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Everything posted by rocco_77

  1. Not cool Kanata man that thing really busted into a LOT of parts... This fell into grass you said? Imagine if it hit the concrete. Ok... strike that, don't imagine it hitting the concrete..... sorry for the visual. Sorry about the loss MN... So did you beat the kid senseless? j/k
  2. If you guys remember when the prototypes of the Max and Millia 1/60s were shown, the blue on the Max looked a bit bright too... Then the production model was released, and everyone was pretty happy with the final color... I bet the same thing will happen here.... I hope. I hope these guys are available without the FPs... Man $185 a pop is steep... but if that is the only way they come, then I guess my tax returns will have to be multi-purpose this year!
  3. Actually, you don't need to turn the handle bars much at all when you are moving above 30 mph or so. For cornering you lean the bike by "counter-steering" and it doesn't take much movement to get a bike to go around a pretty sharp curve. Now at slower speeds, this bike may be a bear to handle and manuver (especially with such a long wheel base) As for safety? It really depends on how well this guy puts the thing together. It appears though that he is using a lot of spare parts from Honda bikes, and tube steel frame... It appears the final product should be pretty solid... It also depends on how heavy it ends up being. And there is a lot of faring on the bike that may just make it bulky. It will probably take some getting used to. Also, with the engine in the rear, and a good amount of the rider weight in the rear too, I wonder how well balanced it will be... I would be really careful at higher speeds to make sure the front wheel stays on the ground. Look forward to seeing the fininshed product.
  4. I am a huge fan of the RX-7 latest generation model, but this RX-8 doesn't get me going very much... The car looks good from the back and the side, but the front end is rather lame IMO. I don't really like cars that look like they are smiling.... Looks like one of the Cheveron animated cars. Now if this car had a more sleek front end like the RX-7 it would be kick ass. As for rotary engines... I think they are great... I like the sound. I've never heard of them having reliability problems, but I'm not really up to speed on their history. I've driven an RX-7, and that is one smooth car. For the new import sports cars though, I would take the Nissan 350 Z over the RX-8.
  5. rocco_77


    SHEESH! I go away for a week, and everyone hates eachother... I think this toy looks SWEET! I got the 1/48 Super 1J for Christmas, so I think I can muster the funds for this baby... Oh, and let's not start any rumors about this thing not being able to stand on its own! <_< How about we wait until someone has one and posts pics of it standing up on it's own?? hmmm? I really don't think Yamato would produce a toy that is SUPPOSED to stand up and not have the final product be able to stand up. The poses may be limited to maintain its balance, but I will put money down that the final product stands on its own.... any takers??
  6. I'm not married, but I might as well be... As for my girlfriend though... She likes my Valks... She wants me to teach her how to transform them.... So as far as grief for buying them... I'm a lucky man... I don't get ANY grief. Now if I can get her to portray the enemy in mock battles, that would be something... Her explosion sounds aren't very convincing.
  7. Man that thing is beautiful... *wipes tear* I knew I should have went into the Air Force.... I would be flying those right now.... DAMMIT.
  8. Kanata... first off, it's good to see you here again... Funny you should say that about your cat! My girlfriend's cat is the same way... It likes to get tossed in the air onto the couch, and purrs when I'm rough with it... WEIRD..
  9. rocco_77

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Wow.... that's all I can say... simply... wow. Question: how did you add the ball joint to the thumb?
  10. So what is the deal? Is this going to be a regular series or what? I was looking at the SciFi Channel website, and it doesn't say anything about it... So has anyone heard what will happen with it? Was the mini-series kind of a test bed to see if a series may be profitable?
  11. They look really good Tom from what I can see. Nice job Mary! Glad these are finally ready.... I'm sure you are too Tom..
  12. rocco_77

    Age Check! :)

    33 here.... I guess I'm in the upper age range too.. I tried to stay 27, but it just didn't work...
  13. Man you guys are tough to please.... I actually thought the show was enjoyable... I agree, that Starbuck is a bit annoying, and Boomer being female pissed me off a bit too... I thought the story so far is pretty good... Also, I think that most shows start a little shaky, and hopefully this one will get better as it goes. The whole slurmtly Cylon was pretty dumb IMO... Did she snap that baby's neck!? The space physics were really good.... I do agree about the fuel leak though.... That was a HUGE oversite. They should have blown up as soon as they hit the atmosphere.... Especially since the fuel leak was UNDER the craft. All in all though, I liked it, and I'm looking forward to how it progresses.
  14. Great news Tom! And thanks to Mary... I'll be waiting for the For Sale thread... BoBe-Patt: I may have (MAY have) an instruction sheet for the Alpha sticker placement... I have all my collection in storage right now. If I do have one, I will post a pic of it, and offer it as a JPG for email attachment... I'll try to look this weekend.
  15. I just have one of every release so far... My plan is to display them and transform them every now and then... I love all of them though... Even with the faults of the originals... Which are VERY minor faults IMO.
  16. Please put me down for 6 of them! They look great. Thanks Rohby! EDIT: changed my order to 6 when I saw Rohby's post of selling them in twos.
  17. So Lucifer... what are you going to do?? There's been a lot of replies here, and you haven't been back to comment.
  18. Not that I will ever sell off my collection... But I like the idea of the value increasing on some of my collection... It's nice to see the demand is there.
  19. Oh, this makes me cringe! I agree with everyone here... Try to find a way to store them safely until you can have them in your possesion again. Selling them will be a regret I'm sure. Good luck to you and your endevours.
  20. ooo.... yyyeah.... needs a tail fin...
  21. My boxes are always in great shape from either Kevin at the Valkyrie Exchange, or Will from Blasto Toys.... Skull 001: There are some people here that have expressed interest in unwanted boxes... Have you ever offered your mint boxes to any members here?
  22. This is the point I've been trying to make... ( I admit, that I post on RT.com from time to time ) And this subject caught my attention over there, and I tried to make this exact point. It got to the point where is was almost being flamed for saying what you said above Hurin... "Where's your proof?" they said... "How is this any different than big movie studios doing the same thing?" And what you said here explains the difference in one sentence, and I can't understand how come some people don't get that... <_<
  23. *feedback...... tap... tap.... tap* Is this thing on?? Hello? Hello? This is just a friendly *bump* to see if anything is happening with these wonderful stickers.
  24. I guess I'm alone in voting for the Kakizaki varient... I just would like to see that one made on one time.. And a 1/48 one would be cool... The entire Skull Squad. Eh... whata ya gonna do.
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