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Everything posted by treatment

  1. From the sega-dreamcast DYRL game-intro that was in Macross 20th anniversary DVD, the Earth was attacked while the SDF-1 (and/or at least the Skull Team) was still on Earth. --treatment-- Saturn, not Dreamcast. It was also ported to the Playstation. Yup. My bad. It was the Saturn, not the Dreamcast. m_m
  2. From the sega-dreamcast DYRL game-intro that was in Macross 20th anniversary DVD, the Earth was attacked while the SDF-1 (and/or at least the Skull Team) was still on Earth. --treatment--
  3. imho, Hugh Jackman (wolverine) would've been a better fit as The Punisher. Despite typecasting.
  4. The nameless hacks who "wrote" Macross 2. ... Exactly, they were hacks... They weren't going by Kawamori's direction, they might have had no idea what Kawamori had in mind for the protocluture to be... In fact no where IN M2 was the term "protoculture" used to denote a ancient race. I think the M2 writers knew much less about the original SDF-Macross, DYRL, and the Protoculture than we as fans do. well, fwiw, at least the MII team didnt redefined protoculture as a flower and brought in the Zor/Masters, Invid and stuff.
  5. iirc, only Hal Mikimoto was the only one from the original Macross-team that was directly involved in MII. The rest were prolly mostly Gundam-people from Bandai/Sunrise or something. Studio-Nue was only given a credits-recognition, but never work directly on the MII project itself. --treatment--
  6. Why does he turn purple if a girl other than Mariel touches him? Afaict, it's just regular boy-reaction, i.e. shyness, adolescence, innocence, etc. Iirc, in one or more scenes, he just couldn't pee coz of the triplet's presence and looking on. Just one of the hilarious stuff in the series. I like the way they portray it as part of his growing-up period. He's got more confidence with Mariel since Mariel's not as sexually aggressive as the triplets. fwiw, I couldn't believe Tanaka Rie (Chii of Chobits, for those that don't know, yet) sounded alot like Ikkoku Inoue (beldandy, etc) in the Mariel character.
  7. I think that's a typo. I have the anime and Taro ain't allergic to girls. I don't read manga, however.
  8. Yeah. That is quite arrogant of Yamato or whoever Rob spoke with. I don't appreciate it being told like that to buy another valk if I want replacement-parts. That's just bad customer-service. But this is the main problem with importing stuff. It just sux to have to be aware.
  9. Yes. It has Japanese-2.0 stereo with subs setting, along with the English-5.1 and English-2.0 setting. You can even turn off the subs completely since it's not hard-subs like Mangle's Macross-Plus movie-edition. Fwiw the Japanese-cast sounds alot like the Macross-II Japanese-cast. btw, I think at least two of the episodes have split op/ed themesongs, i.e. the English-dubs have the updated female-singer techno-versions, while a couple or three episodes in Japanese-dubs have the original sucky op/ed male-singer version. Ala Funimation's DBZ dvd's. It's the mid episodes (2-4/5) where it happens iirc. I keep flipping the audio-setting on my remote coz I really don't like the original male-version themesongs. --treatment--
  10. That's the whole damned problem. If Yamato would put out a TV Max and Milia "J" then I would spend money on those. THEN let Yamato rip the rest of you off with the "S" Hikaru (at least a customized Bandai has a different paint job for crying out loud). As it stands they'll waste money on this stupid ripoff and we'll never see the Valks that most of us really want: M&M, CF, Elint, etc. because they won't make money to spend on "new crap." I can understand your pov if you have bought all of the 1/48 models already and/or have bought extra 1/48 toys. It does seems like a rip-off at first take. But still... How is the Hikaru-1S a rip-off to some people who didn't buy the Roy-1S? or heck! To people who don't have any 1/48's at all, or at most, only have one 1/48 in their collection? fwiw, the Hikaru-1S will only be my second 1/48 toy, and most prolly will be the last. To each his own, I guess. --treatment--
  11. Imode, you forgot the most important part of that... Please order only if you are willing to save the world with any of the possible figures!
  12. Orguss-1 was Mikimoto designs and Orguss-2 was at least based on Hal's originals, i.e. Nataruma has some strong resemblance to Minmay. Even the hair-color. The only other anime I can think of that has Macross tributes and stuff on it is Nadesico. And Otaku No Video had more direct tributes/analysis to SDF-tv and DYRL. You really should get it when you can. It's old-school parody.
  13. Guld has a pony-tailed buzz-cut in Plus. Without the ponytail we would be calling it a mullet... should've been a tell-tale sign of his unavoidable demise.... lol! at least he wasn't wearing a bandana or headband somewhere. Guld's still a bad-ass character, tho.
  14. u know, Roy was sporting a full and kinda longish hair. he died, too.
  15. Guld has a pony-tailed buzz-cut in Plus.
  16. ok. let's try this again, since i posted it originally in the wrong forum. Fyi. The Orguss-2 six-episode dvd for region-1 area is now out on retail. Normally, I wouldn't buy a Mangle dvd, but it was priced at $15.99 at Fry's for the complete 180-minutes series. Couldn't resist since it's really a good and dark mecha-series. --treatment--
  17. fwiw, I just saw the Hikaru-1S and the Super-Pack set as available now from HLJ. http://www.hlj.com/cgi-perl/hljlist.cgi?Se...s=Macross&Dis=2 Does this mean Tamim (tmpanime) has my pre-orders ready-to-ship now, too? add: whoa! even the Super-1J is in-stock, too, from HLJ's list. Can anyone from Japan verify it? --treatment--
  18. Thanks for the heads up, dude. Ordered my share properly this time since my pre-orders from the first batch got deleted by mistake before. And, yes. I'm ordering from hlj again. I think I can wait for 2-weeks for SAL now.
  19. geezus! Why the frakk does he have to call it a veritech instead of the more kewler Valkyrie ? Heck! Bulky Lee is even better to read and to say than veritech. Branding and monicker is very specific in toys, afaik. Especially with the sensitive and political nature of BigWest and HG toys.
  20. do you remember what time you ordered? i cant remember exactly what time I ordered, but iirc, it was before noon (pst).
  21. Well, I just got the Max today. UPS doesn't deliver on Saturdays, so I'll have to wait on Monday for the Millia. Ordered tuesday (10-21) and got at least the Max today (10-24). Damn! That was fast! Never gotten a UPS delivery that quick. Kudos to Toys-N-Joy for the M&M sale and the fast UPS delivery. Now if only they will lower the prices on their other Macross toys-inventory.
  22. Simple ADV: Large player in market Animeigo: Niche player in market ADV simply has larger market share and links with retailers than Animeigo. Cyc Sometimes I have to wonder if Animeigo was the best choice to have released Macross because of this. Mospeada and Southern Cross are a lot less popular and a lot less recognized then Macross, but yet the DVD sets for those two series have been appearing at a lot more stores (like Best Buy) and at much more economical prices then the Macross DVD sets. Animeigo pushing its Macross DVD's outside of the internet market has been kind of abysmal. This seems to add to the conspiracist theories that Harmony Gold is trying to keep Macross, even the TV series it has rights to, buried from the public. Possibly true. But... Animeigo is/was and still is, the best choice to get the Macross subtitles near-perfect and re-mastered video correctly. They are known for their perfect/near-perfect translations of their catalogue-titles over the years since VHS days. That said and just to reinforced what was already stated before, Animeigo is a known small shop with smaller staffing and smaller pockets to buy shelf-space on retail-stores as compared to ADV Films, Bandai-USA, Funimation, VIZ and Pioneer/Geneon. That's why you normally don't see Animeigo titles on regular retail-stores like Best-Buy. The only other anime-shop that can outdo Animeigo in every aspect is that other small-shop named Synch-Point. SP even beat Animeigo in the friggin delayed-release department. fwiw, I'm hoping/wishing that Synch-Point gets the official DYRL and Macross-Zero r1-license instead of the other shops, including Animeigo. --treatment--
  23. well, they said my Max shipped today and my Millia will be shipped tomorrow. /me crosses fingers.
  24. just an update. Well, my SAL-orders arrived today. Both boxes, too. Finally. The boxes were slightly dinged, with one of the toy's package being affected slightly. Good thing the contents themselves weren't damaged whatsoever. a week of waiting for processing the order plus 15 days to deliver = 22 days to be exact. plus aggravation of not being able to track the shipment. whew! Good thing this ain't x'mas season, yet. Guess some venting helped. or something. --treatment--
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