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Everything posted by Macross73

  1. Can you post some pics of the stress marks. I'm not trying to start any scares its just good to know what to look for when it comes to potential issues. This maybe something that has to be addressed by Yamato. Hopefully its just a fluke and like you said its cause your too rough but then again better safe than sorry.
  2. More pics http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...c=7380&st=0 http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=11161&st=0 http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/imag...62&ei=UTF-8 [attachmentid=39576][attachmentid=39577][attachmentid=39578][attachmentid=39579]
  3. Even if you could afford it where do you put it. its not like you can prop one up in the backyard and tell the wife its just a model LOL.
  4. i cant find a pic of that. My copyof MZero isnt available for a screen-cap Does anyone have one they can post?
  5. I was searhcing for images and found a few that i thought would be neat to have these first two are a given [attachmentid=39560] [attachmentid=39561][attachmentid=39562] [attachmentid=39563][attachmentid=39564]
  6. please read Graham's Report http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/_updates_menu_008.htm
  7. Meh CD "Nice point about Yamato wanting to keep the mecha the same size. That's good and all, but I think it would be just as cool to have the VF's be proportional to one another as they are in the show." Keeping the scale the same would have / is good. but having been spoiled by the size of the 1/48, makes its hard to go back to the smaller 1/60 VF. I know price / size make it difficult to have all valks in the 1/48 scale but how cool would it have been to have 1/48 YF-19. Imagine a SV-51 or YF-21 in that scale or any other mecha for that matter. Once Yamato dropped the 1/60 and moved to the 1/48 I had hoped that they would stay in that scale. Certainly there would have been complaints about the cost and such but now we're flipping back and forth between scales. Having an unfinished line of 1/48 is sad to me. I'm still gonna get the SV-51 but as I 've written before I really want the VT1 and VE1 in 1/48. I want a complete line of valks in that scale. Yamato could re-do just the core group with perfect transformation? No point in having both the old 1/60 and new PT 1/60s valks... or is there? I'm done whining. Now to sit back and watch what happens.
  8. Well as much as I want Perfect Transformation in the 1/60 series VF1 I dont want them to stop making the 1/48 series of VF-1. We all know which ones we want to see made. There aren't to many official schemes that I want and then only so many custom schemes. There are so many possible 1/48 schemes that haven't been done, that should be. Having to re-purchase the vf-1s' again, means having to deal with lack of storage space. that and the expense.
  9. Hmm skipped over that part about robot and car mode ... Oops. Now then will it transform all by itself for $90.oo? that would be cool.
  10. you'd think they'd be getting complaints by the truck loads about the broken arms. I just want Yamato to test the heck out of the SV51 (everything else too) before it goes on the market. Giving it to a child about say 10 years old would definately point out any durablity issues. That to young ? Ok. But the QC thing has gone on for far too long and having to spend $160 +/- on these things warrants extra effort on the part of the QC staff to ensure everything is perfect, from the start not after its been purchased.
  11. yeah but now we have to wait until the middle of thea year and the question about the ability of it to stand on its own bothers me a bit i hope they work that out.
  12. SV-51 Cool! but not till the middle of the year. Nothing else until then? (aside from the YF19, Shin Vf, and Urban GBP) The way things had been going I half expected there to be continiued flood of toys on the way. But the break is welcome since I have other interests to attend to. edit: was wondering about this "It was also confirmed that the Fold Booster & FAST Pack set will be released both separately and as a set together with the YF-19." the 19 in this set will be same color as the current 19 or will it be a new scheme? it no fun unless its a different scheme. Looking forward to the various paint shemes. and I wish they'd reconsider the whole 2 seater thing. I want a 1/.48 VE1 and VT1.
  13. "voice activated" Bumble Bee , it could be good. without seeing pics of it. I have to give it a chance, atleast I imagine it will be a static pose item, since a transforming robot isn't too likely at the $90 mark. perhaps it'll have motion sensors like the robo sapien toy or something like that dino-robot that roars
  14. You may have to. LOL I need to pick up some models at the local shop and work on my skills. the problem is I just dont have the time to set aside for model making.
  15. Saw the movie with my Mother and Brother today. They enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting it to end the way it did. It was well done. The only thing i didnt care for was the cursing. its not that i was offended its just that at times it felt out of place. There was definately some ambiguity at the end about whether everything was in her mind or not. As the movie ended, i felt that her dream/fairy tale world had come to and end. It was sad. I had read somwhere that this was to be a trilogy i cant recall where though. something to the effect of 3 stand alone stories that are connected. I'll have to go look it up.
  16. Good review and cool pics with vf-1j and the degrees of light for the Visor LED I dont care for the MPCs but atleast I learned something.
  17. The guys here at work keep looking at me like i'm making this up. its always "Thats Not Megatron!" and "WTF!" Really what are they supposed to say or think. Nobody has said "Hey that looks just him" or "I remember him from the show". (any Show) If it had been marketed as Mecha / Robot / Sentient Invaders or something. Then No Big Deal.
  18. what do you mean by Blunt ? Do mean the length should be trimmed up ?
  19. Hmm , its on a Need To Know basis ... the weather is also Classified. All he really has to say is "everybody start saving up now!" and thats it, its on.
  20. i havent seen it and i dont know anyting about it. i guess i'm missing out . what lighsaber fight?
  21. i have no modeling skills but just the idea of owning a true Monster and a big SDF1 - 24", is too hard to pass up. I'm going to have to study up on modeling. but i know i want them. No interest in the yf-19 for me though, the other 2 are more than enough. i'll be watching this thread for more info.
  22. interview with Masi Oka = Hiro Nakamura looks like theres potential love in the future and a George will be his Father (I didnt know that) I'm looking forward to the dinosaur in ep 12. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/tvnews.php?id=18301
  23. both sides of the fence have begun theire "discussion" http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry457867
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