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Everything posted by Focslain

  1. Focslain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So guessing they have not released a VF-31C with super parts then? Good, gives me time to save up for once.
  2. IIRC, it's not til just before his rise to emperor that he gets his loreal long locks. Anyway my original was based on 80's animation style so the modern style is more realistic, therefor flatter. Just hoping it has the same pace of the original, i'm ok with a little faster, but let's please not burn rubber to the ending.
  3. So after some research and a program install I found that Sony didn't like sharing saves with the VITA/PS3. I'm going to need help finding/extracting the specific game save cause everywhere I looked no-one knows how.
  4. My investment to play this game was $250. 50 for the PSTV, 50 for a good wireless controller, 50 for a 32gig memory card. 90 for the special edition of the game plus 10 for the DLC Worth every penny (for me). Plus I have the system to play other games, I just need another memory card to play US games.
  5. Ah, that's not as bad as some of the GW models I've done in the past. Nice work btw. Oh and I've logged almost a day in deadlock. If you need tips just ask cause the AI escalates rather quickly.
  6. Ok, also as a word of warning. If your having issues with the game stay away from Basara. His valk (he can only fly the vf19 Kai) is a pain to use and has a very specific mechanic that if you don't know how to use will anger you faster then Gamlin got at this guy. Also if you have to face him (and in the special missions you will) stay away from him. If you can hear him your too close. Just missile him to death, like Gamlin wishes he could in the series.
  7. Just remember that even with the save, it doesn't change the difficultly of the missions. Granted you'll have a few valks that are uber tuned so more powerful, but that only helps so much. Also don't expect to SS all the missions, trust me there is more then one that takes more then brute force to get that score. The mission I'm having trouble with is because I'm doing it too fast and not shooting down enough planes. From the picture in his save request thread I'm guessing it's the mission in the Xoas line where you have to take out the Windamere cruiser(s) in the asteroid field. Cause in that mission there is like multiple waves of them. Took me a few tries to figure that out as I don't read a lick of japanese (all my understanding is from google translate and guess work). @tankball - if you want to take a crack at it while waiting for me to upload the save might I suggest the following combo? Valk - VF-31 (take your pick) with a fast pack that has multi-missles*. Pilot - Your highest level one Wingman - Second highest pilot in the same valk as you Idol support - You should have Walkure unlocked by now, slot all 5 in with Makina as the main. Mission - Once the cruiser appears head towards it and pop idol support once close while spamming the multi-missiles. Don't bother holding and releasing, just tap it as fast as you can. Cruiser should go down in a few seconds. If your fast pack gets destroyed just use your missiles to take out the cruiser, cycle target until your one one part of it. * = You can tell you have the correct one by looking at the weapon upgrade screen prior to the mission. If one of the weapons has the symbol that looks like 3 micros locking on, you have the right weapon. If you need anyother help/advise, just ask in the main Delta scramble thread. I'll start following it so I can reply faster if needed. But give me a day at least respond.
  8. I'll check on that over the weekend. And it's not about which valk is the best as once they are fully tuned there is very little difference in performance. It's about which is your favorite, same goes for pilot and idols for the most part (except Makina, she is the god mode of idols. No serious, heal + infinite ammo is broken af)
  9. Well that is what this save has, I just finished unlocking all the valks earlier this month, so good timing. Just need to know how to send it to you. Also is there a specific valk you prefer, I can give it a boost tonight before sending the file.
  10. If you tell me how I can send you the save I can pass you mine. All missions cleared at SS minus 1. Plus you get all the valk/idols/pilots unlocked and a few decently leveled valks. Side note: I have the Rune-pika edition plus the paid DLC, that going to be an issue with the save?
  11. So since I highly disagree with this statement and not giving the video a view for it, would some that has like to explain why the ire?
  12. Hate to be the pessimist here, but we are talking about a sci-fi series on FOX. Even with Seth backing it this might be like Cosmos all over again. At least with him at the helm Orville won't get the massive mis-treatment that Firefly did.
  13. Actually it's a control issue, the EU is a gold mine of lore and material, but they are partially owned but the dozens of authors and artists that helped create them. By legending the EU this allows Disney to pick and choose what they want to use and tap those materials to make their version of the EU via the media they are releasing.
  14. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Which is sad, but yeah, I know about the unlock process. Had to do it three times so far. Just happy I managed to get a full combo at least once on the event song. Speaking of full combos, raised my personal bar a bit last night. Getting over this will take time, but the 80+ sound crystal I got from the achievements was worth it. At least I'm on the way to getting my restock for the next plate release.
  15. Not really, I still have to finish it, but waiting for the dub to catch up. As for for the series in general it gets a pass since the theme of 'magic is science' gets my full attention. I can see the MC being annoying if one wants characters over gimmicks in their anime.
  16. This might just be an issue in over-using combat to begin with. In a short series (M+) it's not a bad thing, but after a few fights it gets repetitive and there in lines the problem. Looking back the combat in Delta reminds me a bit much like the combat in Gundam Seed. By half way in the series I could tell what was happening in the scene by sound alone, even guessing what was going to come up next. Mind you I've seen the series (Seed) only twice with a few years between.
  17. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Same here, just got the title also finally.. Only took five days of practice, she's also locked out of the song too.
  18. Depends, personally finding it enjoyable. Like a mix of TNG and Galaxy Quest. Orville is on Hulu if you have access, other wise wait til the season is over and it should hit Netflix like most Fox shows do.
  19. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    Congrats on the new arrival. Good thing about games like these. You don't really need to keep up as it will cycle in time. Take your time and enjoy life.
  20. the color palette is odd, but interesting. Not enough material. There are only six light novels in the series, the anime is 1-4 with the recent movie covering vol 5. A short OVA could finish it unless a studio wants to do the daring feat of continuing a story past the source material. On that note a series I wish they continued was Irregular at Magic High School which is going on 22 light novel vols and the anime only covers the first 7. Yes I know about the upcoming movie, but that is an original story (still written by the same author as the light novels) Tried out Ancient Magus Bride, this series is going to be a hard watch and not for the reason I thought. It's looking to be good, but going to have to watch this as it comes out to avoid binging.
  21. Focslain

    Uta Macross!

    You'll get the seeds by leveling the Divas (20 that I've seen) as well as drops in events and if you double unlock costumes and valks. Just avoid this thing: It just eats tier 3 shards. They show up at the end of a luck chain if you get the plate enough times (7+ on 1 star that I've seen). Granted you get 1 point towards the unlock of an episode, but honestly it's not worth it.
  22. So the next one is going to be a rehash of RotJ, so if the pattern holds... If Luke doesn't by it in this one or early in IX then Leia will be a force ghost (possible voice actor replacement) to tell Rey that Kylo is her brother. Then again if the trailer is any indication we'll get that little bit this movie.
  23. As much as I hate G-Gundam, I'm totally on board for this. Also did you notice the homemade Jeager ~0:50?
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