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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Are you thinking of the non-transforming 1/100(?) fighter mode kits?
  2. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They're going for longevity. Something that can withstand some punishment rather than specifically looking accurate.
  3. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well, the DX toys continue Bandai's tradition of not particularly good-looking landing gear, so I wouldn't expect them to look much better on the toys than the models. The knee armor looks to be empty space, and I think I can just barely make out a black arm (it blends in with the wheel and the aforementioned cavity) that connects to the wheel axle. So it looks like it can roll, but it certainly is a tight fit.
  4. Plastic thickness also plays a surprisingly large role. Thinner plastic means more accurate scaling means better proportions and better details.
  5. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Like wm cheng, I'm not surprised at the beefiness and "second priority"-ness of the landing gear. Bandai have always (well, for the most part) designed their model kits as toys, not as models. Their plastic tends to be thicker, too, and they avoid sharp angles at all costs. It'll still sell like hotcakes due to the transformation gimmick. And they're accurate enough. Say what you will about Bandai, but they're at least smart about getting right what needs to be gotten right.
  6. Considering how loose Macross is with canon, it could very well be that the only "real" couple to date is Max/Milia. Everything else is Schrodinger's cat.
  7. Lol No, and I do get what you mean. I just think that... I dunno. One of the things I appreciated about 08th MS Team (Gundam) was that the majority of the cast were 20s and up; Shiro Amada is 21(?) when the story begins. It can help lend characters a bit of but not too much maturity, but mostly I just like it because it's a shift away from the 15-18-year old protagonists that we normally see. It's for the same reason that I appreciate the Myung/Isamu/Guld cast in M+, and FFVII's main cast being mostly 21 years old or above. EDIT: (They don't ever mention age, but I picture the M+ trio being 30-ish. The Macross Wiki lists Isamu as 24, which I can also buy even if I don't at all trust it as a source of reliable information.) EDIT 2 because lol I know it seems that way and I have no way to disprove it despite having perfectly innocent motives:
  8. Truer words have never been spoken. Claudia and Roy. But speaking of Reina, I was a bit distressed to find that she's officially 15. The impression I got from Walkure, justified or not, was that they would all sort of be onee-chan type figures to Freyja. So perhaps hoping against hope, I pegged them as all being in the low- to late-20s, with Reina being about 22. She can't reasonably have Oneechan status when she's only a year older than the protagonist. Boo. ...then again, I pegged everyone as being several years older than they actually are, so maybe I'm just bad with anime age. EDIT: A thousand times yes. (I was already suspecting it MIGHT go this direction given they're constantly depicted with each other, but physical proximity only implies a close relationship.)
  9. Regardless of whether they're "tent pole franchises" or not, your argument was that people, the general public, want superheroes to be more realistic(ally violent) yet hypocritically "scoff at the notion ... of disarming them without lethal consequences." My counterargument was to point out the many "realistic" violent superhero films that have been both financially and critically successful. The degree to which financial returns and critical acclaim accurately represent what the general public wants out of a superhero movie is questionable, certainly, but all the same. You're moving goal posts here. That's fair, and I do agree that BvS has potential, but like you say, potential =/= substance. The idea of a morally compromised Superman isn't bad. The idea of a Batman who kills isn't bad. Neither was executed particularly well. But what gets me about that is that it was PREDICTABLE that they wouldn't execute those ideas well. I just don't understand why they - DC - would gamble $400 million ($250M budget + $150 marketing) of potentially good ideas away on a director with such little chance of winning the bet for them. Like, EVERYBODY agrees that Snyder is a visual maestro lacking in all other substantial filmmaking qualities. 300 was proof of that, Watchmen was proof of that, Sucker Punch and Man of Steel were proof of that. It's not like he's gotten incrementally better since 300 and had a burgeoning grasp of cinematic storytelling and/or exploration of ideas/themes that they were banking on fully maturing with this movie. He has consistently been all style and almost zero substance, and... avoiding him should have been obvious, but it wasn't. But it'll make its costs back and then some regardless, and so I guess in that regard it's a success. It's just disheartening to think about how much better DC's cinematic universe could have been. It could have been a legitimate contender to the MCU.
  10. Team Mireyja all the way! There will be no white flag above my door!
  11. I can't imagine they'll remain for long. That stuff was to make up for limited budgets. I doubt Delta is exactly running on a limited budget. How old are the characters? I'd like to know. For... reasons.
  12. I had a lot to say re: Mr March's bit about superhero violence, but then my computer crashed and I lost about 2000 words' worth of response, so I think I'll sum it up with "I disagree that the audience 'had to face the reality of super heroes running around committing acts of violence,' mostly just because it was so shoddily done. Otherwise I agree on the 'sanitized violence' bit, generally. I think you got a wrong read on the general tone of criticism towards the movie, but then I could just be personally defensive because I thought it was awful. Awful with potentially good ideas, but awful nonetheless. I think your problem is more with the MPAA and how its warped moral sensibilities has undue power over national media." That said, I will respond to this: A rather reductive and presumptuous statement, no? It conveniently ignores how Deadpool is the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time and has received universal acclaim. Blade and Blade 2 are held up as two prime examples of comic-to-movie adaptations (and are also generally well-regarded). The hyper-violent Marvel Netflix shows are just as wildly popular as their PG-13 film counterparts. EDIT: I'm sitting here watching V for Vendetta on Netflix and by god, you could hardly call that bloodless, can you? This sentiment doesn't hold much water. EDIT: So I'm sure some of you must have seen this already, but really, they had to steal ideas from THIS story arc?
  13. Other people answered already, but yes, it was all added to the end, with the rest receiving cuts. EDIT: Well, it seems VF5SS answered for me. And I wasn't going to do screenshots, but, well, I did. Forgive the damage to your bandwidth.
  14. DC and Marvel are like SNK and Capcom, respectively. They are the top rivals of an entire genre, and yet they cooperate and trade ideas and steal from each other liberally without any concern for copyright infringement. And, like SNK, DC eventually fell behind the times and lost its notoriety to the point that it left its mainstay business altogether and got into gambling instead and okay that part's not comparable at all but what I mean is that DC is definitely the lesser of the two. It still has my absolute favorite comic of all time, though, so it will never be all bad.
  15. I had never considered doing this. Thanks. I'll have to try this out next time I'm experimenting. It definitely seems like a sound strategy, in theory at least.
  16. Ah, I see. Thanks for that clarification.
  17. Oh I dunno, I thought the "wings as skirts/hip tassels/etc." on the 19 was a neat idea, and the 21... well, it just has them fold in, but it makes for a nice wide-shouldered, big backpack look. I'd like to see him revisit that idea. Or something along the lines of the VF-4G, with the wings mounted on the shoulders. Maybe go "retro" and have them form a V on either side of the head a la V2 Gundam? My first inclination is that it would look dumb, but then I'm already not a big fan of the 31, so... eh. I'd wager the latest backpacks are like that because of the current trend of mecha designs with stupidly exorbitant backpacks. It started with Gundam Seed, and it's only gotten worse from there. More fins and kibble, more junk poking every which way, a "cooler" mecha.
  18. Nice job. How was the handle-holding hand? It seems you had to do some cutting either to the hand or the gunpod (my guess) in order to bash them together. That's my only major dig against those hands. But otherwise they look great, and I'm surprised they're still in stock given how long it's been since their initial release. I wonder if the company had to make new molds or if the old ones have really lasted this long. Some general questions for everybody: - Does the VF-1 really have that antenna sticking out of its backpack on the Imai kit? I wasn't aware of it until now, but I can't tell where it stores in fighter/battroid mode. (Maybe it just retracts into the backpack...?) - Is there an explanation for how the tail fins fold up? On the Hasegawa kits, they make it seem as if each wing folds on itself and the fold-lines meet in the center of the backpack, but all the toys and the recent Bandai kit just have them hinge at the base and rest one wing on top of the other. I'd like to think that Hasegawa's is more representative of the actual transformation mechanic and the toys/Bandai kit method is meant for simpler engineering, but since they're so much more prolific...
  19. So that OP was terrible, even by anime OP standards. You can't even give them a grade for their effort because there clearly was none. ED's not bad, though. Not great, but not bad. They kind of pasted a big ol' spoiler right there in the middle of it, but eh. Any word on what's different about this series, ie why anyone who's already seen it should watch it again?
  20. Large, medium, small: http://www.hlj.com/product/BRKPH-003/Sci http://www.hlj.com/product/BRKPH-002/ http://www.hlj.com/product/BRKPH-001/ They're about as close as I've seen. I think it was vegeta8259 who used these on one of his (either resin or scratch) builds. They were a bit too curvy for the build, but I think they'd fit the SDFM VF-1 look alright.
  21. Interesting, though I thought the 1/4000 Macross was already released? Can we get a confirmation on the third tweet? Really, all Delta Valks AND other mecha? Because if this means a Cheyenne like seti88's suggesting... ooh, and a Regult, and maybe a Q-Rau? And--No. I can't. I can't let the hype consume me.
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