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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. Also gotta say I really like the score. It is sort of a minimalist approach ala the New Galactica just not that minimal. It has definate themes it just doesn't really go all grandeous like alot of Hero/action movies will....It builds and builds and then goes "dark". I'm listing too it right now and it is very intense at times with the unrelenting drum beat at times. It can really get you pumped up at times. Much more appropriate for this movie then a grand theme like Elfmans.


  2. If they do a sequal to this ( and they will ) i hope the writing is as good as it was here...and to make sure it is...i hope they remember batman is a DETECTIVE first and foremost ..if they can remember that it wont matter what goofy gadgets or goofy criminals he fights if they remember teh detective aspect of it they can write a good story with involving characaters

    i thought the sleuthing ..although limited in this movie was pretty good and set him up for more hardcore detective work in the future

    Batman was just scary though in this movie...he put on that cowl and all his talking became growling

    Hell YA!!!!! I heard that Nolan is signed on for a few sequals...so that's a good start.

    As for scary.




    Spoilers (minor quote from movie)











    When he had Flask upside down on the roof.

    FLASK: " I swear to GOD!"


    Batman"You better SWEAR TO ME"yelled out was freaking intense!!!!

  3. Actually its odd  but theres a few scenes where i was just waiting ..gasping ..to hear elfmans batman....towards the end

    by the way this movie  has one of the best closing lines ever

    Oh my GOD!!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is hands down my favorite MOVIE of all time. Usually I wouldn't be able to say any one movie is better than another because of different genres, but this movie works we'll on so many different levels. Batman is FINALLY given justice.

    I really thought they explained everthing very well too. Even as to why he wears a costume....not what costume but why, this really ment alot for me because of the REALIST approach that was taken in this movie, and I gotta admit that I kinda thought Batman was a bit scary at times, which is PERFECT.

    Not giving anything away, but his first "scene" is freaking cool. My wife was like "hell no" if she was a thug.


  4. I'm of the opinion that all the prequel duels are far more dynamic and interesting than those in the original trilogy. However, I have to say that dramatically Luke Skywalker vs. Darth Vader on Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back was the most satisfying duel. The fight was always one sided and you knew Luke was going to lose, but it was so heroic of Luke to fight on and so tragic when we discovered that simply losing the duel wasn't the worst that could happen to him. The intensified pace in the latter half of the duel was also a very nice touch to the overall duel. It's still my favorite Star Wars saber fight, even though it's dated.

    My other favorite duels would be Obi-Wan/Anakin vs. Count Dooku in the opening of Revenge of the Sith. Simply the way the duel ended was incredibly rewarding; a true guilty pleasure.

    I also agree about the Bespin fight, while not the best fight in my opinion, there are dynamics to that duel that are just awesome. Vader starts of really easy on Luke and as the fight goes on he slowly ups his tempo as he realizes that Luke has "some" skills. I really love the end of that duel when Luke finally lands a hit on Vader on his shoulder, to me that was when Vader said F*** this and quickly cuts Lukes hand off. You can really see then that Vader was holding back on him.


  5. Got this quote from a futurama site:

    "Well, I spoke to David X.Cohen because we did promos for a new Futurama compilation and he said that they did have talks with the top guys at FOX and they were extremely impressed with the sales of the Futurama DVDs. The idea was to make a Futurama movie right to DVD and then a 2nd and a 3rd. That's what's being discussed. Fox is trying to figure out a budget for the whole project, and it sounded like David X. was very jazzed!

    I would love more than anything to do that show again. I thought it was best experience on every level... creatively, voice-wise, writing, animation and the laughs. The laughs. Writers and performers that respected each other. "

    God I hope this happens!!!! First Family Guy, now maybe Futurama, all we need next is Firefly....which if the movie does well may just happen! Fox may yet make up for "some" of thier sins!!! :lol: What pisses mr off though is Fox had/has the nerve to say that both Family Guy and Futurama failed to pull in the numbers they wanted but then did amazingly well on CN, TBS, and DVD sales. Maybe if those Knucleheads at Fox would give those shows steady/decent time slots they would've done better, instead of either constantly moving one around so you never new when it was on or putting one on in a time slot that was ALWAYS being pre-emted for Football!


  6. also, with the planned TV serieses in the work (whether they will see light or not) that's suppose to take place between ep.2 and 3 maybe those parts were left out on purpose.    I for one want to see the false kidnapping of Palpatine.

    Uh, I may be wrong, but I think it takes place between III and IV.


    I maybe wrong too... i could be confusing other projects like the clone wars cartoon to the TV series... In any case I tried to avoid anything to SW prior to seeing this movie. I read the Kevin Smith and Mark Hammil article by chance and I couldn't stop reading...but I skimmed over it... no self-control :rolleyes:

    It takes place between III and IV. This has been confirmed.

    Didn't they say there are 2 shows. One live action taking place between eps. III and IV. The other a all CGI clone wars one.


  7. I haven't read all 10 pages of this thread yet but in regards to episodes 7, 8, and 9. Have others here seen these?

    Star Wars Episode 7 Plot Summary

    Star Wars Episode 8 Plot Summary

    Star Wars Episode 9 Plot Summary

    I see George Lucas is credited for them but if I recall correctly these have been around for a while and I have no idea if they are official or not.

    Anyone know more?


    I have no idea about those, however, I'm pretty sure most things that come from Supershadow are Fake.


  8. Actually, that's the opposite of what Anakin needed. His problem was that none of the Jedi actually cared about him, with the exception of Obi Wan.

    I'm not really sure that this is fair to the Jedi. As even Obi-Wan said in TPM: "The council sees that the boy is dangerous, why can't you see it?"

    I think the Jedi council really didn't know what to do with him. They sensed that he was dangerous, and that he couldn't be trusted. And the only way they could try to stop him from becoming dangerous was to trust him. . . which they could not do because he was dangerous. Catch-22.

    That's why he ends up finding his way to Palpatine, who is more than willing to be a father figure to him, to listen to his problems and to give him the advice that he wants to hear.

    Well, Palpatine was never really being a true father figure, but just manipulating Anakin. He fooled Anakin into thinking of him as a father figure. But, in my interpretation, Palpatine sensed the same thing in Anakin that the council did, but saw it as an opportunity rather than something to be feared.

    If the Jedi as a whole had had a clue as to how to deal with Anakin beyond a curt "Sit DOWN, young Skywalker." then maybe they wouldn't have wound up dead.

    From the Jedi Council's point of view, they were really sorta saddled with Anakin by Qui-Gon (and, later, Obi-Wan). To me, their mistake was giving into Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and agreeing to train Anakin. They tried to make everyone happy by going with half-measures. They allowed him to be trained, but didn't embrace him fully because of the danger the sensed. They should have either sent him back to Tatooine (with enough money to buy his mother's freedom), or embraced him fully (which I'm not sure was possible given what they sensed in him). But that's not often the way things work in an imperfect world.

    Really, as it was in the OT, you could blame Obi-Wan. He essentially forced the Council's hand and blackmailed them into training Anakin. He said that if they didn't train him, Obi-Wan would do it himself, without the aid of the Jedi. In that situation, they probably felt it was better to at least keep him within the Jedi Order so that they (at best) could avoid what they feared was the boy's destiney, or (at worst) keep an eye on him.


    I agree with you to a point Hurin. I had a suspition ever since I saw Ep I, and since we know what would eventually happen to the Jedi, that the council's sense of danger about Anakin had more to do with the actual prophecy. Watch their reaction when Qui-Gon says he believes that Anakin is the chosen one....I don't think that they completly thought the prophecy was a good thing. Sorta like they were trying to keep it away, like the old saying "Ignorance is bliss".....He's not here so the prophacy can't come true.

    Then Yoda even says in episode 3, something to the effect of "we may have miss read the prophacy", to me, sort of verbalizing their previous sense of danger.


  9. Bingo!, I totally agree with BSU. Which for me would then lead back to the whole discusion about what the whole "balance of the force" prophecy. Luke is essentially a hybrid.....not a sith by any means, but also not a "traditional" Jedi. I know people said the he calls himself a Jedi and that he was trained by 2 old school Jedi...but you have to remember that those two jedi, Obi/Yoda, had 18 years to learn from Qui-Gon and think about what went wrong. Plus I'm pretty sure he's the only Jedi to use the Darkside and then turn away from that power. He also has strong attachments that the Old Jedi order "frowned" upon. The Sith needed to be destroyed, but the Jedi needed big change also.


  10. Heck yeah I'd like to see more pics of the F-35. What's it doing there? Everytime I hear about it, it's the perpetual 'several years away' from coming into service. Is it even a Navy version? I assume it isn't going to be flying...?

      And if there's any F-14s' still aboard, let's see them. They won't be around much longer.... :(

    There is a Navy version, but I've never seen it. Every show shows the Airforce or Marine version.Not sure if the one pictured is the Navy version or not.


    Edit: After looking at the picture again it does not appear to be the Naval version...the langing gear isn't beefy enough.

  11. Bought a mini ROTS Anakin at BestBuy today. I'd take pics, but it's raining and dark here. Maybe tomorrow. Interestingly, it's packaged "sideways"---when you open the box, you're looking at what most people would consider the underside of the saber.

    I noticed that also! I got my EpIII Anakin and Obi from best buy too. I also have a Vader, Dooku, and a Jedi Luke all are .45 master replicas. I can't say enough about these beautiful little mini sabers...they just ROCK!!!


  12. The thing about the Jedi Council and Anakin I found very interesting and not really insulting to be honest. Granted I've only read the novel and not seen the film but in the novel part of the reason they didn't allow Anakin to have a voice in the council or any say was that they didn't want him on the council. His outburst in the council was a prime example of why as well. Allowing Anakin to voice his opinion in the council would basicly be the same as giving Palp a vote and this was stated. In the novel they also take noticed of how Anakin is actually speaking as well. He uses the world "we" a few times and that's referign to Palp's office in that he's apart of it. He's already clearly identifying himself with Palp's office, as apart of it, not just there to report back to Palp himself which is what he was there for. The Jedi were basicly forced to put Anakin on the council as well.

    A thing I found interesting about the novel is that at times it seems Anakin knows why the Jedi Council doesn't trust him, and why they even fear him. He basicly buys into Palps talk cause that is what he wants to hear even though he knows it's wrong. He wants to be free to do whatever he wants and when he's finally given that freedom he goes off and we see what happens. The Jedi might have been arrgoant to a degree but didn't need to be destoryed the way they were.

    Not sure how well the movie gets these things across though. I thought the novel was great by getting into the heads of the characters and showing their emotion and Anakin's fall. What I really like at one point it was made clear, via Yoda, that a Sith can not make a Jedi fall. That Anakin choose this path himself. Palp might have pushed him but in the end it was clearly Anakin's choice in the end and his own selfishness that caused him to fall.

    It did seem he put himself in certain situations to cause himself grief. He could have told Palp no but his idea of loyality made him not do that. Had he just talked about his problems and feelings eariler I doubt things would have gotten so bad for him. Doubt he would have been kicked out but would have been helped with his control. Obiwan made a good point in the novel that having power alone wasn't enough to be a master. One had to master themselves. This was something Anakin clearly couldn't do nor was able to do and I'm sure the Jedi Council knew this and his outbrust at them clearly showed that and even Obiwan understood that all to well since Anakin always disobey orders, etc. Anakin himself knew this as well. I did like it that he didn't want to be a master for the sake of being a master but because he wanted access to the restricted files but even then had he simply trusted Obiwan enough and talked to him I doubt he would have put himself through so much problems. He inability to talk and open up when it matter all the while being extremely emotional was interesting.

    I wonder if he just assumed a lot of things though without actually trying them. It appeard that he assumed Obiwan wouldn't understand or that they would kick him out of the order. All of that was in his head but why? Was it all Palps talk or did he want to think that on his own?

    Honestly the more I think about it and look at his character, I wonder if even without Palp talking into his ear all those years, would he have fallen anyway? I'm kinda of the opinion yeah he would have but it would have taken a lot longer before he finally went out of control.

    Can't wait to see the film and see how that version is. I do recommend that people check out the novel version as well though. :)

    Anakin was really not much different than Qui Gon, who also disobayed the council apparently on many occasions. Qui Gon saw the problems there. He also had an "outburst" with them that was no different than Anakins. I think Mace really laid the ground work for Anakins distaste for the Jedi/ council at least. From his very first meating with them...he's tested, passes with flying colors, they acknowlege it then say "Nah we'll pass." You can even see little Anakin look pretty pissed off at Mace who gives the news.

    Fast forward to Ep III after all that Anakin has done not only for the Jedi but also the Republic, Obi Wan know's this as well, they give him the smack in the face, that Obi also acknowleges. Then After Anakin again does the right thing and reports Palps to the council, Mace still has the nerve to say "If what you say checks out, then I'll trust you." What a dick!!!! I think it was Maces influence/voice on the council that Anakin really hated!


  13. There are only 2 different versions, Target and Walmart. The target version has download code for the internet so you can download the Fallen hero video complete with soundeffects and dialog. Walmarts version I think has an interview with John Williams. They're not doing the extra tracks thing, thankfully, because people were pissed last time.


  14. Guess the extras will take longer than thought..or...they will prefer to tie in the DVD sales during the Holiday season after the first half of Season 2 airs.

    On another note: the soundtrack for season one of the show is up for pre-order and they will be autographed by the composer too. It includes both the US and the UK versions of the intro music too.


    Yeah, I pre-ordered mine, I'm really looking forward to it. As for the DVD release, a guy at suncoast said that the reason DVD's tend to take longer to release, here in the US as opposed to the UK and elsewhere, has to do with the MUSIC rights. That the US is more strict than elsewhere. Don't know if it is true but that's what I heard. <_< I remember waiting for the Futurama DVD's while the UK had all 4 sets already out we where just getting season 1!! AND I've heard there aren't any differences, content wise, between the sets.


  15. I don't know about Parks but the FX ones aren't to scale. I had the opportunity (spelling) to handle one the other day I thought it seemed like an expensive hasbro. Too large of a handle for me. I do love the mini ones though. I have Doku and Vader.


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