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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. I don't even mind the fact that they were on a 4-wheel internal combustion engine vehicle so much. Lets face it, on a TV budget there's only so much they can do. But for Starbuck to drive around in whats blatantly one of the more recognizable 20th century off roaders? W-E-A-K.

    Now that I think about it, that pack of noodles in her appartment looked a lot like Saporo Ichiban.  :p


    I totally agree about the HUMVEE. They could of at least used something a little more generic and not so "LOOK AT ME I'M A HUMVEE!!"


  2. I haven't found confirmation that YS is actually making the FFR-31 Normal Sylph.  Aside from HLJ's entry for it (which is at least 18 months old, mind you), I've found nothing on it.

    If it never gets made, I might just have to scratchbuild a 1/72 model of it one of these days.  I've got enough design art to make it possible :)

    And on the subject of the 1/144 pre-paints, they're actually really good!  I picked up several of them, and although they're kinda pricey, they're rather impressive.  The sculpt, detailing, and paint job are all top-notch.  The plastic is good quality too.  None of that cheap, soft, vinyl crap here!

    Just don't get suckered into buying both the 'S' version of the Mave and the normal 'flying type'.  It's exactly the same as the normal version, except the missiles are painted blue (they're supposed to be the dummy missiles that it was equipped with in episode 2)


    I saw a picture of the prototype somewhere here before, of it. Or maybe in one of WM Chengs build up threads....either way I did see a picture of it, although it was the only time. If you can make one, I'd be interested in one too. :)


  3. SPOILERS for 2X02 AHEAD**

    Just checked out the 2nd episode this season, wow the show is really just killing people off at a decent clip. There were a few stacks of bodies in those hallways. And there was one minor semi recurring character who bought it (Socinus) I like that for every lesson the fleet learns about the Cyclons, its paid for in blood. Which is probably true to wars at any point in history.

    At least the writers were smart enough to show only one pilot getting killed or injured in the episode. At some point they are going to have to resolve the lack of Vipers. Each engagement has to be sapping the number of usable fighters more and more. Maybe with the Pegasus arc.

    Looks like Battlestar has run into the SG1 thing, where pivotal characters have to go on the away teams to put them in peril, where in real life, they'd never leave the ship/base. Sending your senior nco and best mechanic Tyrol and your VP out into peril doesn't seem like such a great idea. But the entire premise of SG1 was ridiculous too ( second in command, best scientific mind, best cultural mind, only alien all on the same team) At least they keep the bridge crew intact and Adama isn't looking to pull a 'Kirk exploring the planet' anytime soon.

    Its pretty clear now that whomever shot the guy with Chief and Callie wasn't a group of Cyclons. Given the 'toasters' ability to pour out a massive amount of firepower, there had to have been humans shooting at them. Which I think looks like it will play out well, Starbuck , Helo and the Chiefs group will meet a resistance somewhere, cause havoc and return to Galactica to replenish the population/military.

    Looks like Adama won't get up until its time to stop a civil war withing the fleet and I have a gut feeling that , even though it would make the show jump the shark in painful ways, that Starbuck is pregnant with Baltars kid.


    Spoilers for episode 2

    Just want to make sure you understand that Starbuck and Helo are not on the same planet as the chief and his group.


  4. What a great season opener that was.

    SG1 was only slightly better than ordinary, even with the addition of Ben Browder that show is beginning to get a little long in the tooth.  Atlantis was pretty good, nothing spectacular, but very entertaining; although derivative, it works rather well and is mostly solid.

    Now BSG just blew me away, from the wrapping up and further confounding of the Helo/Boomer/Starbuck situation on Caprica, the drama surrounding Adama's injuries, Tigh's inner conflicts, the whole "fracked" jump and following resolution (with a few minor quibbles that have already been alluded to), the flashback scenes, to the special effects, specially how the Base Star just disgorges the Raiders from its arms...it looked like a hornet's nest just let loose.  There was so much going on that it could have bordered on sensory overload to keep track of it all, but the episode was so well written, acted, shot, and edited that everything just flows together and, instead of leaving you overwhelmed, it just made you hunger for more and say to yourself: "it's over already???"

    At the risk of going into complete fanboy hyperbole, this IS the best show in this genre on TV today, and perhaps the best ever...only B5 even got close.  Hooray to Ron Moore and the Sci-Fi channel for breaking away from the tired old Star Trek template and giving us fans something truly special.


    Here Here!!


  5. Well, that was a great episode...well worth the wait...I see Apollo has his MKVII back!  :D


    The MK VII ROCKS!!!!! Great episode!!!! what a fantastic start. About the crash on Galactica, since it's been stated already.....I think that Flight Pod isn't in use already anyway and maybe DC parties where needed elsewhere for more pressing matters. After all Apollo reported no fires or venting of air. But yes they should check out the crash soon.


  6. Episode 10-ish...hmmmm...could it be the...SPOILER ALERT!


    The Pegasus episode(s).  Admiral Kane's Battlestar will make an appearance this season.  One thing that bugs me a bit is that their keeping with their penchant for substituting memorable male characters with female ones.  Kane will be a woman in this series, played by the same actress that played ensign Ro in TNG.  Having said that, since Starbuck's character worked rather well as female, I have an optimistic view on Kane as the actress they chose (can't remember her name and am to lazy to look it up) is rather good, like the rest of the cast...no wooden performances thus far.


    I can't wait! :D


    That's it!!! Particularly how it ends!


  7. Awesome, so pleased to see that they're making one. I feared I'd have to buy the toy version.  :p

    Is there any word on what gimmicks (if any) it will have? I'm hoping for at least an opening cockpit and those adjustable wing things on the rear deck.

    I didn't manage to hold a clear image of what they were in my head after the film, they did their thing and were off screen again.  :D

    Speaking of which, it was an absolutely amazing movie. Not just an amazing Batman or superhero movie but the best movie I have seen in a very long time.

    I enjoyed it loads more then SW or even Sin City.  :lol:


    Totally Agree :)


  8. I wonder with that new intro that has the number of survivors listed, if they'll keep updating the number as people die or are born? The sci-fi preview thingy will be on again Friday at 7:00 pm. From things I read about this season it's gonna ROCK!!!!!!! espesially around episode 10.....for those that know what I'm talking about ;)


  9. I have one....it's made by a man named Frank Cearney(not sure if I spelled it correctly) and few other guys can't remember there names at the moment :( the call themselves FM models I believe. The picture you posted isn't of the actual model...that was the CGI rendering of the Mk II.

    Here is a picture of my nearly finished Viper. :)



  10. I just saw the IMAX version last night.  I liked it a lot.  They focused so little on the romance and so much more on the actual idea/concept/theme of Batman and how conflicted the character is.  It was a good start to the trilogy.

    I would have preferred that they showed more of Batman's detective skills, but that will probably show up in the 2nd film when he tracks down you know who (the 'calling card').  I didn't like batman's voice either, it was too forced.  And I don't know what they were doing with the action scenes...I couldn't see anything but Batman's face once in awhile.  I wished they would pan out the camera again and (like a previous poster stated) focus more on dynamic poses which Batman is known for.

    Overall a well done, serious take on Batman for the comic book fans

    I think he should have to develop his detective skills first.....I liked the fact that he wasn't the ultimate hero right off the (ahem) bat. Having him mess up, stumble, search his way around how to do things makes it SO much better when he finally does become the Detective we all know

    I just figured that was what he was studying at college before he went abroad. Plus his initial martial arts training he was doing probably from a very early age. That's what I loved about Batman....he earns his skills, he doesn't magically get them. Take the spiderman movie: Peter gets bitten by a superspider that gives him his spidey skills....that's fine, but it doesn't explain why he suddenly knows how to fight.


  11. All right, that's it. I'm watching it tonight. If it's as entertaining as Sin City, then it's worth the ticket.

    I might go see the film tonight as well. All this talk of the film is driving me crazy! I must see it :)

    You gotta be crazy waiting this long.... lol... the only reason I want you guys to see it is so that we can start spilling the beans and actually talk about the movie. Should we start a spoiler thread for Batman?

    I'm actually holding back from seeing it again... I just saw it yesterday and it seems like it's been a long time already... I'm seeing it again for sure next week.

    HA HA!! I feel the same way! :lol:


  12. Actually its odd but theres a few scenes where i was just waiting ..gasping ..to hear elfmans batman....towards the end

    by the way this movie has one of the best closing lines ever

    Agreed. :D

    and for whomever made the comment about the humor...you are right on, I totally agree. No forced humor, just realist spur of the moment stuff....not by Batman by the way either....thankfully.


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