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Everything posted by JohnMc

  1. Most of us Robotech fans already know that. That's why the Kickstarter failed so miserably. No confidence in Harmony Gold. They have no ambition and no creativity. Plus when one of their major figures is a flaming a-hole who is quick with a Elementary School Temper Tantrum if you dare not drink the Kool-Aid doesn't help. Harmony Gold to reassess themselves and make major changes if they want to mend fences with fans. Clean house and get rid of the douchebags that have done nothing but continue to drive away long time fans, get some people in with some actual shred of creativity to bring a fresh concept to Robotech. Plus they should stop milking Carl Macek's death. God bless his soul, but let the Man rest in peace already. The name dropping during this campaign was shameless and disgusting. It reeked of emotional blackmail.
  2. McKeever was already talking about the post Kickstarter era of Robotech Academy on the Robotech forum so I'm sure you're right.
  3. I love Macross and Robotech [much like I love Super Sentai and Power rangers] so I would have checked out Robotech Academy if it had made it to air. I didn't like the fact that they kept name dropping Carl's name [nobody like being emotionally manipulated. I lost count of all the " Our goal is to finish Carl's work" stuff. So what's been stopping them all these years? The fact that they keep that douche McKeever on payroll doesn't help either.
  4. Please tell me there's a Max concept as well.
  5. They should have notified you and other customers with pre-orders that the line was being pushed back until next year to coincide with Robotech's 30th Anniversary. And then give you guys the option of cancelling your pre-orders.
  6. Thanks MinoRem. What's the best thing to do. Paint the parts before assembly or once the piece is together?
  7. Silly question but how difficult is this model set to put together? Also do I need to paint it? What kind of paints would you guys recommend?
  8. That's cool. Can you make it as any version or just Roy's or Hikaru's?
  9. Toynami sucks. They've been milking the same Lion Voltron mold for the last 10 years. Now they're going to release it again for the Voltron 30th Anniversary. Instead of doing a Vehicle Voltron to do something new they just rehash the 10 year old Lion one again [oh.. but they added light up eyes so they figure that's worth another $225 to purchase another one] They were supposed to come out with busts of Roy, Rick and Max but they never surfaced so I'm not surprised that the plushies got canned [even though I wanted a Max one. And a Miriya if it ever came out]
  10. Thanks Brian. My 1/55 is the Bandai Origin of Valkyrie edition. I wasn't sure if his TV version was released in 55 scale. All I have seen thus far is in the 48 and 60 scale. I'm doing my best to get every Max [and Milia] Valk possible.
  11. Thanks Brian. I could have sworn I heard something about a 1/72 and lower VF-1S Max. Luckily for us the Valkyries are easily customizable so we can easily make our own. I'm trying to be a Max completist. The 1/48 Max Valkyrie came today. Wow it looks great. The detailing is amazing. And here is my up to date Collection: This will be it for awhile. I'm expecting to move in a few months. Hopefully I'll be able to have a display case where I can display them and grow my collection.
  12. Go a 1/48 scale DYRL Max VF-1A on the way. Couple of questions was 1/60 the only scale that the VF-1S Max was released in [i know there no 48 or 55 scale versions but was there a 72 scale or lower one? Also was Max's TV 1A released in 1/55 scale? Can't seem to find one in that scale. Only 48 and 60.
  13. Here's my collection. Not the biggest collection. I only just started.
  14. Yeah. I hope they re-release them in 1/48 and 1/55 [i have the 1/60. Its awesome] The DYRL VF-1S series doesn't look complete in those scales without it.
  15. I had those comics [particularly the Comico Comics adaptions based on the TV series] they always did the "Pilot gets moved to a cockpit in the chest compartment" like in the Tv series and DYRL.
  16. I would love it if they did the DYRL VF-1S Max in 1/55 and 1/48 scale.
  17. To make a new VF-1S Max version. I'm dying to get that version.
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