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Everything posted by Uxi

  1. Hmm... interesting... And the new one is exactly the same, scale-wise, right? I'm definately gonna get one or two of the VF-11B FP.
  2. Uxi

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Yeah if that's as bad as the misalignment gets I can definately live with it. So far so good, might have to get this one after all (better than the "drunk Zentran fodder?"
  3. I doubt it. Still, he said all along he wanted to devote personal attention to it. I'm hoping some of these deleted scenes are there, myself. The Snowtroopers wandering in the Wampa chamber, extended Vader/Luke in RotJ, the original intro to ANH (Luke wondering out in the desert and seeing the Star Destroyer running down the Tantive IV from his binoculars), etc. I'll bet they stick to cartoons rather than Live action, though I'll be happy to be proven wrong. I think most of the original cast woudlnt return for something like that anways... except maybe the deadbeats like Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams. Harrison Ford is probably way too big (or at least sees himself that way)... and Mark Hamil I don't think has been too fond about his being typecast (and returning for a TV stint woudln't help). I hope they'd do the Knights of the Old Republic / or Tales of the Jedi era myself or maybe something past the NJO...
  4. I actually thought that went way too fast to really appreciate it. It is cool, though. I think Guld's eye squishing out is what leaves the lasting impression though.
  5. Well I'm not sure exactly how the Grand Cannon (or the Macross operates) but its basic science that even being destroyed by them would just convert the mass of everything into another form (vapor, constituent molecules, etc)... which could be worse than debris that can be dealt with (pushed into the sun or out into space or on another, lifeless, planet/moon, etc). Do we really KNOW there were "thousands" of impacts from Zentraedi ships on the surface of the Earth? Why? I don't seem to remember lots of kamikazes on the ground bombarded surface (that wasn't that thorough it looks like...) Good thing that South Ataria island happened to be where the ASS landed.
  6. I think that's me. I like M7, like MII, and like MD7. think u just have to keep the apples in the apple basket and all that.
  7. Cool. At least you'll put up where Keith refuses to.
  8. Already have it. Sure it's bootlegs, but burn off a laserdisc and has the trailers and the SE documentary on it (from beginning of VHS). Not bad at all and holding me over until the official release (which I will no doubt be getting)...
  9. ... I suppose you drive THIS then: Does't fit my character or purpose, flower girl.
  10. Metal Siren might have been ugly IYO (I don't think it's a beauty but don't think it's hideous either), but I'd give it good odds against a VF-19 or 21 with all the technology/continuity differences aside. Look at what that thing did to a Marduk CRUISER. Except for a fold booster, it was was pretty advanced and not bound to the old paradigm. Designed in the "official" universe, it would have active stealth, external fold boosters, and all that fancy stuff. I really wish someone/anyone would make some MII toys!
  11. One's a series and one's an OVA, so comparing them is apples & oranges. Now it IS fair to compare with something like Dynamite 7. I do like MII more than MD7, but the story is richer in the M7 series while animation per episode simply can't compare. It's not like the faces of the M7 mecha had expressions or anything. Nothing wrong with sculpting a face on a customized valkryie. It's fitting with the characters and with their purposes.
  12. You forgot to add "In My Opinion" since there's no evidence one way or the other. Well if he can come up with that quote he said he heard, he might have something. I believe they were intended to fill out the SA role (from what little there was to go off of from SDF Macross and before the Protodevlin stuff all came out in M7).
  13. Neo and Smith are you yin and yang to each other. He saw that the Oracle was still in Smith despite copying himself over her when she called him Neo instead of "Mr Anderson." So he knew he would still be in Smith if he let himself get copied... thereby destroying them both since they were direct opposites. And I didn't get that everyone was just going to be unplugged. Those that want to stay (like Cypher) can stay. Those that don't will have to be gradually woken... still I'll bet they can produce a whole load of that goop seen in the first movie. Just a matter of the machiens helping them make machines to process stuff... presumably there could be algaes and mosses that would be easy enough... and... er... can a person live off a cockroach? They still have to be around.
  14. Yeah sequel movie to DYRL makes the most sense especially since thats the "continuity" it's supposed to follow. I've never understood the Alternate Universe bit... maybe someone who worked on it has risen in the ranks at Big West & won't let Nue make it "fictional" in the story? Strengths are definately in the mecha. I like the Metal Siren, VF-2SS, and Feff's power armor. Some of the action is pretty good too, like Episode 3 (?) when the Marduk directly attack Earth. The fleet battle part, from the positioning of the Macross Cannons to Nexx launching in the Metal Siren and wrecking some havoc...
  15. Uxi

    Naked yammie pics

    Was thinking 1/60 Low Viz until I scrolled down to the legs...
  16. Wasn't it supposed to originally have been out in like August or something like that? Wonder if there were issues in the production or if it's all just marketing...
  17. And shipping is, what: $30? Yup. Still seems like its the best deal around... I know I'm planning to jump on it...
  18. Wow, really? [/sarcasm]. Of course he can. And so can I and so can you. There, we're all happy. I don't think Vrlitwhai would have had the time or inclination to do a complete razing of the Earth. Hell, it doesn't look like Bodolza did as complete a job as was thought before in SDF: Macross (See the UN Spacy Defense Grid thread)... So if it was as bad as we saw briefly (though they went to Tokyo and that all of Japan looked erradicated on Admiral Hayase's screen... can't remember off the top of my head where Hikaru said they had checked... but its possible he was just going to the wrong places...
  19. What I want to know, is what's up with Australia? Isn't most of that uninhabited? Kinda reminds me a little bit of Star Control 2. How when you come back to Earth, they say how the Ur-Quan hit places they didn't consider significant like something under the Arctic ice cap, a large chunk of the south atlantic ocean floor, and a square km of land in central iraq (presumably the uninhabited desert)... But Africa looks like it should have plenty of people but Europe is pretty much toast with a couple exceptions. The central US and Mexico/Central America are almost untouched...
  20. Uxi

    Hikaru 1S Review

    Well if one of you guys gets yours, beat Graham to the punch! I'm still ambivalent about it. I love the design, but it will be between this and a Roy re-issue. And deciding if I can live with the head seam.
  21. Uxi

    Latest 1/48

    The VF-1 IS great. I would no doubt like alternatives, but they're not gonna be as successful as the VF-1 and variants. VF-22S in 1/60 scale please (and do a 1/72 already! They already sculpted the parts!). Then VF-11C and VF-19A and S. Given how Yamato milks their sculpts (and I'm not saying this is a bad thing by any means), I wish we could see these (admittedly the 11C and 19S is gonna need some changes from the B and A, respectively but VF-19A is just a repaint of the YF-19 IIRC). But otherwise, I'm not disapointed in having the large variety of VF-1 variations out there, even if I'm passing up the majority of them.
  22. No doubt the debris in the atmosphere would be an issue, but its not like every hulk would be on trajectories to fall through. Some would "skip" off the atmosphere... some would stay in orbit, some could well be vaporized (though the vapor IS still an issue). Any guestimate on percentages would be a WAG, but it woudln't seem to be anything but a very small number of ships that would get through to impact. And then then, they're more likely to hit water than just about anything else... No doubt cleanup was an issue, though.
  23. Ouch. Well you're really gonna want an animated gif to get the full effect of Lucy's... "bounce" The ending? Guld rams the Ghost but to do so, he has to do way more G's than his body is capable and he gets all twisted up in a rather gory manner. Ghost flames out and the YF-21 hulk coasts off.
  24. Yeah. Even before the retcon, it always seemed kind of ambiguous on the "continuity" (such as it is). SDF Macross is required to have a frame of reference. IMO, rather than an attempt to create a new continuity it was simply a "let's do this since we now have a bigger budget" without saying the tv series way didnt' happen. In the "fictional DYRL movie" Vrlitwhai did NOT destroy the population of the Earth. The script writers did. A1, you know you wanna live in the M7 Universe and be a Fire Bomber groupie.
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