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Everything posted by polidread

  1. thanks for looking into it, Yellowlightman!
  2. thanks for the links, Yellowlightman, ive seen their site and it's one of the inspirations for this project (besides that, i've a friend who insists on wanting to walk under a Sharon Apple box this year) the youtube link is a new find for me, thanks very much for that one! the shiny plastic surface on the video is great!
  3. thanks a lot dude. i wouldnt be asking Macross World if google hadn't failed me in my search.
  4. Hi folks, my home computer recently died on me and most of my saved images of Sharon Apple's black computer box died with it, i was hoping you can share nice quality screenshots or production art of her. im going to need reference pix for an upcoming cosplay and im building the Black Box. (preferably some pix with Myung as they walk towards the press meeting too- the scene where Sharon moves out of the car wearing a pinkish skirt?) i hope you can help me. Thanks in advance!
  5. uh, hi guys! long time no hear from me i tried tracing the logo too, i built it on adobe illustrator, but some details still escape me and im sure this isnt accurate, but... here goes nothing:
  6. Heee!!! where have i been all this time! that stuff's vibrant, Sumdumgai! XD and am i the only one who recognizes the name Damaramu (Compact-Brained Mecha Knight from Dragon Half )
  7. polidread

    VF Girls

    i finally got them together at the same place... apparently, Christmas came early this year: "Mobile Suit Girls" Action Figure Set ! more pix here: http://www.cosplay.ph/photogallery.php?album=82&rowstart=96 look out for thier fight scene here: http://www.cosplay.ph/photogallery.php?album=82&rowstart=72 Nyahahaha.... errr...sorry.
  8. polidread

    VF Girls

    you know why i havent been drawing VFGirls? coz ive been building mobilesuit girls instead. please dont kill me coz i posted a non-VFGirl here. and please dont follow up with Man-faye pix, spoilsports.
  9. well, I havent posted any cosplay pics in this thread, so no need to burn out any eyes. and i was just informing people who might be interested. if its against rules, and gets deleted, sorry for me. Im not for man-fayes either, so im confident you wont see things like that in the links i gave. so far ps. but just to be nicer, im editing the original post to be less bothersome to read. ok? thanks.
  10. I know some of us here like browsing thru nice cosplay pix, so, please take time to visit and look at the ever growing gallery... Filipino cosplayers can now enjoy their own little corner of the Cosplay World through http://www.Cosplay.ph where you can get the latest news on the Philippine Cosplay Scene, as well as a place to put your latest cosplay pictures for all to see. About www.Cosplay.ph (taken from Cosplay.ph's FAQ Page.) What is www.cosplay.ph? http://www.Cosplay.ph is a profit-free community dedicated to bringing you the very best of cosplay in the Philippines. Everything you'd want to know about past, present or future cosplay events, you can get here! To check out Cosplay.ph, just go to http://www.cosplay.ph and enjoy! And spread the love! Spread the news about Cosplay.ph!
  11. polidread

    VF Girls

    Im sure some of you guys have seen this vector art from me before. See you next year for the quarter century celebration of Macross. I wonder what Studio Nue has in store for us?
  12. polidread

    VF Girls

    errr... aside from practice copying from Mikimoto's "Macross7:Trash" sidestory manga? not much... but lemme see if i can unearth and show them here soon... XP
  13. polidread

    VF Girls

    err... yeah, i must have made a mistake with the name....
  14. polidread

    VF Girls

    err... i'll leave it to your individual imaginations but far as i remember, Mikimoto never gave Max Jenius any deliberate curling / waving hair...
  15. polidread

    VF Girls

    not much, but she's still something to share and quench your VFG fix. *dodges hammers and rocks
  16. congratulations Dana!!! thank you for sharing your pictures with us! we are very glad to see them, because we dont often meet female Macross fans and worse, we dont often see good Macross cosplays!
  17. hee hee... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=9718&st=0 thread whoring XP sorry!!! i can barely remember how the VF4 transformed in the first VFX game ...
  18. polidread

    VF Girls

    i dont know, aside from working on my own Mac kits, im still ogling AKT M's watercolors! soon, i hope! ^^
  19. polidread

    VF Girls

    Yay for VFZero Girl!!!
  20. polidread

    VF Girls

    Watercolors! ive got to get back on them too weve got so much to improve upon and the Eva 's colors look nice too. no problem with them. just follow up with a VF Girl from time to time
  21. polidread

    VF Girls

    Walang Problema! sorry if i havent been updating XP real life's been interfering with my Macross and here i am, offering old art for remuneration. she was supposed to be Samurai M's website mascot, hopefully he wont mind me sharing her here. not neccesarily a Variable Fighter, but a Valkyrie in familiar mecha armor nonetheless..
  22. congrats for your nice art, but sorry for your weak punchline XP
  23. those Autobots are such tall guys... lookee here: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=857204
  24. oh dear, id love to work on that paper valk! but my computer sucks and doesnt have the proper program to open the zip file XP
  25. she must have been singing in Zentraedi ?
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