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Everything posted by polidread

  1. minus his rage ramblings, his drawings are pretty good!
  2. what, Mylene isnt a rockstar herself? just a groupie with a guitar and battroid with boobies?
  3. looking forward to seeing it! i was thinking of doing the same with my Ryu SOTA, but those are just rare where i am and i cant find another one to keep in the original gi. XD
  4. hey, very much like this place !
  5. polidread

    VF Girls

    aha, another weekend update, it has front and rear parts already... without camera flash to show the basic shape chunks with camera flash to show what details i made on it
  6. gotta lurve Yoshiki Fukuyama live performances !!!! looks like he uploaded these footages (as indicated by the site...) i wonder if the 25th anniv concert's going to be released anytime in our lifetimes... ?
  7. now i finally realize why some of you don't enjoy seeing VFGirls!!! XD
  8. fun stuff! the explosions were even in time with some of the drum beats XD
  9. mwehehehe! what, much like Minmay, Basara's gonna sing the haters to submission? quite possible, coz Basara was able to tame Gamlin and he was even armed with the incredible Gamlin Kick... so what sort of defense do the haters have against that?
  10. the World is forever split between loving and hating Macross7 i think it should be enjoyed as it is.
  11. is this why Revoltech joints were invented?!?!?!? http://www18.big.or.jp/~m-kaz/nanan/images/kaku/586_16.jpg
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

    hi, some weekend updates after a workweek of heavy office work... im actually releasing some stress building this thing! XD does MWorld's modelkit makers have the same sentiments? id like to hear some feedback regarding my scratchbuild here and apologies for the messy workstation ! started working on the torso after wheedling and overplanning how it would fit my model... i decided to make the armor modular so the costume parts can be stored away easier when it's done. so i made some interlocking slats out of sliced foam rubber, reinforced with cintra white board to avoid warping coz foam rubber is soft, i used cintraboard platforms where the joints will meet front view 45degree sideview
  13. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...ier-cream-puffs "....Ubiquitous convenience stores to mark April TV debut with two desserts...." wow, Mr.Kawamori endorses Macross cream puffs! how... ah.... cute of him.
  14. i hope these are honest opinions, and not just exaggerated sourgraping coz she's just so expensive T__T
  15. honoring Macross' tradition of ace pilot death i'll be adding you on my LJ friends list in a little while! thanks for the translations!
  16. polidread

    VF Girls

    im working on a Valkgirl costume (actually 3 of them) but im sure they'll be done by June.
  17. wow, a wish granted: real time facial expressions for the SF characters!
  18. Really? i do hope thay make her face look more like Mikimoto's character design. and hands! she'll be needing interchangeable hands for a variety of gestures, Mikimoto has plenty of beautiful drawings of hands that they can emulate for the doll. ************* regarding Macross as a "masculine" anime... well, okay, i just thought that up, coz most gals i know dismiss it as "one of those robot animes" and they are even more inclined to look into Gundam Wing coz of the pretty boys, and even then, they generally ignore the Gundams there. (but surely the arrival of Alto "Hime-sama" Saotome this summer might get them interested into MacrossFrontier....) ************* But i just realized, 500bucks for that huge Minmay? wow, im doubting if i'll still be buying her XD
  19. wonder if it's like those very beautiful ball-jointed dolls some girls love collecting and dress up... id like to get one and give them culture shock that a series as "masculine" as Macross would come up with something like that...
  20. polidread

    VF Girls

    hey there, Max! nice work on the gun! I was wondering when you two would eventually get here...welcome to Macrossworld! and a little update from me... shoulders and arms placed on my sister.
  21. polidread

    VF Girls

    heheheh!!! Hey there, Nermallion! that's great! Nice dress and props! what's the gun made of ?
  22. polidread

    VF Girls

    quick! what has happened so far? an arm, i guess. i'll have to re-fit it. a tad too big.
  23. it's gorgeous, delicious, and deculture!!!
  24. Do As Infinity Fire Bomber (bomba !!!) Hotei Tomoyasu (isnt technically a band but...)
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