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Posts posted by Dobber

  1. Great points guys, Tigh is a great dynamic character and it will be interesting to see what happens once Adama is a up and around again.  I can also understand why Adama was reluctant to bring Mrs Tigh to the ship, he knows what a bad influence she is, and that is definitely coming out now.  Hopefully Adama can slavage what is left of Tigh after this whole mess.

    Also am I the only one who thinks that Adama does really know where Earth is and is purposely delaying their arrival?  WOuldn't you, especially if you had an unknown number of cylon agents in the fleet ready to signal the rest of the Cylons where the new home was?

    Also now we really have two dying leaders, Adama, and Roslin, which one is the prophesized leader?


    Nah, I don't think he knows where earth is, mainly because of one of my least favorite disisions he's made...ie...when he told Roslyn that they should consider perminent settlement of Kobol. That just struck me as uncharacteristicly STUPID for an otherwise intellegent military man. I mean he know's they are still under Cylon threat.

    As for the mythical leader, don't know if Roslyn really will be that leader but Adama isn't dying anymore, Dr. Kottle said he'll live.


  2. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Adama wakes up. I think Tigh might be relieved temporarily(spelling) until he can sober up. Adama has already alluded to having issues with Tighs Drinking and possibly his command style.

    1) After Tighs wife returns he has a talk with him about how he liked seeing him without the bottle.

    2)In "33" after the Cylons failed to return after 33 minutes He and Tigh were walking out of CIC talking about how alive they were feeling. Adama says "seriously, it's one thing to ride the crew. It's another thing to break them."

    He then gets cut off from continuing or letting Tigh respond because the Olympic Carrier returns.

    I just get the feeling that Adama thinks Tigh is a little too much of a hard ass. Plus, If the crew start to report back to Adama about Tighs erratic behavior while he was out....there could be problems.


  3. One thing is certain, Tigh's drinking problem does not stem from some deep seated insecurity, or character flaw, or discomfort with his rank, or inability to seat in the "big" chair, or confrontations with subordinates, or the burden of command, or humanity's desperate situation, etc...no my friends, it results from being married to that woman...I know that if I were married to that harpy/shrew/floozy I'd drink myself into a stupor too. :ph34r:


    Quoted the Truth!! lol :lol:


  4. Simpsons seasons 8 - present.

    Another celebrity guest voice anyone!

    ~ducks flamming Arrows~ :p



    No joke. Richard Dean Anderson is one of the next "celebrity" voices. How's that for synchronicity?


    And I'm sure when he comes on screen someone will say:


    just to make sure the audience knows who it is. <_<


  5. Yeah, there are definately questions that have not been answered yet, like you said they are still forthcomming. I'd definately recommend the Mini series. If you like the show you should like the mini. Lots of great backstory, plus Battlestar just isn't complete without it. I believe the Mini will be included as one of the extras in the upcoming US version season 1 dvd set in September, so if you want season 1 you'll aslo be able to get the mini too :)


  6. The new show is 12 kinds of awesome, but I'm having trouble with the backstory.

    Is there a site somewhere with more information regarding backstory for BSG? I assume they're far in the future, post-extrasolar planet colonization, and earth is so long in the past its more legend than history?

    Is our history part of theirs? Or are they like the DYRL storyline, where earth was once advanced, then reverted to stone age when the people of BSG left?

    Is there an approximate year that BSG events take place?


    Not ultra specifically that I know of, you can try www.galactica.tv I frequent there myself and use thier forums.

    But to help you out a little. My understanding of it is this: A couple thousand years ago Mankind "allegedly" originated from the planet Kobol where they lived with thier Gods and for some reason was either forced to leave or chose to leave it. Humanity then founded the 12 colonies and according to legend formed a 13th colony far far away called Earth. At some point the 12 colonies created the cylons to make life "easier" for them. The cylons gained sentience and revolted. A war between the Cylons and Humans broke out...not sure how long the war lasted but an armistace (spelling) was declared and the Cylons left to find thier own world. During the war technology was apparently similar to the Original series but the old series is NOT A PREQUEL and the New series is NOT a SEQUEL....Battlestars looked like the old battlestars(they were created during the war), Baseships looked like the old ones, same with Raiders and Vipers. Toward the end of the war the Viper MK II (the white Viper in the show) was introduced and replaced the old style Viper which in many circles is now called the Viper MKI.

    The War ended 40 years before the events in the miniseries and no one has seen or heard from the Cylons until the attack that occured in the miniseries. Technology continued to advance so Battlestars and Vipers evolved. The Blue Vipers are MK VII's. The Galactica is the last Original battlestar (there were 12 originally made) and was being decommisioned and converted into a museum when the sneak attack occured in the mini. That's why she has the Old MK II Vipers. It's assumed that During the 40 year hiatus from the Cylons that Galactica went through many refits and is why she looks different now then from the Original series. It is unknown if all of this is happening in the past, present, or future to Earths timeline.

    Hope that helps


  7. I liked my idea not so much because it would be a "twist" but because it was a downer ending. Its just my little backlash against all the happy "triumph of everything sweet and pure" endings we get these days. Well, outside of anime anyway.


    I dunno if I buy that. Seems there is a rather large movement to the "Braveheart Ending", where in the end the good guys get fuct, and things really don't change.

    The "not every ending is a happy one"' has gone too far... we need to feel good sometimes. I live enough reality every day, I don't need to be beaten over the head with some dark version of it in every movie and TV show I watch.


    TOTALLY AGREE with you there Duke. I remember before Braveheart I always thought how old and tiring the hole happy ending thing was. Then Braveheart came out and I was wowed by it. Now I'm on the other side of it thinking it's getting old and that sometimes I'd like to see things work out well. Hollywood goes from one extreme to the other I guess.

    Love the show, with all its dark grittieness, but I'd also like to see somethings go the colonials way once and a while.....that's not "preordained" be the cylons ala the Hand of God episode.


  8. SPOILERS ******

    They can't kill Helo

    Hes the only other male pilot with any significant screen time the show has.

    Thats like 24 killing Tony Almeida. Might work for a short gimmick, but considering the investment in the character, its a small payoff down the road.

    Crashdown is a minor character. So was Socinus. At least the show has the guts to kill someone. The Sopranos now are too afraid to off anyone but gueststars. The Shield too. At least Battlestar will just kill people off if it makes sense to the plot.

    If you ask me, who is next on the fodder list is Racetrack. Shes been in a few episodes, and is the only other prominent new pilot trainee other than Hot Dog ( and hes Olmos son, they ain't killing him) after they killed Chuckles.  Also Boomers copilots tend to have bad luck ( Helo and Crashdown)

    They are gonna have to get new fighters and pilots from Pegasus soon, the show is heading that way from all the attrition. Its pretty clear that at some point, they are going to bring in a male or female pilot to create a love triangle with Apollo and Starbuck. Also its starting to become clear to me that Callie has a thing for the Chief. The show is fairly predictable, but they do it nicely.

    I like the theme of this seasons episodes too. They have to 'face' their enemy now


    Don't Forget Kat. You may be thinking of her. She was the other main trainee with Chuckles and Hotdog. Racetrack is just some other ECO Raptor crewman.


  9. I don't even think Baltar is meant to be a villain.  He hasn't done anything villainous at all.  I think at the end, if there is one, he's going to be a tragic character.  I'd consider Hatch's character and the exo's wife to be the vile presence in the show.  They havent really done anything evil either, but they seem more willing to for power.

    I'm more looking forward to when they reveal new human cylons.


    Well he is Lying about the cylon detector results. Lets face it that ended up getting Adama shot!


  10. its got 4kids on it so its expected to be realy kiddy like for 8 year olds.


    Possibly, but take Batman Begins, it has alot of Kiddie crap toys and merchandising that has NOTHING to do with the movie, which to me was pretty dark.


  11. Now also...the hands do NOT have to fold or retract in the transformation...if I remember right. Therefore they do not have to be too small unlike the 1/48.

    You are correct, the VF-0's hands do not retract into the forearms.



    then where do they go in fighter mode? :unsure:


    I don't know if you have the hasegawas model or not but the hands look like they just make fists and are between the arms and the Backpack....The "plates" with the yellow stripes on them that cover the area between the arm and the back-pack is actually the back off the hands.


  12. Comparing the Yamato fighter mode lineart to the Hasagawa fighter mode lineart, it appears that the Yamato has a smaller canopy.

    I guess this was done to make it easier to fit under the chestplate and heatshield in battroid mode.



    Graham, where did you get that picture of the Fast Pack VF-0A? I was planning on buying another 0 to paint like that but if hasegawa is gonna produce a kit like that I may just wait.


  13. Gotta say though, I was really impressed at how well the show looked in High Def!! I noticed things in the special effects that I haven't seen before and I've watched all the episodes several times before!! An example would be in "33" just after the Scene when Helo is captured and they Show the Galactica Fireing off a few shots just before she Jumps, you can see the Bow Turrets swivel and retract! Probably old news but I never noticed it before because of crappy picture quality.


  14. Got mine yesterday also. The Episodes are as seen in the US except for opening credits. The Scenes that were edited out of the Sky one broadcasts are back in the episodes. The other extra scenes are pretty cool.....glad they cut Boxy though ;) .

    The Serenity disc is pretty cool....it's kinda a fan service disk. No trailer or anything but it does have unseen footage on it and mainly has Cast and Crew interviews talking about thier love of Firefly but never REALLY goes in depth into the movies plot. It is still very cool though. I'll still get the US release for the Commentaries and to be a stupid completest sucker!!!! :p


  15. I was wondering what the difference was in those. I can see the difference between the regular Mave Yuki and the Ram Jet one but that "S" one had me confused!! I've been putting off getting these because I've been waiting for the Sylphid and the Fand 2 for about 2 years now because HLJ shipping is so expensive now I didn't want to do two separate orders!! I might have to break down and get the Mave and a FRX.


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