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Everything posted by KiriK

  1. there's just 7 spots left open in the poker tournament!!! sign up now!! 1st place prize: VF-0A Shin with Ghost Pack combo 2nd place prize: 1/48 Urban Camo GBP 3rd place Prize: (if 15 or more players) haven't been decided yet.... if we don't get 15 or more players, then we're just going to have 1st and 2nd place prizes. sign up now!
  2. the con is coming up this SUNDAY from 10am-6pm in Long Beach. Here is the address for anyone that would like to come but has not registered yet. I will only be accepting Online Registrations through Friday night. People registering at the door will pay $20. 3150 E. 29th St. Long Beach, CA 90806 Hope to see a lot of you guys there!
  3. hey chimera!! Welcome to MW Boards!! i'm glad you showed up to take credit for your work... =] you should post new threads some some of the galleries you have so more people can see your stuff... hope to see some more of your goods soon.. =]
  4. that's a great model kit of Minmei... captures the moment perfectly....
  5. i'm down for one already!!! =]
  6. Battlecry will be one of the tournament games as well as Street Fighter II Turbo. Maybe a Smash Bros Melee tournament if enough people are interested. But we will probably have sign ups the day of the con.
  7. for those who registered and were interested in purchasing an Autographed CD, here is what Mari has for sale and will be bringing to the Con: "Uncompromising Innocence" - $20 (Her newest Album) " Silent Love" - $20 "Gems" - $20 "Lorna Doone." -$10 (Soundtrack CD) Everyone who has agreed to purchase a CD from Mari will get first dibs in line for the autograph session. You can purchase the CD of your choice directly from Mari and have her autograph it anyway you like. In addition, each person in line can only have up to 3 items signed by Mari to keep the flow going. Those who want more stuff signed can get back in line if they wish. The performance and autograph session should be really fun. Again, if you're interested in attending the con but haven't registered yet, PLEASE register ASAP. Thanks!
  8. hehe... it may just be showdown between you and Eternal D.... We may just have that as a fun event for people to show off and not make it an actual contest. I did ask Mari if she'd be interested in judging, but she never got back to me. haha....
  9. sign up for the poker tournament!!! we need people to register and pay for this ASAP so we can get the prizes.... Thanks!
  10. MacrossWorld Con is just around the corner!!!! for those still interested in attending but have not yet registered... PLEASE register by emailing MWcon2007@gmail.com the con is almost 2 weeks away!!! we have Mari confirmed.... and possible appearances from Egan, Tommy Yune, and Tom Bateman.... If you have registered, please check out the event thread to sign up for events. At this point, i think we're going to cancel the karaoke contest and just have it for fun.... some people have entered the customs contest.... we may just have sign ups for the video game tourneys at the con itself. the big thing is the POKER TOURNAMENT!!! I need all those who are interested to sign up for the poker tourney ASAP so we can secure the prizes. check out the event sign up thread soon!
  11. wow.. this was at this year's AX.... i wonder when this happened.... i actually went over to the HG booth to introduce myself to Tommy.... he actually registered to attend MacrossWorldCon this year and said he'd bring some cool Macross/Robotech stuff for people to check out.... the video stopped playing for me towards the end so i didn't see the pie in the face but i could hear shits and giggles.... wow... i would have been really pissed if that happened when i was a guest somewhere.... for anyone wanting to meet and greet and check out some of Tommy's rare stuff... come to this year's MacrossWorld Con in 3 weeks!!
  12. oh.. we'll have an SF tournament for sure... haha.. but which one??? i'm thinking an old school Street Fighter 2 turbo edition will be good to level the playing field.... and then maybe Street Figther Alpha 3...... anyone a Smash Bros Melee fan for Gamecube??? i'm thinking for the VG tourneys: Robotech: Battlecry Street Fighter 2 Turbo Smash Bros Melee and then we can play any other games for fun....
  13. Fortress Maximus gave me an idea that i think would be cool for the con: does anyone want to make anything cool for Mari??? i could pitch in... but i suck at making stuff... but it would be a cool tribute to give to her from us.....
  14. I think we can enter your AMV into the "other" category with: Best Non Transforming Macross Custom (Figures, sculptures, busts, plush, dioramas etc) =] We'll be happy to show if off on our projector screen in the Video Room
  15. i got your payment on June 5th. Just sent you a confirmation email. and i would LOVE your help with Mari's performance if you could bring a sound system.... All i have is a Fender P250 speaker system that i was going to hook up a mic and a Yamaha S80 keyboard too... I was gonna get some monitors and speaker stands, but if you have some of your own equipment or sound system you'd like to bring and help set up, that'd be awesome!!! and i'll enter your stuff into the customs contest.... thanks!!
  16. Registration fees have gone up to $15. Remember that all of these funds are going to pay for food and Mari's attendence. Plus we'll have good stuff to give out as prizes for the contests so sign up!!! =]
  17. last day to register for $10... !!! tommorow, fees will go up to $15.... =]
  18. just 3 more days for the $10 registration cutoff deadline!!!! register today if you plan on attending!!! After Friday, registration fees will jump to $15.... to register, email mwcon2007@gmail.com Also, if you've registered, check out the events thread to sign up for Customs contest, karaoke, transforming contest, poker, and video game tourneys... check it out here.... MW Con2007 Events page thanks!
  19. i'm pretty sure it's been shown in Fighter mode before.... especially back when it was on display at AX/SDCC some years ago....
  20. Just a reminder that there's just 2 weeks left as of tommorrow to register for MacrossWorld con for $10!!! After Friday, June 1st... registration fees WILL jump to $15 For all those planning on attending... please send me a registration email so i can process all the attendees.... this includes memebers that i've contacted to sell things as well....EVERYONE needs to register and pay so that we can cover the cost of the con... the most important thing is to make enough so that we can cover the cost of Mari's attendance and food.... So everyone register soon!!!! Thanks!
  21. hehe.... i like how the robot was walking across the ocean..... must have been a long trip from Germany to Pearl Harbor with an ocean 30 ft deep..... great animation though for what it was... lots of details and people being blown up...haha....
  22. wow... i know people can be asses sometimes and sorry to hear you've been blasted..... stupid people suck, but don't let them get to you.....
  23. yea... that's a pretty dayam good suit adaptation.... but i dunno about Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark....
  24. haha... i was lucky enough to get my man room with my toys and stuff.... but i do have some things that leaked into the living room like my Star Wars FX light sabers.... My gf has control of our bedroom though so she has her own stuff in there.... here's my man room....=]
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