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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Well I will show off one of my horrid tests. My attempt at a Clear Version Hase VF-1A. Let's just say it don't get more foggier than this...... And of course it isn't finished...need to add the rest of the pieces and decal it... Actually I have lots of model kits....all of them half finished.....all ofthem a custom of some sort. Rob MN
  2. Welcome to MW. Love the Mylene!" Keep it up! Rob MN
  3. Wow John! That is simply amazing! A true work of art! Rob
  4. Wow! This is something that I haven't heard. Well if it is true and set in stone then I might be able to help everyone who wants one, and I can try to do 10% to 15% off. I will have to talk to my partner about it. If anyone is interested just PM me. Rob
  5. Personally I would love to see the finished product.....did it ever get finished? Rob MN
  6. Man I forgot about the pictures that were taken....and yes I was sorely dissappointed in that Mac 7 book, which incidently i have already sold. Yeah and Howard and scissors.....the guy is a regular Macguyver.... There definately will be a sequel to this if the other 2 parties are interested. Next stop ......... ROB MN
  7. Also...and I ma not sure if everybody knows about this. There is a button at the top of each "Topic" on the right that says "Track this Topic" When you hit that button you can subscribe to the topic. When you do this you can go into your control panel and and see the section for "Subscriptions". Click on the topics link and all the thread you have subscribed to will be all there waiting for you to see whats what. This way you don't even have to do a search to find the topic you were interested in. Rob MN
  8. Awesome Work! Do Mylene Next!!!!! ROb MN
  9. Man it is pumpkin innards....you can see the pumpkin in the background.
  10. Man had to bring up the porn incident....man is nothing sacred? Rob MN PS I have ventured back to K's Books...in disquse....where the 5000 yen sign HAS been moved to the top display along with a buch of other ALL English signs...
  11. That is really good for 1/144. Excellent Job! Rob MN
  12. Simply AMAZING! VE-1 GIRL! GO GO GO! Man you are my new hero! Excellent Work! Rob MN
  13. Beautiful model! But you may want to resize those pics for the dial-up users. BTW Welcome to MW. Can't wait for your next kit!. Rob MN
  14. Wow....so simple...so pretty...ahhhhhh the colors. I am addicted! Thanks for the link! Rob MN
  15. Currently hailing from Osaka, Japan. Rob MN
  16. That thing is friggin' awesome! Just way too cool on so many levels! Rob MN
  17. Hey guys! Isn't that rail just a work of art! John never ceases to amaze me! Excellent work! Also I just wanted to ask everyone a question. Before I start a thread for a raffle, basically do you want a raffle? To break it down the prizes would not be as glamorus as the frist raffle. Here is a break-down of the possible prizes. Grand Prize: An un-completed Launch Rail. Frist Prize: A 1/144 Scale VF-0A Battroid WF Limited Second Prize: Hasegawa Model of the winners choosing. Also unfortunatly we decided that if we hold a raffle this time you could not put the raffle ticket purchases towards the purchase of the rail. So go ahead and post your thoughts on this. Let me know what you think. Raffle or no raffle. Rob
  18. Okay here it goes.... Enter the Counter Scene. This is not a pretty part of the tale. After picking up said books and heading to the counter. 3000 yen worth of books had been obtained. All is right in the world. I walk up to the counter and place my purchases to be scanned. (Portions roughly tranlated into Engrish) Clerk 1- (counting books and dividing them by price) "Thank-You" Clerk 2 - (using hand gesturesin the shape of a card) "Pointo card?" Rob - Yep, here ya go... Clerk 2 - "Total is 3100 Yen" (Her best effort to speak engrish, with a uncertain smile) Rob - (proceeds to pull out credit card and hand it to the clerk ) Clerk 1 & 2 - ?????? (Fumbled words, uncertain actions, ect) Clerk 2 - "Sorry, must have 5000 yen." total (hand gestures symbolizing all?) Rob - "What?" Clerk 2 - Repeats frist statement. Rob - "What?" Clerk 2 - Repeats first statment with different hand gestures. Third Clerk joins in. At this point Clerks 2 & 3 are trying to explain the 5000 yen rule, while Clerk 1 hovers quietly with her hands folded in front of her. Rob - " No, no (Smile on face). Last time I came here I was told it was a 3000 yen limit to use a credit card. Now it is 5000 yen?!?!?" Clerk 3 - "Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yes?" (Start of a panic attack) At this point I try to explain that I come here almost every week. And every week I use my credit card to pay. This vallant effort falls on deaf ears....I am speaking English. Also normally at this point my angry American side would have showed it's ugly head...however I maintained control. Enter Howard and Renato. Renato listens to what I have to say and very politely speaks with the clerk in Japanese. She basically says the same thing again. He tries again...... The clerk gives the same response. Enter Howard Now I will let the thrid party add a bit to the tale......
  19. I believe those were WF Limited set. I saw a set on Yahoo Japan a couple of months ago and it sold for a really decent price. Rob MN
  20. Hee Hee I am in Japan and I will get to see it frist. That is if these stupid TYPHOONS let up enough for me to go to the store to pick it up... Rob
  21. To answer that question...I would have to say YES! But there will be slightly different rules and prizes this time. Rob P.S. Excellent work as always John!
  22. Sorry for the delay....I will post another segment of this twisted tale today. Rob
  23. looks nice! Let's see some colors on that girl!
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