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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Oh yeah, definitely some day - but I have so many "canon" to build or get through first - I want at least a set of everthing in 1/72 scale first (actually I would like a set gear down, and a set gear up in flight mode) - and only after that will I even begin to consider customs or other non-canon schemes.
  2. Thank you all, I'm a builder not a writer... (in a squeeky high falsetto voice) I just like buildin' em!! And your responses are very welcomed too. Its such a small niche market here, and it just seems like such a big hassle to get stuff published. I am just grateful for all your comments and the learning I get from these feedback and seeing others do their thang! I would gladly accept donations though Hey, if anyone would kindly put it all together in a PDF file, I would love to get a copy for my own nastalgic records though (Rob are you listening?) So far I only have one, the YF-19 - but if there's more out there, I would love to recieve them. Hey you could vote for me in that Hobbyfan contest -the popular vote catagory! Hey if anyone here wants to publish me or pay me for this - PM me!! ha! I looked into Fine Scale Modeller as one kind soul here suggested, but they had all types of format and photo requirements, I wouldn't be able to submit stuff I had done already, I'd had to start fresh and take high-res process photos from the start again. Documenting the process is already dissruptive enough - I don't want to take the fun out of it! Unless they would make it worth my while Truely, thanks everyone.
  3. Wow!! Absolutely fantastic, it looks great! Great work. A tip about the wheels, spray them white first, then paint the black on by hand, it will save you a masking step - but your way looks great too! Come on, lets see some more photos of your fantastic bird!! Try to stop down on the aperature (use a smaller opening or higher F-stop number such as f11, f16 or f22) so we can see all of it in focus Keep up the excellent work GunnerX!
  4. Smooth glossy finishes are definitely better for masking. The tape sticks better and peels off better. I find that the matte or flat paint has so many tiny microscopic pours that the tape doesn't seem to stick as well and that there is more opportunity for the paint to seep in under the edge softening up the masked line. If I understand what you mean by a good sealer.
  5. Thanks so much, What PM last week?
  6. Oops, I replied on the other thread where my finished model was - take a look there, yes, you can apply the decals before the weathering - I do weathering, decals and then some more weathering to tie the decals in.
  7. What I can get my greedy little hands on first - I'll build!! Any pictures of what a low-viz SV-51 looks like - I'm not hot on the red/pink scheme I love that Cannon fodder FFR-31 Sylphede, I can't wait to get a Bandai EX kit of it also in 1/100 scale to complete my collection - the 1/144 are fun, but they are just too expensive for something that small. The other plane is a little too wierd ass for me. Lets keep the VF-0 pictures comming!! Any more?
  8. Thanks for all the kudos Hmm, the canopy blue still bothers people eh? I might do something about it - the jury is still out on this one yet - but if I have time next week, I try to blend it in more. I don't think I'll be doing a Mila red version anytime soon - the blue bothers me a bit - it really screams out anime in my flight line up, and I think the red would be worst. Thanks David, for showing me the blue angels, they make me feel a bit better. Very good tip about the tires, I remember I used to heat a screwdriver over the stove and lightly press that against the tires to melt them into a flat spot with a bulge. But David also made a good point about the high pressure modern tires. If I revisit the canopy colour, I may just file down an area of the tires to simulate this effect (Damn, it means I have to take the pictures all over again ). It would of been better if I filed down the tires before I glued them to the struts, this way you can ensure they rotate properly to the flat spot - but now, I'll have to be very accurate as to where the flat spot will be. Yes by all means you can weather after the decals. I weather before and after the decals. I weather before so that if I make any mistakes or do it too heavy, I can go back and remove some. Then after the decals again, to tie it more to the paint and re-do some of the panel lines. Unfortunately there are not much panel lines that crosses over the decals on this bird, and the demonstrator scheme precludes too much weathering. I don't know what you mean about the intakes - I guess they are a little flat. I airbrushed around the leading edge with a lighter grey to simulate wearing and give it a little shading - but I wouldn't know what else to do. They are darker than they are supposed to be - I painted them in neutral grey instead of sky grey. I knew they were too dark as a match for the grey of the decals, but I thought the decal grey is too light and thus too jarring for the dark blue, so I darkened them to tie in better with the blue body. Thanks, the comments have been most helpful.
  9. Hey, which ones are the FA-2 Fand 2 and the FFR-31 Sylphede - any pics?
  10. Hey thanks all for all the encouragement. Yes indeed all criticisms are welcomed - I don't want just praises (although they are nice for my ego) a simple bow would surffice Please, I want to see all your models, it always helps to see other works and may give me ideas to do on others I haven't built yet. I guess the blue on the canopy really bugs a lot of people eh? Hmm, it doesn't seem to bug me too much yet, in fact the new set of finished pictures make it seem like a better match - let me know after you see the new pictures if it still bugs you guys. I might consider it then. (I don't mind criticisms as long as I don't necessarily have to abide by them ) Yes, I saw those UNSpacy kites with the words around them. I don't see that symbol anywhere in my TIA references. Plus I think they are kind of crowded - I want it to match the YF-19. Its funny, but no matter how hard I try to photograph it, the photos never really do it justice, I guess its the 3D quality of the model - you loose so much compressing it in only 2 dimensions. I am never really happy with any photos I ever take of my models. I am continually learning with each model I make, I feel I am getting better with each one I complete - I think we all can be learning all the time. LTSO, yes that is exactly how I did the front sensor lenses - unfortunately none of the photos really convey how cool they turned out when you see them in real life. Trust me, do the red on the back - you'd be glad you did when you're done. Here's a little tease with the YF-19 - for the rest of the finished pictures, check out my finished photos posted in the Model section: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=3&t=2069&st=0&
  11. One parting final parting shot... For those who don't know, I have provided a step-by-step construction of the YF-21 here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=23&t=1457 Thanks for everyones very encouraging support. Let's all build!! I wanna see... Please any and all criticisms welcomed - thanks for tuning in.
  12. Side by side - its still tough to make the blue scheme convincing.
  13. Okay, everyone is asking for shots with my YF-19.
  14. Head on... I never knew the YF-21 had such a nice front silouette.
  15. Too bad you don't see much of Bowman
  16. Rear shot - a little wear but not really battle worn
  17. Making our way around... The rear rudder/stabilizer and vectoring fins are still fragile after construction - I think the connection points are just too small and weak.
  18. Detail shot of the back plate - I'm pretty happy with the subtlety and smoothness of the finish - unfortunately the photos don't really show it.
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