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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Received both my Stick and Ray from BBTS late last week. Got a chance to take them out this weekend and I am pretty pleased with them. My Stick actually seems to have better tolerances with things not popping off as much. I've only transformed Stick so far and for the most part it was pretty easy. Unfortunately the peg that is supposed to attach the bike to the back of the figure snapped off. I tried to place it back into its stored position so I wouldn't lose it but it didn't even want to go back in. I'm assuming there must be something in the way that caused it to break when I tried pulling it out that now won't allow it to go back in. Thankfully it's not a necessary part and it still holds together pretty well without it. I tried removing the paint from the inside of Ray's helmet with mixed results. I used rubbing alcohol which took quite a while but eventually removed all of the paint. Afterwards though it wasn't crystal clear in all places like I have seen in other peoples pictures. The middle of the face shield is still kind of cloudy as if the plastic had some marring. At first I thought it might be some residual paint that was being extra stubborn but none of my paint removers did anything to it. I'm hoping to use some plastic polish or Future to fix it. In the end I still really like them. They are nice and solid with just enough heft to them. They also scale well with a lot of other figures I have. I will definitely buy any other version of them that Sentinel offers.
  2. I got my pre-order arrival notice for both Stick and Ray today from BBTS. They were only 3 minutes apart with Ray coming first. So excited now that the long wait is over.
  3. I wonder if these re-releases will ship out before my slow boat BBTS orders do.
  4. Well this rumor leaves me in a bit of a quandary. I passed on the VF-0S the first time as I already had the Yamato and was fine with it. When the premium was announced I was going to pass on that as well but eventually gave in and pre-ordered it. Now with the booster bundle I would probably prefer that over the premium and I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually cheaper. If this rumor ends up being true I hope they officially announce it before payment is due on the premium so that I can cancel it. Knowing my luck Arcadia will probably wait to announce it to avoid people doing exactly that.
  5. I was fine just getting the armor in 1/100 scale. The booster, however, is something that I would buy in multiple scales. I'm ready and waiting for pre-order day.
  6. Hand painting with Tamiya clears is a very tricky process. You have to thin it a lot more than you would for other colors and apply multiple layers. Even then it can easily go south. Each new layer has the potential to mess up the layer underneath. When that happens there is no choice but to start over. If you don't have an airbrush I would recommend purchasing the rattle cans before trying to hand paint the clears. They go on nice and easy. Unfortunately they don't have as wide of an array of colors like clear green or yellow.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I went ahead and got one there. They do have free shipping but I have to pay CA tax. In the end it will definitely cost me more but at least I have one secured. They are pretty good with cancellations in case one pops up somewhere else for less.
  8. Already sold out at BBTS. Well maybe Entertainment Earth will get it and come through for me like they have in the past.
  9. tekering indicated in the Mospeada thread that he removed the silver paint on the underside of the face shield. It will probably be the first thing I do once I receive mine.
  10. Keeping it rolling Nippon-Yasan Received: wm cheng, Not Yet: no3Ljm, Kinzoku, spacemanoeuvres, funkymonkeyjavajunky, Boobytrap Refunded: Vortech I plan on keeping my PO as long as NY will let me. If it is there I still have hope of it being fulfilled even if it takes months. If they do end up cancelling it then I'll just bite the bullet and pay aftermarket prices for it. There are some valks I'd be willing to let go and not pay that kind of price for. This is not one of them.
  11. Yes, there was an article last year where they said it is something they want to do. https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2017/09/08/arcadia-talks-about-how-it-makes-the-best-macross-and-megazone-23-toys-out-there/#4f591401e974 “Even though we are re-releasing the movie version of the SDF-1 Macross, we do want to do the TV series version as well but that is still undergoing approval from the copyright holder. Personally, I really want to do it.
  12. Also just got the 101 and 102F. Seems like a nice combo of the accessories so that I can mix and match to which ever configuration I want.
  13. I ordered and paid for mine on 10/27, about three weeks after most people based on the comments I have seen. For selfish reasons I hope that NY fulfills their orders in some random arbitrary manner and not based on order date. I'll keep hoping that NY will get their stock. If not I'm prepared to pay the aftermarket price for one. This is my favorite VF-31 design and there is no way I won't have one in my collection.
  14. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    That was an easy PO. Still up at HLJ and Amiami. Got it from Ami since they at least have a discount.
  15. Not that most people want to spend time or money modifying their expensive purchases but if the visor really bugs you it should be an easy fix. In all the picture I see the raised part appears to be on the inside, not the outside, of the visor. The light reflections over those lines appear to be smooth with no distortions or shadows. I also do not see any raised lines in the side profile pics. If the lines are truly on the inside then you can hit the visor with some clear blue paint. Each layer should make the lines less and less visible. I suspect this is why the first version looked different. It appears to have a darker/deeper shade of blue as if it had more layers of clear paint on top. If it still isn't to your liking then you could paint over it with an opaque color of your choice.
  16. Same... did Bandai ship them to NY individually... by carrier pigeon?
  17. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Well not the item that would have been at the top of my list. That would have been a destroid or enemy mech. Even a Nexx VF-2SS would have been preferable. I'll still be getting this of course and take solace in the fact that the line is continuing so that hopefully one day I can have a complete line up of SDFM toys.
  18. Woo hoo! Super excited about this. I really like items that are an easy pass so that I can save money. End of 2017 and the first four months of 2018 have/will hit my wallet hard so this is welcome news. Congrats to those who want it though.
  19. Boobytrap

    Macross figures

    I hope you're wrong too. I really need some articulated Macross pilots in my life.
  20. This is wonderful news. While what we get in the future may not be any better than the steaming pile they have been dishing out at least now there is the possibility of an improved product.
  21. This item is being discussed in this thread The latest news is that they have been delayed by two months. We'll see if they hold to that or delay them again.
  22. Boobytrap

    Macross figures

    Thanks for the info. You weren't kidding when you said it wasn't cheap. They are charging $200 + PP fees + domestic shipping in addition to the cost of the kit. Too rich for my blood, especially for a 3000 yen kit. I'll take my chances with YJA and if I don't get one I don't get one.
  23. I'm hoping they don't sell this as a bundle. I was planning to skip Arad but I really like the look of the armored parts. I'll happily buy them separately to put on the C or F. But if only sold as a bundle I'd have to bite the bullet and get that.
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