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Everything posted by DARTHTODD

  1. Couple things: first of all keep in mind that some of the unanswered stuff MAY be answered in the TV series. I know the series won't have any main characters but there's a good chance that the rebellion, etc will be discussed. Secondly, the clones age twice as fast as normal humans so these clones will be too old to fight by the time A New Hope comes around. Lucas has recently stated that stormtroopers are a mix of clones (created from other less expensive, less capable subjects) and conscripts. Third, I personally feel that the acting in Sith was pretty damn good. As good as you'll get from a SW movie at least. There were only a couple times when I cringed a bit and even those scenes were meant to be over the top (IMO). This is a great movie IMO. Sure, you can nitpick this or that like you can on any movie. I feel very good about how it all ended, Lucas nailed this one.
  2. Loved it, loved it, loved it. It was so nice to have such high hopes for a movie and not be let down. The force is strong with this one.
  3. wife commits suicide, they bury her. Blooms daddy comes home, does the whole "I am your father bit" and asks him to come with him to Jerusalum. Priest tells Bloom's character something very nasty that pisses Bloom's character off enough to spear him and toss him into a flaming pit. Thanks for the help! I kind of figured that was what happened but wasn't for sure....thx again!!!
  4. Hey, just saw Kingdom of Heaven and I liked it. Very good movie....not great. SPOILER: My question is this: I was late and missed the first couple minutes.....can anyone fill me in up to the point where Bloom's character killed that man in the beginning just before meeting Liam Neeson?
  5. Master Replicas has/is releasing smaller version of their lightsabers for around $30. They're not full scale but very detailed still though.
  6. Yes, it is. Another instance of tying it all together.
  7. When Obi-Wan jumps out of the sliding starfighter I almost lost it! That is one of the coolest special effects I have ever seen. I'm sorry, but I don't think there's anyway I cannot like this movie. Everything so far has been pure gold.
  8. Wow......wow. I won't need viagra for months! Ummnn....I don't really need it now but you catch the drift of my excitement!
  9. Ok, you've been warned, there are some major spoilers in this. This review has got me really excited for the film. I know Kevin Smith may be slanted somewhat in his view of SW since he's a big fan and possibly involved with the TV show but you've gotta admit that he's usually very honest and blunt. His review is great, I can't friekin wait! Here it is: Episode III review
  10. Saw the movie last night. It sure was unique....very beautiful artistic style. I gotta be honest though, to me it seemed long winded and a little too depressing/gory. I think if the movie was 1 1/2 hrs long it would've been much more enjoyable. After a while the gore and over the top acting (which was done well and totally fit the movie I must say) just seemed to get to me. That's my two cents.
  11. I agree with Graham, I like the prequels a lot better after viewing them multiple times. I was left with a disappointed feeling after seeing TPM 3 times the first day. After giving it some time though and watching it again and again, I really began to like Qui-Gon, the fight scenes, the podrace, and I don't think that even Anakin was that bad (course I'll never understand Jar Jar, the gungan king). Visually especially, it's a stunning film. Now, I feel that's a decent movie, I don't dislike it. To be honest, I'm sure it helped the fact that I'm a huge SW fan and I WANT to like the film. AOTC I loved after seeing it in the theatres. Yes, there's bad dialogue (again) and some corny moments but it was a much improved movie over the first and I thought it was really fun and interesting. Yes, Anakin is whiny and annoying sometimes but he is in his late teens in that movie. I'm 24 and when I hang out with people that are in their late teens, most of the time I'm amazed at how childish they are (I'm sure I was also at that age). So I think Anakin is portrayed pretty accurately. I still love that movie (up there with the OT). I feel that this movie is going to improve again. After seeing the pix on the internet, it sure seems to be a lot more raw and disturbing. Yes, I can GUARANTEE that there will corny moments & bad dialogue. These are staples of EVERY SW movie. But I feel that GL is catching on/getting it back slowly but surely and this movie will reflect that. That's my opinion.
  12. Just saw it too. This is one of the few TV shows that has actually surprised me with plot twists. It's very nice to see a TV show (especially sci-fi!) that doesn't fit the formulaic pattern of all other shows. The finale was great! It's definetely an episode that you'll think about for a while. Loved it, hope that they keep it up.
  13. Anyone know where I can see/download the new episodes? I know cartoon network has them, but they've been so busy lately, I can't seem to get through.
  14. I've been a SW fan my whole life (well since I was 7 probably). I never ever thought that I would root against the jedi. I have to agree, these jedi need to get thier asses kicked. Not that I think the emperor/empire is great or anything. It's just that the jedi of this era needed their views/thinking to be changed/cleansed. Killing them off was the only way to do that. Now, back to the real world......
  15. Just finished this 12" custom inspired by the animated series. My 12" arc trooper:
  16. The reason that there are only two are because when there used to be more than two, they would constantly fight each other instead on concentrating on the jedi. Sith love power and they can't share it, hence only two: a master with the power, and an apprentice who will someday take over. This topic is covered extensively in the comics and books.
  17. Come on people, let's not rip on Jake Lloyd's acting. Any kid actor would sound/look dumb reading that script. Some great actors (Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Sam Jackson) were in that movie and they sounded dumb!
  18. Actually, he said that there will be no episode 7 and that he wouldn't let someone make episode 7. He never said that there would be no more star wars movies period. My GUESS is that since he's already letting people make a TV show/games/cartoons etc, he'll eventually give in and let someone make movies. They just won't deal with the characters/timeframe in the previous 6 movies and they'll probably won't be made for quite a while. Keep in mind, SW is a money maker and as long as that is the case, there will always be a future for it.
  19. For those of us who didn't like the ending, there's a petition being signed urging LucasArts to restore the material that was originally planned (and cut so they could get the game out before xmas). petition A lot of these cut out parts are surfacing online (they're real). You can find them in the files for the pc version.
  20. Gamestop.com has the MPC Rook on sale for 39.99. Just got one today from an actual store for the same price.
  21. Best....Game.....Ever. Not in terms of revolutionary or uniqueness but I just loved playing it! The story is so much better than MG2 and it was just a lot of fun to play. Only thing I'd change is the camera options, fighting THE END was terribly difficult with the camera being the way it was (at least for me).
  22. Look, all this the books got it wrong is kind of ridiculous. I'm sure lucas just wanted something that "looks cool" to represent the galaxy. That it isn't scientifically correct is besides the point. Course Lucas will probably change this now in the next version to what it should look like.... BTW, this is what always happens to Star Wars. Everything little fricken detail gets analyzed and over analyzed. These movies are/were suppossed to be fun and not analyzed like this. It's pretty funny. BTW, I don't know if it was mentioned yet but in the books....and forgive me for not mentioning which one cause I don't remember. It was mentioned that the rebels grouped outside the galazy cause it was the safest place where the empire wouldn't find them. It even said that many ships were lost during the dangerous route out of the galaxy. The NJO even mentioned how surprised the New Republic was when they realized that Yuuzhan Vong had found a way into the galaxy because of the apparently few/unknown/dangerous routes there were. Here I go analyzing things myself after whining about it......
  23. Not a star wars geek....so I have to ask a related question. In the OT, was Luke supposed to be the only Jedi left after Yoda died? I remmebered Yoda saying that he was the last Jedi before he died. But shortly after the fall of the Empire, there apparently were enough Jedi to make an Academy for....so I'm now like....confused. Did the new Jedi suddenly pop out of nowhere after the emperor died? The Jedi themselves were down to one. However, there still were many force sensitive beings throughout the galaxy who were unaware of their potential. In the books, before Luke starts his academy, he goes on a campaign finding force-sensitive people to join his academy.
  24. It makes sense to have the Jedi starfighter have tie characteristics given that they're part of the republic and the republic becomes the empire. It's still called Kashyyyk.
  25. Here's a link to the art for the ARC 170 6 wing ship. arc 170
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