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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. They already have with the Anima Spiritia portions. All those flowers and such moving in response to Sara's song... And that was joined at the hip with the Protodevlin in M7... Symbolic sum of the works? That sounds possible, but I think there might also be an in-story reason why this is a prequel... and given the spiritia connection, it's definately gonna be along M7's lines...
  2. Yeah but why come up with all that stuff when you don't have to? What happened to Amelia Earheart? That that they're missing and unnacounted for means UN Spacy doesn't know (or is just saying they don't for conspiracy types). They could well have kids who didnt join UN Spacy. They could all be dead. THey could be in some dreaded Star Trek time-space anomoly... They could be on Tirol.
  3. I know, I didn't get ya wrong. But I thought I addressed that by saying I prefer the mystery part. Plus it IS a whole needle in a haystack thing... Or Maybe they went back in time and became Protoculture who creat the Zentraedi and... nevermind.
  4. Isn't this the sort of the "trekkie" need-to-know-everything thing you claim to despise? Hikaru won't ever be revisted because of the voice actor dying... It'd be easy to come up with something a generation or two past and saying that Hikaru had a tragic death... or maybe a heroic one... but it's not likely to ever be visited. Space is enormous and I kinda like the idea of it as a complete mystery to the UN Spacy for years after. "Whatever DID happen to the Megaroad?" Maybe consipracy theory type stuff... even though it isn't Macross. Plus, look how M7 got worked. The Megaroad coudln't have been nearly as capable. Imagine if they ran into a threat comparable to just the Varauta (without the Protodevlin)...
  5. Uxi

    vf-19 FP

    Interesting... Well i guess there's hope. I've been meaning to get a VF-11B FP or two... wish HLJ would put them on a fire sale.
  6. Yeah I'd dig it. And it would become the squad leader of my other two. But due to the "limited" nature of the previous we can only count on it being a different shade or something. Me, I'd like to see Low-Viz in 1/60...
  7. Heh. Sounds like someone has a figure... Anything u wanna share, Graham?
  8. Huh? The Protodevlin in Galaxy is Calling Me were Glavil and Guravil, weren't they? Valgo was the guy who had the little pink "minion" critters come out of him didn't he? But I was thinking exactly of Protodevlin during episode one. And well... we all know the obvious comparisons to Sara singing. But whether the AFOS is Protodevlin or not... their records in M7 indicated only 7 Evil series were complete, didn't they? But yeah obvious similarities would exist due to the Protoculture origins... maybe it's a prototype or something? Or an earlier idea just not powered by the other dimension or what not...
  9. That is completely senseless. Makes me even less likely to visit that site or listen to what that fool might say. What does he base THAT on?
  10. Uxi

    vf-19 FP

    Yeah I'm anticipating this greatly. Maybe too much. Hope I'm not let down... at that scale, i'm almost hoping they DON'T include a pilot. Given the scale and the detail we get in the 1/48 pilots (excepting the Low-Viz of course), Yamato doesn't have a good record with pilots... are we expecting anything other than another "spud"? Mostly, I'm hoping Yamato can bring the arms down in fighter mode so that big gap behind the torso section isn't there. Also being able to mount the gunpod in a usable fashion in fighter mode would be nice. And I wish SOMEONE could make it so the feet could be right in fighter mode. Telescoping ala 1/48 and so clearly seen in the anime would be extremely nice, but I can live with non-telescoping feet as long as they get the proportions of top/bottom right (maybe have the whole foot pull out and 360 degrees on a ball joint or something?)... Both Yamato and Bandai got this wrong last time. But otherwise a generally improved fighter mode sculpt is desired and I'm sure we're gonna get it. Last one seemed centered on battroid.
  11. Interesting... first time I've heard even an approximate # given for the number of Low-Viz produced. Sound plausible to everyone? I share their complaint about some of the stickers... but someone really needs to correct them on the $200 bucks. Heh. I saw the MW'er complain about the Veritech/Valkyrie thing...
  12. Yeah what he said. I'm interested in the black, too. Would just ordinary flat black do it? Since we most likely are NOT getting FP upgrade packs , its about time I did something about the chipping on my Roy VF-1S leg stripe. <_
  13. No problems here. The right booster's metal attachment thing seems like it might be almost too big... out of clearance or something (it's really tight) but fit is pretty good. Don't get me started on Yamato's locking mechanism for the arms for the 1/48, though... the FP just exasperate the situation. <_
  14. Man. FPS... only way I can see that being half way decent is if it's like Jedi Outcast/Academy in that there is a 3rd person mode... but without the Alpha, what kinda game is this? I was kinda expecting them to just change the protagonist and antagonist models, some of the objectives and basically have the same kinda game as Battlecry but set in New Gen. While I guess it's a start, it's still blech. A nice realistic 3rd person/FPS mode switchable simulator able to link complete with Veritech's and/or Cyclones would be something! If they ever develop one they could use it for all 3 eras...
  15. Is there a way around this? Say by having this be an "adult" toy? Like minimum age 18 or something? I want the pristine version so will probably be ordering a Takara one. Then if I see a good deal on a Hasbro version, I might get that too... but if it's got shortened smokestacks that sucker better be on clearance or something!
  16. Not bad. Better in proportion than the skeleton hands, but too organic. I might have to grab a superposable and see how I like it in person...
  17. I kinda got that impression for Gorman. He was obviously not their usual goon aka "officer." But still. Discipline is #1 for United States Marines. Training and physical endurance next. Technology somewhere after these... The only ones who are even close to resembling a US Marine were Hicks, Apone, Vasquez & her guy friend. The rest are barely fit for the Army... NONE of them showed any rudimentry understanding of small unit tactics or even basic military concepts. Much less common sense. The movie was Cameon's interpretation of Vietnam in his own words (either commentary and/or the special on the Aliens DVD - I'll have to check to be sure of the cite). Completely incorrect but fitting given Hollyweird's "understanding" of the military... and Vietnam, in particular.
  18. Why I am actually. USMC M1A1 Tank Commander to be precise. 27yo.
  19. Think he thought Sega was announcing another console of their own. I kinda wish they would. I always liked their stuff better than the Nintendo equivalents. Ah well.
  20. I actually DO like the fact that they're apparently keeping it in scale, though wish price would come down at MSRP and dispense with any notion of "limited" issue. Or have masterpiece with fancy box normally and a brown paper bag wrapped mass version available through the website for half off. (That will be the day!) Expecting Yammie 1/48 level detail just isn't in Toynami's profile, though, IMO. Nothing about the scale that keeps it from being possible (even for Yamato with the 1/60 things like removable nosecone, movable flaps, airbrake, even telescoping feet shoudl be just as doable as with the 1/48).
  21. Who wants to be a nasty Army puke? Now if they had an option for USMC I'd be all over it... But I'm happy with Unreal 2003 and Jedi Academy for my FPS fix for now...
  22. Nice. I think I'm gonna pass on the Hikaru 1J and wait for Max or Milia (or hopefully Low Viz!) but I'll be getting that 1/60 GBP for sure. Hope they'll do it seperate and w/o the 1J but if not, I can probably live with it. GBP! I think the unpainted GPB proves to the doubters that the shoulders are part of the armor and not the valkyrie as the valkyrie IS painted in that pic whiel the armor is not.
  23. There's obviously an "R" sound in there and not an "L" (when Max calls out to her when she appears in her VF-22 in that last ep of M7 comes to mind). so I'd prefer "Miria." The Robotech "Miriya" is guess isn't inappropriate but I prefer the simpler spelling which gets the same point across.
  24. Well with such great discipline and small unit tactics, I'm surprised they did that well. [/sarcasm] Most movies are ridiculous at replicated that stuff whenever they portray the military, but that one was especially bad... can't believe that it gets so much luv. Complete boot lieutenant with ZERO experience (just out of training or what?), subordinates with ZERO respect and no self-discipline much less any sort of professional military decorum, aside from Apone "the Sarge" (a term no self-respecting Marine would ever use for the rank of Sergeant). But at least the girl scouts or any novice paintballers could set up a better permiter. But all that aside, I've never understood all the love Aliens gets.
  25. I dunno if the destroids have worse life expectancy than the good ol Cannon Fodder VF-1A... certainly not enough to offset the complexity (and thus cost) of the valkyrie and its trained pilot...
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