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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. I don't think she has any restrictions on what she'll autograph... i think 2 years ago, she was pretty cool about signing most anything.... Does anyone know if we have to provide her with markers to autograph??? like a silver pen or a black sharpie? she'll have an autograph table after her performance, with some CD sales. We'll probably just form a line for her to autograph stuff. Also... i'm thinking we should limit how many items we can have her sign per person, like 3 items only...
  2. but they guy wasn't a seller..... he was just reviewing the toy AFAIK..... but yea.... you can never tell when a toy is gonna become short in supply and then people will start buying.... i guess it's just a scare tactic to get people to buy saying its limited...
  3. I've asked some people what attendance for this Con has been like in past years and i've heard it's always stayed around 30 or so people.... One of my goals for putting this on is getting a good crowd for Mari to sing to... What do you guys think of inviting other people to the Con just for the sake of having a good audience for Mari? and by inviting other people, i'm thinking Robotech.com folks.... whattya guys think??? they're already advertising Mari's performance at Tekkoshocon so i don't see why we can't ask them to advertise her performance at our con....
  4. yea.... anyone see that transforming video guide from that one guy from toybox or something... after watching that and reading his review... kinda makes me wanna get one.... but yea... i'm hoping and playing the waiting game that this will drop in price.... however he did say that it was limited and that WAVE won't me making another run of these.... anyone else having trouble getting one??? it looks to me they're still readily available at a lot of sites....
  5. great video!!!! really shows off how the toys works.... "Macross Geeks Rejoice!!!"... haha....
  6. wow... what great deals.... too bad i don't want any of the stuff....
  7. great paint job so far... looks clean and simple..... i love it...!
  8. pretty interesting designs.... any idea when this is supposed to come out??
  9. Here's something to get people excited about the Con... I have here a layout of what the Con is going to look like with a tentative schedule.... As you can see, we have lots of space for people to share their collections. If you are interested in bringing part of your collection to exhibit, please PM me so i can reserve some space for you. We will be roping off the section so noone can touch people's personal collections... In addition, we will have an area for Sellers to sell some Macross goodies and other related stuff.... If you are interested in being a Seller at the Con, please PM me so i can reserve a table for you. There is no cost to reserve a table BUT you must notify me if you will be selling merchandise. As for participating in contests and events, i will be posting more specific information about each event and the rules and prizes. EXO will be in charge of the Customs Contest so look for his post about rules of entering.... People start working your CUSTOMS!! You can also enter the 1/48 Yammie VF-1 transforming contest where each contestant will have to bring their own 1/48 to the Con and we will test to see how fast and accurate people can transform their valkyries. Enter at your own risk!! haha... but it should be fun we'll have cool prizes.... you can also enter the Macross Karaoke Contest... The Karaoke contest will be fun and games and Mari may be a guest judge for the event.... As for the Video Game Tournaments, i have not decided which games we will have tournaments in but if you have any suggestions, please post them here. We we have some good games that people are interested in, we will schedule the tournaments and have prizes at the end. As soon as we know what movies we will be showing, i will post that schedule.... The poker tournament will be a Turbo Tournament with a maximum of 18 players at 2 tables.... It will be a $20 buy-in and will be support MW Con costs... Prizes will be given out to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We will have food and snacks for everyone at the Con...we will be providing lunch and drinks.... It looks like this year's Con is shaping up to be a great one with lots of activities and good stuff!!! Hope to see a lot of you guys there!!
  10. Just wanted to let everyone know that Mari has definitely commited to coming to MacrossWorld Con 2007 and will be performing at 1pm. I already have a tentative schedule and layout of the con, but i will be needing some help in getting stuff... one of the things that Mari requested for her performance is a Yamaha S80 keyboard to play on.... this is her 1st preference of keyboard to play on but as long as she knows how to use it, she should be good. Does anyone have any info on renting or borrowing a Yamaha S80 keyboard for Mari to play on???
  11. wow... totally frackin awesome sculpts!! i had no idea CM's had it in them to do this...
  12. KiriK

    Plush Valkyrie

    i was thinking of just making my own custom plush valkyrie in time for this year's Con.... looks like an easy enough project.... kinda...
  13. It will most likely stay the 22nd..... although i have heard from Mari twice about performing at the Con.... i contacted her again to confirm for sure that she is available and does not have plans to attend Otakon... When i get her final confirmation Email, the MW Con Date will be set in Stone.... bank on the 22nd of July....
  14. the closest hotel or place to stay is the Holiday Inn or the Mariott Residence Inn... both are less than 5 minutes driving distance and maybe a 15 minute walk.... If you guys fly Jet Blue, you can fly right into Long Beach, CA. Here's the website for the HI Holiday Inn Long Beach and here's the website for MRI Marriot Residence Inn Long Beach Airport is also about a 5-10 drive to the LBARC so it'll be conviniently close for anyone who flies in there.... There are also a lot of So Cal residents though that may be willing to offer up places to stay if you ask too...
  15. yea... unfortunately i just found out that it falls the same weekend as Otakon when SOMEONE told me he wanted it on this weekend..... July 22nd still seems to be a good time to do it and i have already booked the con... BUT we can still possibly move the date... However, if i do so... i will have to contact Mari again to see if she is available.... I leave it to you guys to decide... you guys can always go to Otakon for the 1st 2 days then fly out to So Cal for MW Con... then stay for SDCC!!!!! haha...
  16. This post will be upated with information about MW Con events such as the details and rules of the Customs Contest and Tournaments. Oh... and can a Mod pin this thread an lock the other one??? thanks Mechamaniac for getting the ball rolling on this year's con!!
  17. Dear MacrossWorld Folks, All news and updates about Macross World Con 2007 will be put into this thread. I will post the tentative schedule of events and will update with any news of any special guests. Thank you all for your support in making this one of the best Cons we've put on. Bee Macross World Con 2007 Event Details Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 LBARC - Long Beach, CA 90806 10am-6pm Mari Iijima This year's con will feature special guest Mari Iijima who will be in attendance to perform at the con. We are excited to have Mari join us again this year so hopefully we can get a good size audience for her sing to us. She will also be selling her CD's and merchandise during an autograph session at the con. MW Con Events In addition, we will be having a variety of scheduled events and activities throughout the day including: -Exhibition Room with Personal Collection Displays and Merchandise for sale -Macross Customs Contest -Video Game Tournaments -Movie Viewings -Yamato 1/48 VF-1 Transforming Contest -Macross Karaoke Contest (maybe) -Poker Tournament -Towne Hall/Open Forum Meeting -Other Possible Guest Speakers We are still planning the day and I will post more specific information about each event eventually. MacrossWorld Con 2007 Registration This year's con will have an entrance fee that covers the cost of venue, food, and Mari's attendance. We will have registration deadlines but will also accept on site registrations. The fee schedule is as follows: $10 - Register by June 1st, 2007 $15 - Register between June 2nd - July 21st, 2007 $20 - Register on July 22nd, 2007 at MW Con In order to register for the con, please email MWcon2007@gmail.com with the following information: First and Last Name MacrossWorld Handle or ScreenName City, State Preffered Payment Method: Check, Money Order, or Paypal Would you like to purchase an autographed CD from Mari: Yes or No Be sure to include "MW Con Registration" in the title of the email. After you register, I will send you information about sending payment. After you have paid, I will send you a confirmation email of your registration and you will have a name badge prepared for you the day of the con. I'm looking forward to putting on this Con and hope many of you will attend this year. I will update this thread with information as new things develop.
  18. In "Find the 2 odd Mii's Out" there's 2 different ones i've seen.... the 1st one is when everyone is turning their heads left to right... and the ODD one is going to opposite of the group..... the 2nd one is when there's a line of 4 mii's or so and they're walking down the screen.... the ODD mii is walking with the opposite steps... left, right, left, right... where the ODD mii is Right, left, right, left... the 2nd one is much more difficult than the 1st... overall... i like Wii Play.... i have gold medals on all of the games except Find Mii and Pose Mii... good to know that level 62 is what you need to pass Find Mii... i think i've gotten to 60 before.... Pose Mii is just way too difficult for me.... i even got to 480 and still no gold... anyone know the mark to get gold?? i bet it's like 500....
  19. congrats!! but i wanna know more about the mod chip stuff.....
  20. It's not even worth a $20 toy... it's more like a $15 toy.... that would have been ideal.... i just got one this week too and i like it.... but it's a bit small.... overall great toy... but i would have liked it at a lower price point..... they can afford it... like the Magnus/Skywarp Pack.... that's a great deal!
  21. Well.... Since several people think it's a good idea to hold to con at my work... i need to book the date and reserve it now and to make sure nothing else is going on that day.... I think July 22nd is also a good date to hold it since it's in the middle of the Con season but close enough for people like Nick to come out for this and SDCC Comic-Con..... So unless there's any objections, here's the information of the date and location of MW Con 2007 Date: Sunday, July 22nd, 2007 Location: LBARC - Long Beach, CA 90806 Time: 10am In order to not affiliate my workplace with MW Con, we will call the location LBARC. Since this is not an LBARC sponsored event, i have to maintain seperation and not use the full name of my workplace. Now that we have a date and place, we can start organizing the events of the Con... people can start planning to attend or not... details will be posted as soon as we come up with logistics.... SAVE THE DATE!!! JULY 22nd!!!
  22. ooooo... what could be the grand prize this year??? wonder when the SV-51 is scheduled for release..... haha... the poker tourney is used to pay for the food for the con and stuff... I'm thinking of having different areas we can display stuff, sell stuff, have the usual customs contest... food stuff.... continual macross episodes running on a projector..... maybe run some different Video game tourneys.... what else are people interested in???
  23. maybe you need a Wii Update.... do a manual update in your system settings menu to check...
  24. wow... great video to see how some modeling is really done... makes me wanna try... but looks like a lot of materials to get....
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