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Everything posted by treatment

  1. heh! does Yamato-Toys really wants to out-a-hole Bandai for going web-shitclusives with the VF-4?
  2. http://www.tfw2005.c...e-image-174001/ spider-prime! lol! gotta luv the tfw2005-comments.
  3. sorry, guys. i think i got their last 1J stock this time.
  4. Afaik and from the old 22s-thread, only the Milia-22 (2nd-ed or later) was known/reported here to do the "split" coz of some material defect in the hip/leg peg black thingy that tightens up the joint. Not sure if the first-gen Milia-22 does it, tho.
  5. welp! just place an order for the Hikky-1J. y'all really sure that HLJ's stock is the later no-issues version, right?
  6. your wish comes true.... well, if you're talking about the ems-sale, then not so sure about that. currently, the EMS-sale seems to require you to get an item from their specific ems-campaign sale-page. also, the EMS-sale currently states: so, i guess, just be careful... fwiw, i hope the exchange-rate gets better before this current Macross-sale ends. or i may have to wait for their spring-2012 sale instead.
  7. excellent pics! cue Macross themesong by Fujiwara. ta-da-da-da-dummmm!...
  8. I don't think that's a red VF-17. edit: anyway, found a website (your's or some other MW-member?) that stated Yammie did put out a clarification that the red vf-17 in the pics is not the Milia-variant: http://www.mech9.com...-dengeki-hobby/ yamato's tweet: http://twitter.com/y...726331670405120 so it'll always be just the display/pictorial prop.
  9. it's unfair to tease with a red VF-17 prop...
  10. my godson already got the Nitron on his b'day, but the rest of my nerf-capable little nephews are getting these for x'mas to challenge him.
  11. damn, dude! where the heck were you? they've been on the perennial discounted-sale at hlj regularly for the longest time this year and last year. if you're not gonna take Jenius' offer, might as well wait for the annual HLJ macross winter-sale. --- btw, do we have confirmation that Yamato will definitely make and sell the Miila-17 or is it gonna be just a forever-prop like the old 1/60 Monster?
  12. damn clickity awesome! gotta luv the chunkiness of it.
  13. fyi. Fry's have been stocking lots of the Generations Series-4 TFs (warpath, thundercracker, kup, wheeljack, and scourge). they also have the IronHide MechTeck red-version for $19. haven't spotted Junkheap or SkyShadow, yet.
  14. i reckon most of you fans of there in HK also don't have to pay the exorbitant shipping-costs that us fans over here have to always seriously consider.
  15. hmm. the only macross-toy I bought that was truly meh was... The Yamato Launch Arm Display Stand . It was way overpriced when it was first introduced, and still overpriced even on sale-price. This chunk of meh was just...meh. Reasons: The clamps don't clamp and are pretty much damn useless and wasteful. It can't hold a valk with FP like what we all saw in DYRL. Which is just damn stupid since that's the main (if not the only) purpose of the clamps! no adaptor-support for the VF-22 battroid-adaptor. srsly! wtf, right?! Did I mentioned they're too damn overpriced even at sales-price? what's up with that, yamato-toys?!
  16. of course, it does. why would it not? when it's standalone, it's a Ghost. when paired with the VF-0, it's a Ghost-Booster. Heck! The old A-version was called Ghost.
  17. nice pics. you guys really have time to put this kit all together?
  18. i thought the biggest sin of Bandai is making web-exclusives stuff?
  19. all i can say is, i'm really getting sick of seeing tons of Kup and even more tons of the DOTM-line in Le Targe and Wally's. srsly.
  20. the original VF-0A's shoulder-debacle was pretty much documented here, but i honestly don't remember much of any discussions about the specific Shin-0A/Ghost bundle other than it's friggin' expensive back in the day.
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