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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. Wonder when the season 2 BSG DVD set will be released? December or maybe next January?

    BSG doesn't get shown on the crappy TV here and I'm not really into downloading, so I guess I've just got to be patient and wait :( .

    I think I'm looking forward to watching season 2 of BSG more than I am seeing SW ep 3.


    Season 2!!! The U.S. doesn't even have a release date for season 1 yet!!! We may "normally' get to see the episodes first but we tend to get the shaft in DVD release times. :angry: Hell, we just got the Mini on DVD in January!!


    I also agree, MORE ships less figures! :)

  2. Anybody got any tips for destroying the ice chunks in level 8? Can't seem to destroy them quickly enough to stop them from destroying the Galactica.


    I can't completely remember what I did, I think it's just rapid firing and use an occasional missle. I think I boosted pretty far ahead to by a little more time.


  3. I got the game as well. Only played the first 2 levels. I think this game is just an updated version of the old PS Jedi Power Battles game. That's not really a bad thing in my opinion but wasn't what I was expecting either. There are too many combo's to try and remember plus they have you switch characters from level to level I believe so that makes it even harder to keep track of combo's. They should just let you pick which character you'll play as, at least for the sake of trying to get they hang of all the combo's, espesially since they grade you on every kill!


  4. Do you know what episode you can see the Firefly class ship in?

    It's in the MINI-SERIES. The scene is when the then secretary Roslyn is at her doctors office on Caprica, it's the sky shot looking up out of the office...I think it's like the second ship, it passes right to left and is descending.


  5. For the more technically inclined, Zoic did the visual effects in Firefly, so you new Battlestar Galactica fans can see some of their earlier CGI space work. The space scenes are done the same way, "documentary style".

    You can actually see a Firefly class ship in the Battlestar Galactica Mini-series.


  6. Just got to watch the 7 min trailer posted a few pages back. WOW!!

    Does anyone know what music they used for the trailer? Was that the episode III sountrack? It was wonderful.


    All cuts from ESB. J. Williams finest Star Wars work. Based upon the clips I've heard from Episode III I don't think the soundtrack will be nearly as good. :(

    I don't recall those drum beats in Empire. Can you tell me wich ques? I have the soundtrack and don't recognize it.


  7. I also really liked this game. My only gripes about it where the Cylon Raider level...too much formation flying! If you have to play it multiple times it's a real drag! and I found the Galactica gunnery levels and the bomber level to be a bit hard! No real problems with the first level though.

    Graham, wait till you get to the level that starts off as a First person Viper launch!! It's sweet!!!

  8. Does anyone know who the EU character they plan to show in the movie is yet, and how much screen time he is expected to get? Also I've been reading the book and something is bugging me, is the Lt. COmmander Needa in the book suppossed to be the same Captain/Admiral Needa as in ESB/ROTJ? If so man, that is a slow rise in rank, over twenty years from LT Commander to Captain, or is it maybe suppossed to be his father?

    Needa was the captain that was choaked for letting the Falcon get past the fleet. Admiral Piat was the guy in both Empire and Jedi.....and also Firefox for those who give a poo! :p He replaced Admiral Ossle. (In best Milhouse voice) "I AM a nerd!"


  9. Wow Coby! Looks great!!! Been following at the RPF. Are you gonna make larger versions for sale?

    As for Galactica news, this was posted at Galactica.tv:

    While gateworld.com did not know for sure whether BSG would also premiere on July 15, SCI FI has just recently announced on their Galactica board that Season 2 of the reimaged series will indeed premiere on July 15 as well at 10 p.m. EST.

    All the BSG cast members will be back, including Edward James Olmos, Mary McDonnell, Jamie Bamber. James Callis and Katee Sackhoff. In addition, two new Cylon models will be featured in the second season, with the actors as yet to be disclosed by SCI FI. Stay tuned for more BSG developments.


  10. In the novelization, Sidious tells Anakin that he killed his master once he learned from him how to create life.

    Which raises the question....did Palpatine or his master create Anakin?

    He had no father. Plageous (sp) could make life out of nothing. Who's to say Anakin wasn't created just to become Vader?

    The emergency landing on Tat - accelerates already laid plans.

    Anakin's mother dying - Anger blah blah blah. There was nothing stopping Anakin's best friend and advisor from going to get her outside of the Jedi rules.

    Maul dying - clearly Dooku was already making his move to become Sidous' new apprentice. Was needed.


    In the visual dictionary, it says that the Sith apprentices are easily replaceable to Sidious...a fact that Dooku and Maul failed to raealize. Sidious already had his "perfect" apprentice in mind aka Anakin. Question is when...After the Battle of Naboo or a short time after...."I'll be watching your Career with great intrest" or was it earlier as some have suggested.

    It also says that the Mechano Vader is far from the perfect Sith Lord that Palpatine wanted.


  11. This is a quote from the Revenge of the Sith Visual Dictionary, in regards to Sifo Dyas.:

    "Dooku's turn to the Dark side began with the murder of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, his former friend and confidant in the Order. Assuming control of the plans Sifo-Dyas had set in motion to create a clone army for the Republic, Dooku saw to it that all mention of the planet Kamino was erased from Jedi Archives."

    Still doesn't explain WHY Sifo-Dyas did it in the first place. Possibly a plan from Sidious to get Dooku to turn to the Dark side by murdering his friend who thought he would be the Sith apprentice.

  12. Seems like that the orange or red issue is more a filming effect thing than a real thing if the stripes on that model is not something unique. In the DVD the stripes looks definitely orange-red.

    I would tend to agree....but I know how important it can be for the ship to be "like you remember it" ;)

    Memories!! ... then I was a happy modeler nowadays sometimes I'm so into details that I cannot enjoy the hobby...

    Man.....that speaks volumes! I totally know where you are comming from.


  13. I agree, Fine Molds would be incredable!!!

    Personlly I always thought the Original stripes were Orange as well.

    A side note, I don't think the pilots are to scale with the Viper. I think they are much to SMALL. the scale of the Viper is near 1/48. Damn those things are small!

    I base this on pictures of how large the pilot/actor looks when sitting in the cockpit and on the lenght given for the 1/48 MKII model that Jesse pointed out to us. It's only 7.5 inches long!!! the Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 is longer than that!!! The Joy Ride MKI viper is almost 7 inches I think, can't remember exactly.


  14. The 1/24th scale Viper DOES get a figure. It is being sculpted to look like Katie Sackhof.

    Frank just sent me an email saying that my 1/24 Viper will ship no later then April 15 without a pilot. I know he said that there would be a pilot in his update email but then he sent me my email stating otherwise. <_< Don't know if he's planning on sending the pilot later....he takes a bit of time to respond to emails.


  15. Anybody heard any news about toys and/or models coming of the updated designs?


    Thought I responded to this...sorry...

    There is a 1/24 and 1/48 MKII Viper due out any day now. (resin Garage) A 1/72 MkII is also coming soon. All of these have pictures of complete patterns (or nearly so) and are not vaporware. There are also early shots of a 1/24 Raider...

    I have not seen any toys yet...(hopefully yet! )

    Jesse, do you have any pictures or links to these kits? I recently ordered a custom studio scale garage kit from someone over at Replica prop forums. Along with your studio scale kit ;) . Are you refering to that kit....I believe the makers name is Frank.


  16. Lucs himself had this to say a couple weeks ago.
    "I don't think I would take a 5- or 6-year-old to this," Lucas said in a CBS "60 Minutes" interview set for broadcast Sunday. "My feeling is that it will probably be a PG-13, so it will be the first 'Star Wars' that's a PG-13."

    Yup,and in that same interview he also said that he "could" pull it back a little to get the lower rating, but he doesn't want to.


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