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Posts posted by briscojr84

  1. Is it just me or did all the other threads in here vanish?

    I'm getting caught up on a grading backlog, then I'll be back into the website stuff.


    If they don't have any activity for awhile they drop off but if you tell the thing show them it will.

    Grading? What exactly do you do for a living, I don't think I've ever asked?

  2. Not a problem man, not a problem, I've been kinda redoing things a bit myself here so, and rescanning and editing things and working on a timeline and glossary, so I've been kinda busy myself.

  3. Okay everybody is probably tired of me changing things around so much but this change won't accure for quite awhile, I've decided since I'm adding other anime to change the name of the page and the navigation slightly, the main index page will have the following image and a link to the different anime sections don't worry the TDB will still be the largest part of the site.

    Duh *smacks self in head*, almost forgot, I'll also be calling the site AMASS now, standing for anime mecha and ship systems.

    Enjoy and MOTG and DITTS thanks you for your patients.


  4. For crying out loud settle down, trying to debunk it only draws more attention to it, don't act like some of the Robotech fans who rabidly hate macross, and be a macross fan that rabidly hates Robotech, act the better person.


    You're misintrepreting me. I am not a rabid Macross fan who hates Robotech. I hate the RRG and their bullshit which people are constantly trying to pass off as reliable information. There are Robotech DVDs sitting next to my Macross DVDs, I have all of the Robotech novels, and a lot of the comics, and Robotech and Macross toys, blah blah. I take anything I can get, under either name.

    I just hate the RRG, and this goes back 10 years or more with Peter Walker's poo on the Robotech Mailing List. They make things up and people treat them like facts. It's got nothing to do with Robotech and everything to do with accuracy. Everyone calls the Sherfield (or Shrewfield) or however you want to romanize that in Southern Cross the Sylphid, which is totally wrong when you look at the kana. And they completely fabricate names (like Tou Salaam and Nous'dohl) and people use them. They can't even get Robotech right, when the go around referring to the Garland as Garland instead of MODAT 5, and then they use pre-production Megazone as imaginary variations and all this other crap.

    I don't hate Robotech, I hate the misinformation the RRG spreads about both it and its source material. Fans in the know spend a lot of their time explaining to less informed fans that the RRG is wrong and just fanfic.


    Okay Peter can be a total wanker sometimes I think even Rob's said he gets a little rabid sometimes, but the site does say Unofficial, if somebody misinterprets it as actually canon that is there own fault, heck if it wasn't for Rob's help my page wouldn't have existed in the first place, he's even mailed photocopies of stuff to me, don't blame the page just because Peter acts the jerk.

    And there are a lot of Macross fans who make up information out there as well that confuse fans just as much as the URRG does, part of the problem is people taking everything as the word of god whether it is or not, most sites really need to stress the fact that alot of there information isn't canon, I've tried to stress that as much as possible myself, and I've even gone back to the shows and artbooks freeze framing things and taking a frigging fabric tape measure to recheck dimensions and make it accurate as possible.

    The major problem is people being to lazy to verify info.

  5. The reason RRG needs debunking is because everyone, especially Robotech fans, think it's some kind of official source and insist on using their bullshit, completely imaginary names, like Tou Salaam. That irritates me to to no end.


    For crying out loud settle down, trying to debunk it only draws more attention to it, don't act like some of the Robotech fans who rabidly hate macross, and be a macross fan that rabidly hates Robotech, act the better person.

  6. I submit that only one detailed, Macross type, Supervision Army Gunboat design exists on paper.  The blocky one seen in the first episode should be considered the TV series version.

    However, various details on the damaged ship may show that a beefed up variant of the Alien Star Ship-1 exists.  The engines are wider but do not seem to be rotated ninety degrees.  There is an extended structure with long antennas between the engines.  There is a detached piece which can't be seen in the underside drawing.

    The model, if it is one, chooses to fuse the cannons, as well as the engines.

    This proves that the Tou Salaam reconstruction is inaccurate.


    The Tou Salaam is a theoretical design put out by the URRG and is not canon by no means, it was just a way to explain the second ASS. it was never meant to be anything but a fan based item.

    So really there is no reason to debunk it.

  7. Finally got my copy in the mail today, very nice, even a few tidbits for the VF-1 that I didn't have images of before.


    Lucky bastage... ;)

    Still waiting for mine...


    Possibly it took them six days though just to get it shipped out, so all together it took almost a month to get, you'll enjoy it though, especially the cover which is actually metallic, although I might have been the only one that couldn't tell that from the pictures.

  8. Although I've only seen the first episode non-dubbed I've been saving up my pennies, both the mecha and character art wowed me especially the character art this time it was highly detailed.


    Don't expect anything on the caliber of Macross Plus or even Zero and just enjoy the characters and their interactions. With that in mind you'll be fine... :p


    Oops, actually I meant I only saw the first ep of zero non-subbed, I already have all of 7, including movie, plus episodes, and dynamite. [And that's all I'm going to say about it].

  9. I still say that Shin and Sara settled down on some remote planet somewhere, possibly and old Protoculture colony, and started having babies, and one *shudders* was Nekki Basara.


    now, if THAT isn't an argument for birth control...


    Oh lord don't start the Macross 7 stuff please.

    Although I've only seen the first episode non-dubbed I've been saving up my pennies, both the mecha and character art wowed me especially the character art this time it was highly detailed.

  10. The Star Goose on several occasions. The booster???? I think only in "Viva Maria", episode 30.


    Thanks... any screen caps (of the booster)? I believe I've seen one before but I'm unable to locate it now.



    Here's some that I grabbed for my page while tediously watching the series on slo-mo.


  11. I've tried the upload while everybodies destracted thing, some dufus usually calls and disconnects the line.

    I'll probably just do it on friday nights when I'm here by myself till 1 in the morning pulling my hair out in boredom.

    Well, finding time to do it at work is the sort of thing that comes during any little lull. You just leave the PC running in the background with your site software open, and you can set your FTP program to keep the connection alive for a few hours before disconnecting. I remember a friend of mine who owned a comic shop used to update her store's website during every sunday card tournament, while everyone else was occupied.

    Not quite finished with the banners yet, since Photoshop likes to have 512MB or more of memory all to itself, and my temporary computer only has 512MB total, shared with the OS and video card. Of course that changes Friday.


  12. Well if you've already uploaded most of your images then there's really not a lot in the way of transfer to actually do over FTP. Your average HTML page only runs about 20-30kb. So dialup and AOL shouldn't really be that big of a problem, unless you're usnig the AOL browser as your FTP client. (If you are, try SmartFTP instead, it connects faster). My own site goes back on regular updates on Saturday, when the upgraded towers get out here.


    The only problem is finding a time to do it at work, I can work on the page but it's hard to find a time to upload, and the connection speed blows badly it's only around 33 or so.

    But I'll try to keep it updated, glad to hear your tower is coming this soon, do you have a link banner for your site yet.

  13. Well, it's coming, albeit slowly. We're still waiting for some equipment to arrive, and still in the process of designing some of the graphics that'll be used in the final versions of the site. That and we're mapping out a plan to eventually convert the entire site to PHP instead of HTML. Graphics is a slow department because we tried to let one of our better artists integrate him PowerMac G5 into the network, and it encountered all manner of unpleasant difficulties.


    Well it would seem that Life intends to throw another bag of caltrops in my path, this coming tuesdays update may be the last for awhile till I find a room mate, since my current one has told me he nis moving out on the first of april, I'll still have a connection at work but it's AOL and phone line.

  14. Thats great, I appreciate that a whole bunch.

    Hows your guys site coming.

    This we can help you with. I can walk you through framesets, iframes, CSS and a few other useful gimmicks.


  15. Dumped the buttons and what not, hopefully that won't be a problem anymore, also a bit of an update for anyone who cares, new format for pages since I got rid of the buttons, easier format, the only indexes available at the moment are Zolan and AUN.

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