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Everything posted by Effect

  1. Nice. Episode 20 just confirms what I think a lot of people felt and what the show so far has been saying. That while not horrible mostly what the Gundam pilots (original and now the Thrones) had going for them were technology. Soma and Sergai, HRL's ace pilots, pretty much took the Throne to school. I think given enough time their team could have taken out all three of them. I can only imagine what Ali and Graham would be able to do in one of the new suits. Patrick might give them a run for their money as well. I'm really enjoying the skill vs. technology aspect of this show when it comes to Gundams and non-Gundams. The faction pilots, even the grunts, simply aren't canon fodder for the Gundams. We see them using tactics, dodging, etc yet it's the technology that stops them from winning. That isn't a problem anymore. It's a really stark contrast to the SEED universe (being the most recent and really horrible in this situation) where even with the technology gap being closed the Alliance and Naturals as a whole were always treated as horrible pilots unless they were drugged out and never shown to have true aces and the two they had ended up on the Archangel or with Zaft at some point. Can't wait to see what Billy does to Graham's suit though. Saji...poor Saji.
  2. This series just gets better and better. Graham is my new favorite pilot. Someone needs to get this man a Gundam or at least a machine that is equal in technology. He could very well take a number of the current gundam pilots all at once at the rate he's going. He's at the point now, in terms of overall character, he's on the level of Char and Zechs. At least that's the feeling I'm getting when I read people talking about him and I can't disagree. I have to say I think he's now the top pilot in the series but Setsuna's upcoming battle could change that. The scene with Louise and Saji was great drama wise. I like the characters and I never cared for the Trinitys but I dislike them even more after what Neena did. I can't wait till she is killed.
  3. Damn, I forgot all about Monday's episode. Does it replay late on during the week? Perhaps Sunday or something?
  4. Curious do you ever learn why the monster exist, what it is? Or anything like that or is it all from the point of view of the characters with them in the end still not having a clue as to what is going on?
  5. Saw last night episode and I enjoyed it. Wasn't great but then again I didn't have any expectations. In fact I forgot it was even coming one until I turned to the channel as it was starting. Quick question though, what was the year they were suppose to be in before the time jump at the end of the episode? I missed it if they said it.
  6. I thought "funnels" were mainly a Nu Gundam thing while the common term was "bits" in UC and the rest of the AU or "dragoons" in the SEED universe?
  7. Lol. I love that episode. One of the best in the DS9 series.
  8. The new opening is out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiY5BldfxNY Pretty good.
  9. Have to say my votes go toward the VF-17, VF-22 and the VF-1. The VF-17 took a while for me to really like since I not crazy about the stealth bomber look it has. However VF-22 is at the top of my list.
  10. Though some of the races in show aren't really nascarish though. They might start out like that then you move into country sides, cliffs, etc. I've always wished racing would look like what we see in the trailer. A LOT more interesting then watching racers going around in a certain 50+ times. This could be why I enjoyed IGPX the way I did. Still not sure what think about the movie just yet. Lets remember Speed Racer outside having it's moral lesson at the end of most episodes wasn't close to being a deep show from what I recall. There really is a lot that could be done with the show and a straight up adaption might be not be doable without it being boring. We have to remember here we are talking about a show where you have car that seem to be able to get out of a weird and dangerous situation by an actual push of a button. I think there are really two ways to go about this type of thing. Either over the top, cartoony, and not to serious but fun which is what they seem to be doing. Or go the realistic direction but that means greatly toning down the Mach 5 action and what is the point of a Speed Racer movie if you do that?
  11. Seriously is it possible we can have images like that put into a spoiler window that one has to actually open up themselves? It's beyond annoying to have to sit through them loading each and everytime one wants to read a new post in a thread that happens to be on the same page as them. Or at the very least have them put up on another site like imageshak and just linked to? Or have them stick to toy threads where one expects to encounter several post filled with images?
  12. That was great. Can't wait to see this.
  13. How long is the gift card offer going to last? Im my case don't think it will be worth to travel there all the same. I'd end up spending close to that on gas (with these prices) for the round trip due to how far the local TRU is at.
  14. Well so far the first episode was pretty good I felt. I agree I am getting a Wing vibe but there is nothing wrong with that. Sure I'm a bit bias since it's still one of my top favorite three gundam series (Turn A Gundam being #1 and Zeta being #2). Still like Wing or not it's formula worked very well and allowed Gundam to really take off outside of Japan and stayed popular for a long time. There was just something about it that allowed it to click with a LOT of people. Though one can argue that it was the first gundam series shown in the mainstream and had great advertising but I don't think if they went with another series they would have gotten the same result. Since then gundam has been on a downward slide since series since haven't reached Wing's level (outside of Japan) even with more of it (gundam) being released. While what they tried with SEED and SEED Desitny might have worked in Japan I don't think it worked outside of it. So if they have to go back to the formula that was used with Wing then so be it. Doesn't mean it's going to be like Wing just try to us it's formula. Story, characters, etc and presentation will of course be different. I think this series is off to a good start so far. 1. No Gundamjack. 2. Action right away 3. All Gundams and pilots on the same team and shown in action 4. Kicking off of the plot at the end of the episode by the Gundam group announcing itself to the world. 5. Leaving a feeling of "What is going to happen now" at the end. This is the type of episode I think that hooks people and should be done to give a person a real feel for what the show might be like. The pacing was fast and didn't drag which is important I feel.
  15. About damn time. Seriously can't wait to see this this show. Have any groups announced they are going to sub it?
  16. Is the upcoming Battlestar Galactica film/event suppose to about the Pegasus pre-showing up in the series or what takes place on the ship while many of the Galactica crew were on New Caprica when it's under the command of Apollo? I can't remember.
  17. Mark Hammill is one of those actors that is a FAR better voice actor then live action actor. Not many I feel can do both really well. Some are just better suited to one or the other. It's still acting in the end. Still I think Mark just made a lot of bad choices in the films he did post-Star Wars. If he had to do it over again I'm sure he'd turn a number of things he did down or not gone for them. Still then we might not have him as the voice of the Joker (or the other characters he's voiced) and no matter what I read or watch it's his voice that I hear when I think of the Joker.
  18. What I don't quite understand is, and perhaps I took the ending for Endgame the wrong way and this might have been explained in the beginning of Source, is how Duncan became mortal? At least that's what I heard from the parts I saw. Didn't see the full thing as I was doing several things at once and was watching something else on another channel at the time so I was going back and forth. At least Methos had a bigger part to play in this one. Always liked that character. From what I saw it wasn't completely horrible. Not something I'd rush to see again though but will watch when it's on again since I missed a lot and didn't see the end. I have a real annoyance about not seeing things fully when I've seen parts of it. Still I think it's time that they bring in a brand new character or restart things with a new "Highlander". Conner and Duncan's time has passed. One could look at Source as a bad epilogue that no one really wanted and just look at the Endgame (while not great) as the end of things. Still I think it's over.
  19. That's exactly what newer Gundam series need more of. Let the characters whine all they want, just make sure they get a slap in the face or a punched a few times by those higher up the chain right after or during mid-whine. It's called balance. Make sure no one sees the punch coming as well to make sure the scene is really good. Be equal about it as well. If it's a boy lead whining both male and female higher ups are in the clear. Seeing the female captain telling the guy to "man up" is something I'd like to see. On the flip, I say if you have a female going crazy let the slaping take place (by male or female).
  20. This is sad to hear/read for both his family and his fans. Like others I only ever read the first Wheel of Time novel but never really finish it. Not that it wasn't good, it was, just didn't like the characters that well save for the male lead and his friend. Kinda hard to continue when many of the supporting characters annoy you.
  21. The rereleases of the rules is partly why I stick to just reading the novels of the various settings (mainly the Eberron series now) and playing the video games. Much simplier that way. Well the other reason is that I never had anyone locally to get together with to play the table versions of the game. I might be buy the setting books (Eberron was the first I ever picked up and enjoyed reading it) but at times I do wish I could get into the settings more.
  22. It didn't even click with me that the whole thing was going to be in CG. I knew something about the actor playing Beowulf seemed off but never made the connection.
  23. Speaking of Zoids did anyone else catch that when Bumblebee was transforming back into his car mode he sort of looked like one of the wolf/lion zoids for a second during the transformation. It was the scene after he fights Barricade. He gets down on all fours while transforming.
  24. At least they are being straight forward about it and not trying to pass it off as one thing while clearly doing something else. That's one of the things that really annoyed me (and caused me to dislike) about the SEED series.
  25. Can't forget Stark Trek 2: Wrath of Kahn . I'd go as far saying Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith as sequels to the start of the prequel trilogy, Episode 1.
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