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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. Yikes!  Didn't realize they started this week! :(   Will they be rerunning episodes or airing them online anytime soon???

    Saturday they'll show all five episodes back to back at 8:00 pm EST. Check local listings to be sure though. ;)


    Ahh, Yes. Thanks for the good news. I hope it pans out.

    For the other member that asked, I believe this is actually considered "Season II."

    I also like the longer format and thought that last season was excellent and, IMHO, wish that Eps I & II were animated like Clone Wars - Season I.

    Few things about this Season:

    1) If you're worried about spoilers and are dodging the spoiler thread here at MW, I'd maybe hold-off on watching this. It's only been 2 episodes there's already been many examples of what has been seen in that thread. Granted the Trailers have shown everyone stuff too, but some people don't even watch those.

    2) Addition of more one-liners from the OT are great.

    3) But there also is more "sillyness" which I'm not too sure if I'm agreeing with yet. The last season was more dramatic/militaristic and this appeared to be more of that greatness, but then the silly voices/actions started to appear. Definitely will not keep me from religiously watching the series, but just had hoped for the same ol' serious stuff I guess.

    That being said, can't wait for tonight!!!

    I totally agree about the silliness comment. Particularly the 3PO moment! Yikes! :blink:


    P.S. The Clone Wars DVD rocks! The bridging the gap documentary is pretty darn sweet. It has some new footage of the Ep. III of the space battle at the end of the docu. Also the Game trailers and the teaser trailer to Ep III!

  2. Thing is...Six in Baltar's head may or may not even be there..could actually be his imagination. Or if she is helping him along, I too wonder if she's following her own agenda or is everything in the grand scheme of the Cylon plan. I wonder if Six really is a figment of his imagination or she stuck somethiing in his head.

    She says she loves him, and you kinda wonder if the Six on Caprica was upset a few weeks ago when she and Doral were talking about emotions because, she had actually felt what Sharon feels when she was with Baltar those 2 years but can't actually be with him now, or was she truly upset because she couldn't feel what Sharon feels.

    I don't think Shelly Godfrey was Baltar's six in the flesh, just another copy...however, it is strange that she vanished, leaving the glasses behind.

    Here's one to bake your noodle...what if Caprica Boomer is the one we saw in the mini-series, and the Galactica Boomer is one they switched with Cap Boomie when she was taking all those solo jumps looking for ships in the mini on her own....both Cylon, but Mini Boomer knows everything about Helo and Galactica/tyrol relationship and simply told/transferred her thoughts to the second (3rd, 4th, 5th?) copy.

    2 more episodes to go, and then July for season 2!!! :o

    That's a great idea!


  3. The number six in Baltars head/ Shelly Godfrey is deffinately a conundrum. As some else stated, possibly True Blue eyes, maybe she was some sort of hologram/holusination(spelling). We never did find out what the Cylon devise was in the Mini-series, perhaps it has something to do with it. There have got to be millions of places that those things could be hidden on a ship the size of Galactica, no matter how hard you look! Still doesn't explain the glasses though.


  4. Actually, there are 12 modles and we've only seen 4 so far. I don't mind number six that much kinda like when she shows up in his head....what annoys me is the damn music EVERY TIME she shows up, and I like the music in the show too! It's just that peice is a little over used. If anyone has seen the most recent TV Guide they have a few spoilers in the article about BSG, one written and one in a picture. The picture one is worse for me, I was like WHAT THE F**K!!!!!



  5. I have a question about Adama and the exo. Do they have experience fighting with cylons? I mean how old are they suppose to be and since the last cylon was seen 40 years prior to the pilot episode... :unsure:

    In the first Pod-Cast, Ron Moore gives a small back story to Adama and Tigh. In it he says that Tigh is the more experienced one of the 2. He started out as an enlisted man and while serving on a ship as a chief, the ship come under heavy attack by the cylons and is boarded. the resulting fight turns very bloody and ends up in hand to hand combat. I believe he says it is one of the most memorable battles of the war for the colonials and Tigh is one of the few survivors. As the war progresses he becomes an officer and a fighter pilot.

    Adama, meanwhile, is a younger fighter pilot serving towards the end of the war. After the war ends, they both leave the service and meet for the first time while they are both serving on a Freighter. Adama admires Tigh sort of because he is the more experienced warrior of the 2. Adama later finds a way back into the military as a pilot and gets Tigh back in with him and he makes sure Tigh is pretty much with him where-ever he goes. It's a pretty cool back story and you should listen to it sometime, not sure if I told it totally right but that's the gist of it. The story is on the pod-cast for Tigh me up, Tigh me down.

    Also I think he says Tigh's driking Problem is a result of his action aboard that first ship.


  6. True, but he's already got the Princess who could yeild much more important info, he's freezing Han without questioning him, plus the whole air of the Empire not liking non-humans ( at least that's how the OT portrayed it to me).

    It very well could have been Vader wanting one more prisoner alive, it's just after learining that Anakin built C-3PO, that scene can have a whole new meaning. :)


  7. Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

    That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. ;)


    Also, modern fighters have unstable airframes, so they won't glide if they get fragged up. Just tumble and drop.

    Yeah, the compairison seems to make sense (to me anyway ;) ) the time difference, also, between the Cylon Wars and the Holocaust is about the same if not a decade longer than WWII and the Late 70's Early 80's when the F-16 arrived.


  8. I missed today's episode but I don't care, I got the entire first season and mini series on my computer now! So I can pretty much watch it whenever.

    I had a friend watch the Mini series with me lastnight and tonight, he REALLY enjoyed the space battles and he had a few good laughs. Overall he liked it, he's sorta a drama watching nut case.

    If your friend likes Drama, he should definately like this show. As I'm sure you already know this show is all about the drama and the sci-fi aspect is secondary, particularly episodes 2,3, 6, 7, and 11.

    I will also be getting this set as soon as it comes out! For those interested,

    La La Land records is releasing the season 1 soundtrack this summer, rumered to be in June. It'll have BOTH theme songs on it too!! If you like the music you should definately pick it up. Personally, I love the music. I own the Mini series soundtrack and love it, and there have already been a few ques that I heard during the show that I'd love to have.


  9. It's funny how that works. People seem to be put off by this show because of pre-conceptions....whether it's the name "Battlestar Galactica" , or the early shots of the vipers, or Starbuck being a woman. Then, when they give the show a chance they come around. Just wish some more people would give it a shot...I think people who ordinarlly wouldn't like sci-fi would really like this show. Drama first baby! Not that the show is doing bad or anything ;)


  10. ACK! again... *smacks internet upside the hub*

    Eh, but anyway, I'll try and turn it into something useful...

    Somehow I kinda doubt that Obi-wan could possibly forget the droids.. he probably was just covering up the relationship for Luke's sake, so he didn't confuse the heck out of him.  I mean, what are the odds of a blue R-2 unit pairing up with a gold 3PO, and landing in his lap?  That had to set of something in his memory.  He may not have been sure at first, but I'm pretty sure he knew who they really were by the time he viewed the message.  The connection to Leia's adopted father probably should've made it clear who they were.

    What's kind of funny is the chain of events as they probably should have happened... if it hadn't been for the jawas, R-2 would've probably found Obi-wan, and alerted him to what was going on, in which case, Obi-wan would've probably had to pick up Luke on the way anyway... the implied reason for him staying on Tattooine in the first place was to watch over Luke, and let him in on the story at the right time (or shovel it off onto Yoda :p)

    Or maybe he just didn't care? All Astromech droids look the same, and after 20 years its probably a footnote in his memory. Plus, R2 and Obiwan never really hung out. I think the Vader not remembering is more suspect.

    3PO even more so since he built him. I like to think that Vader DID recognize 3PO when he finally see's him in Empire. The scene when Han is going to be frozen in Carbonite, Chewie freaks out and starts tossing storm troopers, Fett raises his blaster to shot the wookie( who happens to have 3PO on his back) and Vader stops him.? Why? After all he's only a Wookie right. I like to think he recognized 3PO and didn't want to risk him getting even more damaged or even destroyed. Food for thought. ;)


  11. I remember watching the making of doc. on the Ep. I DVD. When it came too casting it seemed like everyone else like this other kid who was a little older than Jake and IMO much better in audition then Jake too. Then king George steps in and says something like Jake just has something about him that he liked. I swear everyone looked like they couldn't believe he was picking Jake over this other kid, it was hilarious! Then later on during filming Jake couldn't say Couruscant correctly.....the look on ol' George's face was priceless.....kinda like it dawned on him that he made a big mistake with this kid!! :lol: If you have it you should check it out! ;)


  12. Oh god compare cost to build a MKVII is probably stagering, maybe like 2 MKII's to every MKVII...from what I read your NUTS and suicidal and need help if you push a MKVII to full potential.

    That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. ;)


  13. Man, I had already ordered the reissue Bandai Yamato toy just on general principe of it being so freaking cool.  NOW, I want it even more!.

    Yeah I had that thing pre-ordered also from HLJ.....but I had to cancel it. I just couldn't justify nearly $200 before shipping for that toy....no matter how cool I thought it was. But damnit....I still want it!!!!! ;)

    I have the HK DVD's and am really happy with them. Series 2 the Comet Empire was just incredible...best of the bunch IMHO! It's funny how the music can be soooo campy but then turn to such a beautiful score also...particularly at the end of the Comet Empire series.


  14. Did anyone else think that Starbuck was a bit out of line in the past episode?

    coments about previous episode.

    She tells Lee...her friend and superior... not to "frack-up" before his mission. She pretty much tells Lee she has no faith in his abilities. Not exactly the best thing to say to ANYBODY before they are about to go into a extremely dangerous situation much less your friend......I mean GOD....she got pissed at him when he said be careful before a mission instead of good hunting! Then she had the nerve to pretty much say it again to the Commander. At least he flung it back at her though. I like Starbuck too, just thought she was being a bit of a bitch was all....at least more than usual :p


  15. That's one thing I'd like to see, a few cool background pilots, that don't get killed off so easily. Like Max and Kakizaki or Wedge and Biggs.

    Erm ... Biggs? :blink:

    OMG, you dont know Biggs?

    Biggs was Luke's best friend. Biggs grew up on Tantooine but left for the Imperial Academy but later defected to the Rebel Alliance. He was the pilot holding off Vader in the Trench run and died doing so. Other pilots in the SW ep4 were Tiree, Dutch, and Porkins (fat guy in the Xwing thought he can control it after getting hit but crashed and burned).

    Damn it... I am a SW geek. :angry:

    I think he was referring to the fact that Biggs was killed and the original statement said "surviving" pilots! :p

    Yeah, there are 2 full scale Mk II's and 1 full scale Mk VII. I would just like to see a shot of it launching down the tube, and a good combat sequence show what this mother can do.......when it's not shut-off of course! B))....Like possibly Apollo and Starbuck both flying the VII's and just ripping up a whole flight of raiders!


  16. I thought the MK7's would be vunerable to hacking like in the pilot episodes? I really don't recall seeing them ever again after the pilot....but hey I found a place to download the first season so I'll check it out again!

    They were, but Boomer stated that the only ships haveing any success against the Cylons were either old or in need of repair/upgrade. Lt. Gaeta (spelling) later told Dr. Baltar that they would purge the CMP program from the remaining MK VII's so they wouldn't be vulnerable anymore.

    Apollo was flying a Mk VII in "33" when he destroyed the Olympic Carrier. You see a few in the opening scene of the same episode when the Vipers are racing out to intercept the Cylons as the fleet is jumping away. Then the 5 that I counted when they land....although that was stock footage from the combat landings at the end of the Mini. Finally, you see 3 or 4, can't remember, including the one Apollo is flying when he orders the rest of the squadron to land and get some sleep after the Cylons didn't show up after 33 minutes + an hour or two, in "33".

    Just really like the Mk VII design, it grew on me! I wish they'd show more of it, like a launch sequence or something.


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