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Posts posted by briscojr84

  1. Haha I love the new frontpage(especially "A ship full of idiots" :lol: ). It looks a lot better and cleaner now. Although I think the "United Nations Spacy QTDB" button could use the same treatment but thats just me. Keep up the good work!

    BTW I keep getting a "404 not found" in your VF-0A/B/D/S sections. Just thought you should know.


    Thanks FG, well since QMTDB is the flagship page for the site I'm hoping to get a better banner for it soon.

    Thanks for letting me know about the VF-0 thing as well, I'll have to see what is up with that since before I load onto the internet it works fine, oh well.

    Still waiting in anticipation to see your stuff.

  2. Well new index page is up, new UN Spacy index page is up, glossary is up, bib page, updates, yada yada, other stuff up.

    Last of the updates for now, although now I realize I forgot to fix the links to the other Macross databases so only UN Stuff is currently available, I'll try and fix this asap.

  3. Yeah, fun times.


    Hows things going on your end this week.

    Hopefully after 10 tonight I can get some more stuff uploaded.

    Oops, almost forgot finally was able to pick up MacII DVD and MacPlus Movie Ed DVD, I haven't seen the movie version of Plus yet and I've only had an old VHS of II.

  4. Well you've been busy.

    I got a rank-and-file Gigamesh art of Luis's ready to go up on mine. I'm hoping to have something up Tuesday, if all goes well. It shouldn't be too hard, now that our problems with the Java Runtime Environment are solved.

    The first items up are going to be the main index and the squadron/RPG mecha pages. There will be a separate set of mecha pages for the galleries as well.


    Sounds great, can't wait to see it.

    As for me I'd have more up but people keep calling while I'm trying to upload, for some reason we have call waiting but not long distance *sigh*.

  5. Wheeeee, an actual update, full metal panic page updated.

    Over the next couple of days there will quite a few updates, mostly to non-macross stuff but a bunch of UN spacy aircraft files will be updated, glossary and timeline pages will be added, new index page, and pretty much some file shuffling.

    Enjoy if there are any problems let me know.

  6. Photoshop is workin fine now. The problem is the surface of this ancient desk (made in the 1940's) is uneven, and as such the monitor stand won't sit properly, so I have to prop one end of it up with some folded papers to get it to stop shaking when I type.


    That's good to here. Well as long as that works and fixes the problem.

    Any ETA yet.

  7. lol... I'm still working out here, PR work is the pits, especially when you're trying to put a favorable spin on the decisions of a bunch of elderly businessmen who have less common sense than my eleven year old brother.

    Website updates comin soon, I just got to make Photoshop cooperate with me, and my monitor stop wobbling when I type.


    That's the way it always is, the money holder's start the businesses and then stick some poor underpaid schmoe to fix things and keep it running properly.

    Wobbly monitor, is the whole thing wobbling or just the screen.

  8. Whoa, sounds like he should be doing his own mecha show.


    He's nothing if not inventive.


    Gee Seto I never knew you thought so highly of me. And here I thought I was just a pawn in you game, :p Just kidding. To add some relevence to the topic I must say briscojr84 your website never dissapoints. Keep it up! :)


    Thanks FG, I'm looking forward to seeing your art here soon, Seto is very lucky to have you.


    Thanks. Now back to work! More updates less chit chat! :p:lol: Just kidding. :)


    :p Well maybe here soon, I've been reading alot and working on my D&D and D20 stuff alot.

  9. Whoa, sounds like he should be doing his own mecha show.


    He's nothing if not inventive.


    Gee Seto I never knew you thought so highly of me. And here I thought I was just a pawn in you game, :p Just kidding. To add some relevence to the topic I must say briscojr84 your website never dissapoints. Keep it up! :)


    Thanks FG, I'm looking forward to seeing your art here soon, Seto is very lucky to have you.

  10. Whoa, sounds like he should be doing his own mecha show.


    He's nothing if not inventive.


    At least things seem to be going well in your art department, hows the grading going.

  11. Now that definately sounds interesting. Can't wait to see it.


    Yeah, it's a real interesting piece of work. Started it's life as a VF-2SS Valkyrie II, and Luis's crazed mechanical mind fitted it with a new head unit similar in design to the original VE-1 ELINT Seeker, stripped out the portable firearms in order to fit an updated version of the VE-1's sensor FAST packs and Radome, and changed the optical sensors in the head around a little.


    Whoa, sounds like he should be doing his own mecha show.

  12. Heh, while I've been busy, Luis turned up an original design specifically for use in the Macross II RPG that we run on my site. A new version of the VF-2SS Valkyrie II, built with Electronic Intelligence and Electronic Warfare in mind, just like the VE-1 ELINT Seeker from DYRL. The conjectural name is the VE-2IS ELINT Cipher at the moment, we might change it later.


    Now that definately sounds interesting. Can't wait to see it.

  13. Ouch, we tried doing LAN parties here a couple of times, I swear I think those parents spent more on their kids computers than I do on grocieries for a year.


    That wouldn't be difficult, I've built custom machines to specifications given to me by clients that I would say would retail for around $13,000.00 USD. Of course me being a somewhat more savvy shopper than most, I can beat the retail average by a good $4,000.00 on a machine like that. It's all in knowing where to look for the parts you want. My first custom-built machine that I did for myself cost me exactly $200, and it outperformed computers that cost ten to twenty times that much.

    Every couple months the local anime & gaming society rents the fieldhouse at the local university for one of the state's largest LAN gaming sessions, some 400 people usually participate. That's why that guy needed an emergency fix, he was a major contender.

    Now that the horror of my final grading nightmare is upon me (see also, EXAM WEEK), I have a few days to grade several hundred exams, and yet I still find a little time to work on the site. Maybe I'll have something Thursday.


    Well don't let the grading get to you to much, make sure to take plenty of breaks, that is right most colleges will be out for the summer soon.

  14. Well my estimate was smashed to all hell. Had a guy come to me for emergency repair on his PC. There's some huge LAN party going on tomorrow, and he needed not one, not two, but FOUR working GeForce 7900 GTX 512 video cards installed as an upgrade to his machine. The money was great, but it took me a while to get all four properly linked and configured. He's running Doom 3 at 2560x1600 at around 120fps right now, so I think he's satisfied with my work.

    So I'm once more behind schedule, but I've got a really light work schedule every day this week except Wednesday, so I'm not too worried.


    Ouch, we tried doing LAN parties here a couple of times, I swear I think those parents spent more on their kids computers than I do on grocieries for a year.

  15. Dude, wrong thing to say to me. I'm a M:tG player myself, and have been since the game first came out. Not to mention that my hygene is excellent, as is the hygene of many other M:tG players that I know. I frequent many game shops and never once have I experienced any kind of unpleasant odor. Some of the local gaming shops happen to be among my best customers too. I myself regularly compete in some of the local tournaments.

    I wasn't trying to insult all magic players [i played it as well myself for awhile] it may just be the ones in Ohio but every store I've gone to in Ohio that has had magic players [although I've run into the same phenomenon with RPG'ers as well but not as heavily] present has stunk to high heaven [and I've been in the same stores sans magic players], probably just Ohio though, I think about 75% of ohio doesn't understand soap.

    I happen to be currently residing in Michigan, but that may or may not be subject to change without notice. I go where the money takes me, and thus far it seems to be prompting me to stay put. Of course that could change soon, since the governor is an incompotent baboon and the state's economy is sinking faster than the Edmund Fitzgerald.

    Sounds like Ohio, only it's been down hill for awhile now. And if you see a guy named Jake Lutine who wears glasses and has a pierced lip, run.

    eBay, now there's a great way to lose lots of money quickly. I avoid them whenever possible, because there's been a lot of fraud and misrepresentation going on over there. Also, Tokyo ain't all it's cracked up to be, I've been there a few times now and I must say it's really a foriegn country... they do things exactly the same there.

    I hate it personally, but my boss is being a jerk and won't give me a raise so it's about one of the only ways to get extra money.

    As for Tokyo, eh, it's easier to get art books there than here and I wouldn't have to pay shipping costs.

    I'm about eight hours from having a presentable version of the web interface for my site working, though I'm hoping to find something better in the way of a texture to use for it. Right now it's a kind of flat, unpolished gunmetal texture right now, and it's really annoying me. I'm going to try for something a little more visually appealing and sci-fi-ish. Gonna try for something like enameled metal and glass, or maybe a somewhat more black plastic-like design. I'm going for a three-frame console look, so hopefully it'll turn out the way I want it to.


    Enameled metal and glass sounds good, hopefully you can get it to where you like it.

  16. Well, I'm not that terribly far, not quite in Ohio, but close enough for the drive to be do-able if I'm willing to spend three hours in the car. There's lots of Macross fans out here, thankfully. So I have no shortage of people to get things done, it's just the small matter of keeping them on task. I've discovered it to be something akin to herding squirrels.

    At least squirrels smell better than magic players; word of advice don't go to a gaming shop during a magic tournament, although yu-gi-oh kids are pretty darn close, to being as energetic as squirrels. What state are you in?

    Time, energy and resources? Actually if you think what I spend in terms of time on my site is excessive NOW, wait till you see how it starts becoming in the next month or so, when my number of obligations drops by one enormous load. I'll have enough idle hands around to really make a dent in the project. As for energy, I work myself to death at my job, and enjoy every last instant of it. Sort of like a hobby people give me obscene amounts of money for. This is just something I do with my free time. Resources? Well, all I've got is a bunch of overenthusiastic and overly hormonal fans who want to do something for the cause.

    Same thing here for the hobby for a job thing, well except for the obscene amounts of money that is.

    Images... well, I'm pretty much set for images right now, Luis is doing a number on the huge mecha wishlist that we had on an almost hourly basis, and we've got a mess of stuff left to get together. I think we're pushing something like 1.6GB in resources. I hope to have some of it up by tomorrow morning, at the latest.


    Thats cool, but if you do let me know anyway, I'm hoping once our e-bay thing gets off the ground I can start bidding on some more books, and maybe next time my bosses wife who is from taiwan can be convinced to stay in tokyo for more than a layover and do some snooping for me.

  17. Actually Valkyrie is sometimes used as an all encompassing word just like band aid and q-tip.

    Just because Valkyrie IS sometimes used as an all encompassing word doesn't make it correct. Furthermore, since when have the words band-aid and q-tip been used to encompass anything else? A band aid is just a band aid. A q-tip is just a q-tip. A VF-1 Valkyrie is just a VF-1 Valkyrie; everything else is a variable fighter...


    Actually Q-tip and Band Aid are both brand names, most other companies call them cotton swabs, same thing with scotch tape.

    But how often do you hear people say cotton swab instead of Q-tip or adhesive strips instead of scotch tape?

  18. Not quite as busy as you are, mainly because I'm stuck at the comic shop doing ordering and stocking for it and the karate school that my boss also owns, plus running tournaments and keeping pulls updated plus I'm here anywhere from 12-15 hours a day and only have about a day and a half off every week, although I'm going to start doing the flea market thing once a weekend per month here soon, and plus I'm starting to sell some stuff on e-bay, pain in the but that it is.

    Plus I have two kids job shadowing me this week.

    Oh and running two RPG's on thursday and sunday one at the store the other at home.


    Sounds like you keep almost as busy as I do.

    Today's my last official day of grading papers, then I'm free for the next four months, to pursue my goal of simply taking my mind off the hook for a while. I figure if the world wants to get in touch with me badly enough, it'll call back. :rolleyes: At least that means not only a four-day weekend, but also the final testing of the new version of my site, and the implementation of the new interface for it.

    Bugtesting and validation is a cast-iron bitch at the moment, I'm not taking Dreamweaver 8's word for it and I'm double checking each page using IE6, IE7, NS7, NS8, FF1.5, and OP7. That's a consistant enough mix that if the page loads in all of them, pretty much anything running Windows, MacOS, Linux or Unix should be able to interpret it just fine. So you'll be keeping your text link to my site for a while until I can finish checking it in every browser.


    Unfortunately it would seem so, thankfully we dropped our monday thru wednesday hours from 10 am to 11 pm to 10 am to 10 pm, so I can actually eat something besides fast food before I go to bed.

    I wish there wer some Macross fans in the Mansfield ohio area, then I could get some help with my page, mainly just to help maintain the place, oh well.

    But I digress, I wish I had the time and energy and resources to do what you are doing with your site.

    Let me know if you need anymore images.

  19. Grading? What exactly do you do for a living, I don't think I've ever asked?

    Mainly, I'm running a website design and custom application development studio with some good friends of mine. It pays pretty well, but it's mostly designing websites for small businesses and doing repairs and maintenace for the few larger companies around. We also do pretty good business as makers of custom, high performance gaming computers, and doing computer repair, but those jobs are again, mostly for small businesses, and the occasional independent customer. So since the hours aren't long, I usually end up picking up a "hobby" to keep myself occupied.

    Recently I've done a bit of public relations work for a major American automaker in my free time. Also, once or twice a year I get called in by the local orchestra and their affiliate performing arts groups to either pull a shift as stage crew chief or as either a Bass Trombone, Baritone, or 2nd Trombone. It also happens that every so often I end up either substituting for, or helping a professor at the local university's computer science department teach a class or two. It's that last one that's generated all the papers to grade. The semester's ending in three days and I've got a massive backlog of programs to grade for a Java Obeject Oriented Programming class.

    What about you?


    Not quite as busy as you are, mainly because I'm stuck at the comic shop doing ordering and stocking for it and the karate school that my boss also owns, plus running tournaments and keeping pulls updated plus I'm here anywhere from 12-15 hours a day and only have about a day and a half off every week, although I'm going to start doing the flea market thing once a weekend per month here soon, and plus I'm starting to sell some stuff on e-bay, pain in the but that it is.

    Plus I have two kids job shadowing me this week.

    Oh and running two RPG's on thursday and sunday one at the store the other at home.

    Other than that it's pretty much, go home eat dinner, read a book or watch some anime for an hour and a half or so and then go to bed.

    Oh and also answering the phone and taking messages about the stupid film my boss is making.

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