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Roy Focker

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Everything posted by Roy Focker

  1. This is political and OT but most importantly this Voting crap ruined the MTV Music Awards. Do what I do! Watch the blipping Voting crap on fricken TV!!!!
  2. Anyways my late opinion on the last episode. It looks to me that Kawamori and company planned out 5 episodes but through the actual production expanded it to 6 episodes while still only making 5. This last one should have been spilt up in two parts.
  3. I'm still around. AFM was fun. When ever someone complained about the rude posters here at Macross World I think, they must never have seen AFM. Last time I checked AFM out it looked like a bunch of spam.
  4. I think were a little off topic. Your welcome to start a new topic on this off topic stuff.
  5. A brief comment from me on "Magic" in Macross Plus. Yes we can explain that Sharon was in control through mass hypnosis but there are also "magical" themes around it. Sharon's was like the mythological harpies (hope I got the right creature's name). I believe as the myth goes the harpies sing and sailors jump into the sea to drown. Like the harpies Sharon was leading Isamu to his death and Myung broke Sharon's song/spell with a song/spell of her own. Not saying it was all magic or science but there was a magical/mythological feel to it. PS: I'm waiting for the fansubs.
  6. I'm the guilty party. Be as pissed off as you want to be. I don't care. Your warning or not the stuff can still be considered vulgar. Letting it slide cause it's from some rare book wouldn't be a good excuse from someone else who wanted to directly post pics or links to some thing of similar content. Please don't give me that stuff about other people posting stuff like that before. That's a the defense of newbie. Also whining about it is childish. When you post stuff like that, you shouldn't be surprized if it's removed. Please don't give me that excuse that Shawn wanted to see that stuff and you called him oohhh I'm scaried... If he wanted them so badly I'm sure you could have forwarded him the link of the pics by private message or email them to him. Sorry for not sending you a essay on why I deleted the topics. I keep forgetting that as volunteers we're required to send a 3 to 10 page essay on the reason why we close every topic and posts that we edit and close. Whine, whine, whine. I'd expect this reaction from someone that was new. You really should have known better.
  7. I have Uncharted Waters New Horizons (or Uncharted Waters 2) for PC and KOEI did make Uncharted Waters 3 and 4 for PC Uncharted Waters 4 is as fun as Uncharted Waters 2. Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES is a classic, improved graphcis from the PC version. Which trading route did you usually use? or you are a pirate? Did you go to Japan and buy the "100 cannon" battleship? (I don't remember the name) I basically go discover something rare, get paid, place the money in the bank, sail around the sea doing a little trading and piracy. Are the other Uncharted Waters games in English or Japanese.
  8. Golden Eye for N64 is indeed a great game. Most new games I just rent one week is all you really need for most games. I'll so add Uncharted Waters New Horizons for the SNES I'm not sure if anyone else has heard about this game but it's so good I bought a copy and dusted off my old SNES to play it.
  9. Well call me a pussy. I think I've watched 8 of those shows at least once and enjoyed 3 of them. Tom & Jerry, Woody Wood Pecker and Looney Toons are my least favorite. Yeah I know they are classic and their are some funny episodes but before toy based cartoons took over in the 80s TV would just repeat those really old cartoons. I'm also going to add Foot Ball to my list! Yeah I l know football isn't a cartoon but NBC always played it instead of the Amazing Spiderman and his Amazing Friends. Every Saturday I watched all the crappy cartoons just waiting for a decent one but instead they only showed like only 2 episodes and played Foot Ball the rest of the time.
  10. As a mod my view counts as 1000 of your own and I agree with macplus that his character designs were crap.
  11. I think I've seen all his films and the ones in the 90 weren't that good. As far I know Gene Wilder is alive. A Space Ball Sequel could be very good or very bad. Very few of the actors in his 90s film could do the humor. Tracy Olman (spelling) did good in Robin Men in tights for example but Lesile Nelson in Dacula was a bad choice. There were a few funny moments in those later films but they were just a few moments. Watch a edited for TV content version of Men in tights they remove the one or two funny lines from the film.
  12. I found this through another site and thought I'd share it. What Family Guy Character Are You? Me:
  13. Here we go again. The reactions from both sides are pretty funny. Like I said before when I'm bored to tears I'll write a 50 page essay on the topic. Until then entertain me with in reason people. Of course the above comments will be twisted by both sides to fit their agruement.
  14. Yeah, the missions do repeat, yes, the game is monotonous... but there's something to be said for mindlessly slaughtering hordes of enemies. I mean, it worked for Dynasty Warriors. Yeah and Dynasty Warrriors is better. After all it has a story.
  15. I played single player mode. Missions seem to repeat themselves. There are little actual goals but to capture the command posts and with little if any narrative it gets very boring after a while. I would like a little bit more of a story. I don't like the spawning feature it's BS. There I am as Storm Trooper I rush the rebels position kill four of them. I'm then trying to hold the check point and what happens? A rebel spawn right next to me. I'm dead! PS: Jedi allies block shots to the back with their sabers. I was trying to kill both Darth and Luke.
  16. The new show will be about Chewie and Jar Jar driving around in the falcon.
  17. This should be posted in the newbie topic. I believe that the answers are in the Compedium just your not searching hard enough. Try again this time for AFOS not EVOS. You can find a little info and PCS with at and with CYCLOPS. Read about the VF-0 to learn and SWAG. Anything else related to this ask in the Newbie Question topic.
  18. That Seattle Slug Fest was a sham. The two wannbe Divas could have used mouth pieces, normal size gloves and head gear and duke it out according to the rules of two minutes until one of them fell. None would have gotten hurt. Fox's celebrity boxing would have been more violent. Instead the Divas put on huge comical gloves on and both got to attack that Coach guy. That red head attacked him like a clown.; if you got silly over sized gloves you might as well look like a crazy bafoon. Carmella tried to attack him like she was serious but her punches looked weak. Still Coach was pretending that she was really strong and he fell down like he was knocked out. Talk about a fixed fight. Bimbos, sex objects, petty bitches, comic relief and conniving slurms sum up the writing for the female wrestlers. I remember watching GLOW back in the day I can't remember if woman wrestlers were portrayed the same way.
  19. BTW who were the bad guys in Top Gun? I remember no one ever naming what nation they were from in the movie.
  20. What about Mister T! I pity the fool who don't include T. He'll throw ya hella far and then drink some milk! Also what about Mifune?
  21. Okay how is she suppose to be a super villian wearing that? Does she just distract super heroes with cleavage while a strong man super villian henchmen beats them up? What with the Ninja in the bed? He does look plans to attack. He looks alseep as well. Did Ninja's replace the teddy bear?
  22. Even before there were images of his froating head some of us were already refering to him the same way you refer to a religious figure.
  23. Hey didn't the 1980 movie end hinting there would a be sequel? As long keep using Queen's sound tracks I'm okay. No one better remake Flesh Gordon!
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