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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Indeed, as most releases are. At issue is a person's ability to (1) get an order in and (2) have that order successfully filled. It's getting harder and harder to count a secured order, even from places like HLJ, as 100% guaranteed. Not sure what you saw, but I paid $254.99 + .06 Sales Tax. No surcharges or shipping fees (my order even specifies free 'economy shipping'). Exactly! *although I'm counting on September/October bases on US release schedules and what EE and Rightstuff have listed on the product pages. -b.
  2. Super annoyed that I missed Entertainment Earth since I'd been stalking the site for the past two days, but since the price is the same and you get some measure of protection with PayPal I ordered from here too. If they don't come through I'll just blame @no3Ljm - but seriously, thanks for the link It looks/sounds like they've been around for a good bit and in my 2 minutes of researching their social media accounts they have a decent following/presence so I'm not really worried about it. -b.
  3. Agreed While I didn't/don't hate Episode VIII, as time wears on I find that when I do think back on it I like it less and less. The Mandalorian was just a breath of fresh air, mostly because of how good it was but because it wasn't divisive among fans. -b.
  4. That Honest Trailers was hilarious! I had fun with the movie, even after multiple viewings. That said, I totally get some of the criticism, some of which I share (lack of a cohesive story throughout the Trilogy and the reliance of so much supplementary material) , but I refuse to let that color my experience in a negative way. Star Wars flicks have always just been a fun, space opera, popcorn movies, The Rise of Skywalker included. -b.
  5. Looking good! Not stoked at how much I had to drop to get one, but the pictures have at least reaffirmed my decision to spend the cash. -b.
  6. In this case I might actually prefer a regular (not blank like what's been shown) release than the Premium. That's interesting, I've handled all of my DX's more often than I normally handle my toys and I haven't noticed that happening. Bummer if it does happen. Honestly for me it's just about the look of what's been shown so far. I've always been a die-hard supporter of Yamato and Arcadia buying, most (not all) of their releases. Including Premium Roy 1S, Premium Elint, Premium Max and Milia, Premium 0S and 0D (that's already paid for via N-Y). And I'll probably get this one, I just hope that Arcadia improves the look. And if not, no skin off of my nose. I won't spam the thread with hatred, disdain or complaints, I just won't buy it lol. -b.
  7. Maybe it's in how I tried to articulate my opinion. The pictures make the 4A look cheap, like someone took a mechanical pencil and traced the lines. The pictures don't convey "Premium", they convey lazy Sunday afternoon with a toy and a pencil and/or Gundam marker. The Premium 1S isn't panel lined and it looks good. The DX 48 has markings out the wazoo (too many), no panel lines and it looks good. This? Looks cheap. -b.
  8. So I think I'm in the minority in that I don't think the Premium VF-4A looks that good. It looks like someone panel lined it and slapped on a few decals. It could be that my own personal sense of aesthetic thinks the design lends itself more to a "clean" non-panel-lined look, but so far I'm not "wowed". -b.
  9. Probably my favorite of the MetalBuild 00's. I have two with plans of picking up a third at some point in the near future. -b.
  10. Truly. I’m glad I’m mostly in “lurk” mode these days. And if MWF is now like this I’m glad I ignore ALL other “fandom” forums. And RIP to all. -b.
  11. With the exception of Skyfall which IMHO was quite good, I wholeheartedly agree that the recent MI movies have been infinitely more enjoyable than the most recent Bond movies. -b.
  12. That's how I felt about my subsequent viewings, I still maintain that this one movie could have easily been an entirely trilogy but that's been discussed already. Personally I'd love to see more of Rey, Poe and Finn - IF - they mature his character. But if I had to choose one of the Sequel Trilogy main characters again on-screen it'd definitely be Rey. I'll keep my fingers crossed. -b.
  13. Ok cool, something to look forward to if I should happen to lose faith before then lol. Thank you! -b.
  14. Might have to give this a go. Not sure why exactly but I gave up on S1, but I've heard only good things so I'll add this to the ever growing watchlist of programs. -b.
  15. LOL! Basically Just got back from viewing number two. I enjoyed it much more this time because the “expectations” and anxiety of will this, or will this not suck were gone. I saw or read a review that said this installment could have easily been stretched to three movies and been a better trilogy than what we got. And I agree. The movie had soooo much to reconcile and accomplish that it felt bloated. But it was a fun ride. -b.
  16. You're probably not wrong about JJ and his style of movie making. The real shame in this is that the Sequel Trilogy could have, and should have, been so much better. I don't hate them like others seem to (and go out of their way to constantly remind us of that fact), but the single biggest failure is that there wasn't a narrative road-map. I mean all they had to do is look across the hallway at Marvel. Also wasted is the acting talent, which was also significantly better than the Prequels, and a lot of the OT. You'll get that, I'm going to my second viewing tonight. If I had to rank the Sequel Trilogy it would be RoS, TFA and finally TLJ. And I still rate them heads and tails above the Prequel Trilogy which outside of a few really nice light-saber duels I hated. Anyway, it's nice to see rational posts (in favor of, or against the movie) sprinkled here and there in this thread, I'm sure the regularly scheduled unhinged negativity will return soon enough. -b.
  17. Pretty sure I read or saw someone else make the same assertion about watching Star Trek and thinking that JJ really wanted to direct Star Wars instead. On that note, even after reading all about it, I still don't get the hate that The Force Awakens gets, but I digress. Can't lie, I laughed/cringed/sighed/silently raged when Spock yelled that nonsense, Star Trek: Into Darkness was just an outright cluster. And I hated how hard the writers went with the antagonistic relationship Spock and Kirk had going back to Star Trek, it made believing that they'd become friends really hard to believe. All the way up to and through Star Trek Beyond. I'll reserve judgement on this new Trek until the final trailer and/or I see the movie - IF - it gets made. -b.
  18. Just to be clear, I agree that I don't want a Tarantino Trek movie. Also, I grew up with Trek, I'd like to see it do well and appease hardcore and casual fans alike, but there were many times that I found Trek "boring". And if legacy-Trek were viable as a property there wouldn't have been a crack for JJ Trek to slip into and 'Star Trek' wouldn't have been as lauded as a much needed new vision when it first came out. With that, I agree, in that Trek need(s) to be refreshed, again, the challenge is figuring out how to do that well. -b.
  19. Agreed re: Tarantino, but I think JJ’s vision was more Action Adventure than anything else. And with that the “spirit” of Trek wasn’t well represented. Agree about the attempt to deliver on the original series, agree to disagree about if Beyond was good or not. -b.
  20. There's a part of me that wants to strongly disagree simply because Beyond was such a better movie than Nemesis and also there aren't many similarities from a plot point. At least none that I can remember or that stand-out. I still maintain that Beyond was fun and highly underrated. And yeah, the directing credits for the guy that they have tapped for this new Trek are uuuugggggllllyyy. -b.
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