll be adding Mekton Zeta Stats courtesy of Cruel Angel's Thesis, as well as revamped Palladium stats and D20 stats, I'm also getting help from a couple of other corners on some things but I want to leave that a secret for now.

    All of the files are being stripped to their bare bones for the time being, please have patience and enjoy the new format.

    Thank you for your patience

  9. Agreed that it is tough to say either way. The circles I am involved with (read: hate munchkins in RPGs) generally agree that there is equipment, not missiles, in between the missile launchers and their magazines. Also, the launchers themselves should take up some space - at the very least, allowing for only 2 additional missiles (3+2=5 total), if no other equipment is in the FAST packs.

    That said, FAST = Fuel And Sensor Tactical Packs. We know the Macross FAST packs have a rocket nozelle, fuel, and (sometimes, not always,) internally carried missiles. What about the sensor aspects of them? IMHO, that is what some of the equipment is that's in between the missile launchers and their magazines...

    The sensor part could be referring to just the VE-1 packs though, of course there is probably an onboard computer that links with the VF-1's systems.

  10. Hey all,

    As an RPGer, I am often frustrated by the lack of hard numbers in some VFs' stats. We know, for instance, how many missiles (full-size, mini-, and micro-, plus grenades) the Armored Valkyrie carries. Same with the Destroids, and several other mecha. However, there are many for which I have no idea.

    The VF-17 has four Micromissile launch bays (2 on each shoulder), but how many missiles does each shoulder hold?

    The UMM-7 Micromissile pod, which can be found loaded under the wings of Super/Strike Valkyries, has an array of 5 missiles visible... but is there a second volley of 5 in that box? Is there also a third?

    The YF-21 has four Micromissile launch bays on its top/back, but how many missiles total does it hold? And then there's the VF-22S; it has additional Micromissile launchers, IIRC. I'm thinking of reviewing my Macross Plus DVDs and actually COUNTING how many missiles the YF-21 spews out in various scenes. This would at least give me a ballpark...

    Anyone have an answers, opinions, or ideas?



    I remember seeing a cutaway of the UMM-7 somewhere and it had either one or two more reloads for it, and there are a couple of pics of the YF-21 half-way apart with missiles being loaded into it's launchers, I'll see if I can find the UMM-7 pics and I know that the YF-21 pic is in one of my MPLUS books but they are at home, I'll track it down and let you know.

  11. Thanks for the images grapetang.

    I'm going to be using the designs for a D20 future campaign, oh yeah does anybody remember if the Force Does anything more than these things -

    Shooting of course

    Electrical Discharge




    Yeah the first couple of seasons were good, and it did kinda go down hill, but I'm rather dogged when I start watching a show.

    And I about dropped my food on the floor the first time someone used the words light-second.

  12. I've already thought of that and it's not a concern. If I comes down to hiring someone, I can provide any given translator with a fan bible to aid any potential translation, detailing Macross terms and their context.

    Sources of Macross information in rpg game format with fan conjecture is precisely what I'm trying to avoid (as per my original post in this thread). I have no way of distinguishing between what's canon and what isn't. Right now, the Macross Compendium is the only reasonably accurate benchmark I can find and I need similar sources of information. I'm sorry for your past problems with other fans, but they really are your problems and if you're unwilling to help with future translations there's not much that I can do about it.

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I've got a ton of the pages from the various books scanned in at 600 dpi, if you can give me a book and a page number I can send you scans.

  13. If you're talking about the GR Andromeda, I know from my brief time as a fan during season one-two-ish there were a set of fantastic tiff files for the ship. They contained awesome five-views of the Andromeda in really high resolution.

    Sadly the show crashed early season two, so I jumped ship and ended up deleting all my Andromeda fan stuff from my hard drive.

    But they should still be online somewhere.

    Thanks Mr. March, I'll have to do a search for tiff files then.

    The really major thing I was looking for was pics of the Collapsing energy lance or whatever it was called.

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