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Everything posted by MilSpex

  1. Well I don`t agree with anything you`ve said. But everything you say and I`ve said is just opinion, not fact so I`ll let it rest. We`ll agree to disagree?
  2. That was more on the ninja side of the story if you read the comics. I have no problem with ninjas, as do most fans of the comic. Thats why the ninjas featured a lot in the stories of Hama. The hi-tech guys always got wasted. The guys who are going to buy the DVDs and therefore provide A LOT of the revenue for this project are going to be mostly the fans from the `80s. Those fans want something authentic, not something dumbed down for Europeans. btw found this on Youtube, even in the `80s GI Joe was toned down for international broadcast:
  3. I`m not suprised. The Clone soldiers looked like crap.
  4. At the risk of talking politics thats not true. I`m Australian and think America is a noble country with noble intentions. Most Australians think the same. While I got into the toys while living in America it was huge in Australia in the `80s and `90s aswell. The toys with the packaging that said "RAH" on them were big in South America and Asia too. The only place they changed it was over-sensitive England. I think you will also find that outside of France and Germany, America is much more popular than the image in the media. To me taking out RAH is patronising to the audience.
  5. Lucas did exactly the same thing with Episodes I-III. He tried to get new younger fans and ended up alienating the original fans and not really making any new ones as far as I know. What you`re saying makes decent business sense but it won`t mean a good movie for original fans.
  6. Sigma doesn`t count for most fans. The real US military is the real US military and GI Joe to most fans is an `80s comic book and cartoon. They should stay true to what us fans remember. Its shouldn`t be a documentary on a real US special forces team of the near future. I don`t like the dropping of "A Real American Hero" either. Panders to globalisation, UN loving hippies. Wouldn`t be surpised if in the movie GI Joe deliver aid and use solar powered vehicles..
  7. Battleforce 2000 and other futuristic designs were always unpopular with fans. Thats why Larry Hama killed them off in the comic book by having them drive through an oil refinery just as it was shelled by Cobra leading to char broiled consequences... Anyone know if Larry Hama has anything to do with the film project? That would be great if he did.
  8. I`m really fascinated how some people say that CG looks good in comparison to hand drawn or large scale models in anime and science fiction. The SDF-1 in DYRL vs the Macross Quarter in Macross F? The SDF-1 looks much heavier, textured and realer to me because it is hand drawn. The Quarter looks too smooth and light. Like a toy. Have a look how great the AT-ATs look in Empire Strikes Back and then look at the Clone Armies in one of the new movies. No comparison. The large models in Empire look obviously better and realer - more massive. I think for living things or smaller objects CG can work. Take the Ton tons in Empire done with stop motion. Not so good and CG would have looked a little better. However I really think CG on EVERYTHING is just a trend and people like it because its new. I know models cost more but in the future I think hi-end productions will go back to using models for large ships because it just looks fvcken great. Do you think CG technology can ever match models for large ships etc? Or do you think it already has?
  9. The story and pacing of this episode was excellent. This show feels more and more like Macross very early. I didnt get the same feeling until the very end of Macross 7. It was cool how SMS was comandeered by NUNS due to wartime. Makes the heroes more duty bound and Macross like. The character animation was bad in this episode and the CG of the SMS mothership pulling out of the dock reminded me why I hate CG. They tried to make it look more heavy and textured by shaking the image a little but it still didn`t look right. It still looked too smooth for a hulking spaceship. Interesting that in Starship Troopers CG was used for the bugs (which I think looked good) but the spaceships were all properaly filmed 10 foot long scratchbuilt models. This was to make them look heavy and massive in filming because CG just doesn`t do that job, even 10 years later in 2008. I think the CG on smaller ships/valkyries has been working pretty well in Macross Frontier so far. The story is so good tho that these things didn`t really bother me. Not really looking forward to next weeks fight if theres gonna be more shitty CG on large ships tho.
  10. Thanks for your reply. I don`t have the funds right now (one copy was going for 20,000yen, and another for 5000) But one day..
  11. I`m flicking through yahoo auctions doing some music shopping and this CD always demands a lot of cash. Does anyone have the CD? What are its contents? Thanks in advance.
  12. If the 1/60 DX Macross Frontier series turn out anything like the Aquarion toys from Bandai then we`re in for something special.
  13. I`m hoping SMS have their own spaceship so we can see a White Base style road trip. Road Trip!!!
  14. Thanks for your answers, that makes things clearer. Had a look at the Wikipedia entry too which helps (d`oh)
  15. Miss Macross was pretty cool. The best episode yet as many have said, and I even got over my CG animation hate to enjoy it. It felt a lot like Macross to me. Could someone please explain a couple of things to me tho? : Was it the 12th or 25th Miss Macross contest on Frontier? They mentioned 12th in some parts and then on the billboard outside theres a 25th on the sign. What are the names of the factions on board the Frontier fleet? Are SMS a private military contractor akin to organisations like Blackwater in Iraq? What does SMS stand for? What is the name of the military? NUNS? Or is that a special group within the military? I searched for the answers but couldn`t find anything amongst the maze of long threads on Frontier. Can`t say I like the idea of the main group of pilots being freelance mercenaries.
  16. Well then where was he when Bandai did the Macross 7 Valkyries??
  17. Irrelevant. The .50 cal M2 Browning heavy machine gun is still used in combat by the US some 70 years after it becoming standard issue.
  18. No, I`d like them to spend the budget to make it look like DYRL or those few episodes of SDFM where the cell count and attention to detail on certain combat scenes was higher than that of an average anime movie. CG makes everything look TOO smooth and perfect, theres no passion in the work.
  19. Well actually if you watched a show as a kid in Japan and still like it as an adult for nostalgia value its pretty normal. I work at a school in Japan and a lot of the male teachers have Macross and Gundam screen savers on their PCs. Everyone sits in one big room by the way. The teachers are pretty normal ones and nobody thinks its strange. I talk to some of them about Macross sometimes. None of them know about Macross F tho. My girlfriends brother was also a womanising playboy who dated TV models and stuff a lot. His room that he`d bring them home to had a Gundam DVD box set and a giant RX78 in it. Guys who completely fill their rooms with Gundam stuff, are fat and unsociable in Japan are considered geeky otaku but there is some mainstream acceptance of shows like Gundam and Macross.
  20. The pacing of Macross F is nice and it looks pretty but I can`t get past the excessive smoothness of the CG fight sequences. Even some episodes of Macross 7 felt more like Macross to me, simply for being hand drawn. To truly feel like Macross the fights needs to be hand drawn imo. The character sequences in Macross F DO feel like Macross because of this imo..
  21. Thanks for your reply. I got fed up with download limits on Rapidshare and had another look for torrents, found the Macross Frontier TBS TV Special on isohunt. According to the rules of this thread I`m not allowed to give links to torrents but just search for Macross Special on isohunt and a torrent will come up.
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