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Everything posted by yman1437

  1. yman1437

    Hi-Metal R

    Yep, thanks for the tip! Surprised that it's not marked up right the way...😒
  2. yman1437

    Macross figures

    Most conflicting phrase I've ever heard...😥😝😨😨
  3. Are many fans waiting for a "fixed" version of vf0a? I am...I cant spend close to 300 only to get a figure that the leg can snap off.... So do it Arcadia, you fix it, I buy it
  4. yman1437

    Hi-Metal R

    basically they can't fill the order and are arranging refunds beginning mid October. They ask customer to keep the receipt and contact them by the given email address with any questions. Sorry to hear that....
  5. not gonna wait for AE and NY anymore, good nite guys
  6. 17 minutes from my watch..
  7. Domo arigato IXTL!
  8. hlj order stop
  9. thats why yeti stand is great....😉😉
  10. yman1437

    3P SD VF-1S

    If I'm look8ng at it right, $348 HKD would be a little over $40 USD
  11. yman1437

    Hi-Metal R

    Only non released vf1 in those pictures. Question is how many to order? 😁
  12. Really ? Is it for real? It will be so awesome!...don't get my hopes up....
  13. yman1437

    Hi-Metal R

    PO already up @ BIJ http://biginjap.com/en/mecha/15387-hi-metal-r-vf-1j-super-valkyrie-milia-fallyna-jenius-unit.html 10,000 yen, payment upfront
  14. yman1437

    Hi-Metal R

    Isnt it better on twe? Less po drama....and I mean relatively speaking
  15. Very dubious...the description still mentioned "yamato", most likely just a copy and paste from old promo....
  16. Fourth! Is there a review for nexx already? If it's improved, may at least consider ....😆
  17. Aren't people screaming for rerelease of super and strike parts? THis has been available for days... https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1048412351&ref=list
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