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Everything posted by Boobytrap

  1. Pretty freakin' sweet; both your squadron and the Yeti stands for giving so many posing options.
  2. I'm wondering if they are even going to have any more delta releases after the VF-31C. There haven't been any reveals or announcements in a long time. I would have expected something well before the VF-31C release to keep the hype train going. Yet here we are a month away from that and nothing. It would be hard for me to imagine them not milking the delta/171 molds as much as they can, it is Bandai afterall, but I just don't get their game plan with these. I need them to get through delta squadron before I can even have a chance at a VF-31A. And with the seemingly poor sales of the SV-262 it seems that the chances of a Roid version are slipping away.
  3. Can't believe I missed this thread until now. Major nostalgia bombs going off. Would absolutely love a chance to own a MADOX. I haven't watched it in probably 20 years but I can still hear the japanese actors pronunciation of "ma DOX" in my head.
  4. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Practicality and rationality when it comes to your hobbies is for losers. Give in to your feelings. You've taken your first step into a larger world.
  5. It was mentioned in Arcadia's blog about the PF SDF-1. Not to say they won't do for anything else but it is also no indication that they will.
  6. News to me. I ordered from NY though and haven't heard anything from them. They still list it as August.
  7. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes, yes you should. These and the regults are why I started collecting this line and I don't regret it one bit. My wallet might disagree but I just tell it to shut up and take it.
  8. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Woo hoo. Keep bringing it Bandai and I'll keep shelling out my money to you.
  9. Ordered at HLJ. Cancelled then ordered at NY. Too much of a price difference to not do it. This thing is expensive but it's not like I plan on having a fleet of them. I'll manage the expense for a one time treat (two times if they ever release the SDFM version). I know that if I purchased the standard version I'd always be looking at the premium wishing I had paid the extra $$$'s. I also much prefer the release date on this vs the standard version. I'll be getting my tax return and bonus from work when the payment for the premium is due. Standard is coming out during the holiday season when money is more tight.
  10. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my defender today. Yet another home run from Bandai. Solid joints. Nice heft for the size. Pretty good articulation. I like how the cannons can be pulled out from the shoulders for wider angles. The hip vents get the way some if you try to put it into any super dynamic action poses but it's not like this was ever meant to do that anyway. I didn't realize that it came with two different types of ammo canisters so that was a nice surprise. My only nit is that the cannon tips have some uneven flashing. Wish they would have sanded that down but its easy enough for me to do. Can't wait to finally have a completed destroid lineup. Bring on the tomahawk and phalanx!
  11. Nice. Can't wait to see them in formation on a yeti stand.
  12. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    What shipping method did you choose? I used EMS and NY sent mine out late Monday night Japan time.
  13. I'm not seeing the rainbow tint on your VF-11. Did the picture not pick it up or were there some produced without it?
  14. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    No waiting for me. Must. Have. Now.
  15. I'm always impressed with cell shaded figures. Logically my mind knows that it is a 3D figure by my mind keeps seeing it as a 2D screen capture. Would really like to see the finished product.
  16. Good choice! I went ahead and got them both since I am a sucker for Guyver figs but the purple one is much more visually appealing. They also went with a more refined swappable chest like Guyver III so I think you'll like the figure.
  17. I'm eagerly awaiting that one as well. Really hoping they also give us a Guyver 0. Lisker Guyver II is actually more than a re-color though. Besides the head difference he has a larger body since he is older than Sho. And while very close almost everything is different on the armor like the chest hoses, ab plates, calves, etc... As long as they get it right, like they have been doing, I'm willing to wait (hopefully not as long as between Guyver I and Guyver II F).
  18. Boobytrap

    Hi-Metal R

    Those pics are pretty awesome. I love seeing people having fun with their collections like this.
  19. Yes, it is still open and they said they are trying to fill it. My problem is that these things can sell out fast. If I sit around waiting for them to fill it I may miss out altogether (or have to pay inflated ebay prices). I just would have preferred that they let me know the situation up front so that I would know what is going on and decide how to address it ASAP. It's a minor irritation, but an irritation none the less.
  20. Seeing multiple people receive their Guyver III from HLJ prompted me to contact them to see why they hadn't charged me yet. Apparently they received a lot less than they expected and won't be able to fill their orders. They said they filled the orders in chronological order. So even though I pre-ordered on 1/6 I was still too late to the party. Wish they would have let me know without me having to follow up with them. Thankfully I was able to find a shop in the US with a reasonable price and free shipping. In the end I probably paid less so it worked out. If you haven't received your payment request better find one somewhere else while you can.
  21. Nice box you got there. The RS Kshatriya is one of my favorite toys. If I had to pick only one RS it would be that one easily. Have fun with the funnels.
  22. Where's my premium finish pre-order ? Or even a date for the pre-order? I am am not amused with Arcadia's penchant for toying with my emotions.
  23. Of course there's no way to tell for sure without seeing it in action but from what I can tell there is at least the potential for some good articulation. The ankles have a side to side pivot joint without anything in the way to hinder movement. I cant tell what kind of joint is used for front to back and it does seem like the front may be restricted by the armor but the back isn't. The knees appear to be free and clear and may be able to do a complete bend as long as the fabric allows it. The hips also appear to be free of any obstructions. My only concern would be the side armor that connects at the waist and knee restricting movement. The elbows seem to be on a double joint. I doubt that they will be able to do a 180 bend but more than 90 should be doable. The shoulders also have lots of room for movement. My assumption would be that the waist and chest won't have any or very little movement to be able to support everything attached to it. If the articulation lives up to the potential I see I think that it is going to be able to get into some very dynamic poses.
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