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Everything posted by mark-1s

  1. Whoa! I'm dying to see the finished result of the "tank" - can't remember his name. I used to have him as a kid and he had the most simple transformation of any Gobot / Tranformer I had ever seen. You just folded him in half and you had a tank. The original One-Step changer. I remember going with my father to this store called Comsumers Distributing. If you're not familiar with this store, it was rather unorthodox as it worked like an order desk - you look through their catologe, fill out a form for the item(s) you want and bring it to the desk. Then the staff goes to the back warehouse and brings you the item. I wanted Leader One, but they didn't have him in stock so they gave me a substitute, the tank guy. I had never felt such disapointment in my life.
  2. Anybody else notice the knees look like CF VF-1A heads? Otherwise looks good, just not at that price.
  3. I actually had to come out of the shadows to say "That is DAMN ugly!"
  4. This project is so awesome I had to stop lurking and actually log in and post about it. What's it been, over 3 years since I've posted anything? That should tell you how insane your skills are. Great job, and good luck with the rest of it! And like somebody else said; didn't someone make, or attempt to scatch build a lage scale Legioss years ago?
  5. I don't think these have been posted yet. Not too promising imo. Check the pix: http://www.aintitcool.com/node/30467?semperex-search -1s.
  6. mark-1s

    1/48 VF-1S Hikaru

    I guess I'm in the minority here, but the black heatsheild looks way better to me. Here's mine. Sorry for the overexposure
  7. I'd like to post pix as well, but I don't know how to re-size Any suggestions? Sorry, but I'm kind of a newb at this. Thx. -1s.
  8. Looks a little too relaxed for me. I'll keep my RR thanks -1s.
  9. Yeah, I was able to put the head back on, but it takes a significant amount more preasure to put it on than it does to "pop" it off. It scares me when I do it because I keep thinking the ball joint is going to break off And I have that same problem with the A-stance as well; I'll have to find another pose for him -1s.
  10. Trust me, I did not hold it by its head! All i did was turn it slightly from side to side with little force, and POP! -off it went Fantastic peice otherwise. -1s.
  11. I just got my MP Prime yesterday and all I can say is HOLY S**T! This thing is sweeeet! Worth every penny. The only problem I have is the head keeps popping off (keep your minds' out of the gutter ). Anyone else have this problem? -1s.
  12. WOW!! That really does look alot better. I WAS going to pass on this one, but now I'm having second thoughts. Decisions, decisions! -1s.
  13. mark-1s

    Age Check! :)

    I'm 30, but actually feel 25. Probably because of my huge toy collection. Too bad my girlfriend doesn't "get it" -1s.
  14. That's great for Sega's Japanese market, but the North American arcade business is practically dead. It would be a pretty bad move for them to slow console game developement down for the sake fo appeasing their investors. Sega has made some really good games the last couple of years, most noteably their NFLxK series, and that Macross game Graham mentioned looks pretty good as well. -1s.
  15. If the heat shield was black I'd probably pick one up. That red really thows it off for me. Even if that is the proper colour, to me it just doesn't look right. -1s.
  16. Does anyone know if there's anybody who makes custom lighting for display cases? Preferably in Toronto. I'm in desparate need of some. Anybody ever try Chistmas lights ? Just an idea. -1s.
  17. I say Yamato should just give us the GBP in 1/48 and call it a day. I'm personally getting tired of all the re-hashes, but at the same time can't stop buying whatever is released. "Collectors' bug" I guess! -1s.
  18. Yo vlenhoff, madd props for your camera skills. Everything came out really sweet. I especially like the "motion-sickness" pic B) ! Too cool! -1s.
  19. Nothing's better than the old PONG systems B) . I still have one, and still play it to this day! -1s.
  20. I think Optimus forgot to take out his curlers! Imagine that, "Afro-Prime"! B) -1s.
  21. 1/60: 13 1/72: 7 1/48: 2 -1s.
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