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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. my 1st real Macross toy was a 1/55 Bandai VF-1A Hikaru that my brother bought me.... before that i had a hovertank that held onto for long time but that's not really Macross... After the 1A.... MPC Rick and then 1/60 VF-1A Hik and then the addiction blew up after the summer of 2004....
  2. Check out this thread if you're interested in donating any prizes for MWcon 2007. We will need a variety of things for all the contests we're having. Remember for those who are interested in attending to Register by June 1st in order to get in for only $10. That's only 2 months away now and time is flying by fast. A reminder that Registration fees will be raised to $15 from June 1st - July 21st and we will take on-site registration for $20. Registration fee includes Lunch.
  3. i didn't see anything wrong with the april fool's design... kinda looked like something else we've already seen....
  4. wow... that preview looks good..... i'm hoping this will come out in time so we can have a viewing of it available for MW Con in July!!
  5. great weathered look... i like grittyness of it.. haha.. i just used a gundam marker on my Max 1A and it looks like outlined crap.... gotta learn to be subtle with the weathering...
  6. if it was a custom... why would they paint up 2 valks to show it in different modes??? i think usually those are displayed like that to show off a new color scheme so i'm thinking these will probably come out.... i dunno if i'd pick one up... but maybe just because it's different.... i wanna see the 19 fighter mode of this paint scheme.... shift the camera to the left!!!
  7. is that a bad thing?? haha... you don't have BO or anything rite?? j/k meeting peoples is fun!! the word is getting out about the con so it looks like we'll have good attendance this year. We're gonna have a great time!
  8. the card pack glitch should work... as it did with mine and it helps TONS.... you may not be doing it right so follow these steps. Materials Needed: -At least 150 DP but its bettter to have more so you can get more than 1 entire pack at a time -There must be at least 3 packs available with cards Step 1) Select any pack and check 1 pack and exit out to the main pack selection menu Step 2) Select a different pack you want to all the packs from and push L on your DS to check all of them and then exit out to the main selection menu Step 3) Highlight the 3rd pack which you haven't checked anything yet but don't select it to go into the menu. Instead, while it's highlighted, push R on your DS and the glitch should take effect and the total DP spent will drop from a couple of thousand to 150. Step 4) Push the purchase button and enjoy all the cards you got for just 150 DP!!! When the card shop runs out of packs, they usually restock every week. But as i said, when you want to to the glitch multiple times, you still need 3 packs and at least 150 DP. In step 2) when you push L to check all the packs, uncheck 1 so you get all the packs except that one and finish the rest of the steps. This way you'll still have that deck to perform the glitch on and use it to get the other packs Hope that helps!
  9. wow.... nice paint jobs on those figures... i'm sure you'll do fine painting up a valk... gluck with that
  10. ooooo.... have you been playing Yugioh: SC???? I haven't tested out the wi-fi on the game yet so maybe i'll check it out later..... i'm level 8 with a decent amount of cards due to the card pack glitch. LMK if you wanna duel!! haha...
  11. what's the real point of wearing clone armor if it really doesn't protect you against anything??? from the movies... i always saw clones and storm troopers getting shot with blasters and they just fall down.... haha.... are there specs of what the actual canon trooper armor is supposed to be made out of???
  12. wow... this is a great diorama set!! too bad i don't have any 1/72 scale figures... boo....
  13. KiriK

    Hikaru's Bad Day

    very original and entertaining!!! good job!
  14. She has already been asked and she said she'd get back to me on that... haha... my guess is she's not sure she wants to here a bunch of fanboys attempt to sing songs dear to her heart... or maybe not... We'll take signups for the contests when the event gets closer...
  15. very clean custom..... better than the urban camo one.....
  16. WiFi Wii was bound to happen....and it's not Gamestop their tapping..its gamespy according to the article... but man!! i just checked out the Super Mario Galaxy trailer on the previous page..!! It looks really dizzy but awesome at the same time.... i'm curiuos what the controls will feel like....
  17. can a mod update the main page of MW to point to this year's MW Con thread???? Unless you wanna start putting up that cool Fan Artwork up again.... but i think that corner of the main page needs some updatin.... =] the same picture is ok....
  18. love the color scheme and i'm really digging the fighter mode.... never been too keen on Battroid and GERWALK for the SV-51... but man.... displaying this thing in Fighter mode will take up a LOT of space !
  19. Good idea for Mari's Autograph session, but she is already being compensated for her performance and autograph session with the registration fees. I think we will just have a limit of 2 items and if you want more things signed... then get back in line!! haha... how much stuff could people want signed by Mari anyways?? And thanks for the donation for 1/100's! They will be used as prizes for all the contests we'll be having.
  20. just added: Tom Bateman from Harmony Gold is interested in being a guest speaker at MacrossWorld Con.... He has some interesting stuff to share that a lot of us might want to see and hear... hopefully we will draw a bigger crowd with Bateman and possibly Tommy Yune showing off some of their new stuff..... still working on possibly getting Egan Loo to come.... =]
  21. i've read the comic already and was already impresssed by the trailers which showed a lot of scenes straight out of the graphic novel.... It was a very short comic so i wondered how they could stretch it into a full length movie, but i'm sure it'll be great to watch the pages come to life....
  22. If you're flying into Long Beach Airport... then you're just a quick 5 min drive from the Con... but i guess it depends on when you're flyiing in and if you need to go anywhere else.... I could easily give you a lift or any of the socal dudes.... PM me when you have your flight info and i'll arrange a pickup for you....
  23. haha.... the life of a destroid pilot.... stand and fight and die!!!
  24. KiriK

    1/48 Vf-1s Roy Custom

    how did i miss seeing this custom??? haha.... i'm glad you didn't have a smashed head.... althought that'd be interestign to see...
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