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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. I've been thinking about this and maybe it was addressed in our old thread, but since Palps/Sid managed to hide his true self from the Jedi Council all this time, does that make him more powerful than even Yoda? Yoda didn't sense anything before now? Or Anakin? If Anakins midi-whatever is higher even then Yoda's, wouldn't he have sensed something weird from Palps at some point?
  2. So I guess Grievous' resurrection was the template for Vader's own revival? At least now I know he serves a purpose other than "looks cool holding four lightsabers".
  3. Wow, yet another review bashing Mac7. I downloaded the first 10 eps of the series over 2 months ago and still haven't watched it. Right now I'm thinking about just freeing up the hard drive space and pretending that there is no Macross other than SDF and Plus.
  4. I noticed that too and was wondering how well the cylons could replicate human systems. If they can build a human to the point that a cylon could get pregnant, wouldn't that also make them humans? Or, is it another plot for Caprica Boomer to pull in her luckless buddy to following her until they both get killed? Maybe it we'll have some crazy birthing scene like "V" back in the day and the kid will come out with a human torso, one red eye, and robotic arms and legs.
  5. Actually, to me, it's all in his face. Like Jabba, a big giant slimy head. That's just me of course. Anyways, made my wife watch the trailer, and even she got excited about the upcoming release. That didn't sound right....
  6. I dunno, that pic of palps/sidious looks more like Jabba than the Palps....He just looks FAT for some reason.
  7. A1, you could probably buy both the cube and the wind waker used for 90 bones @ Eb or its equivalent if you don't need the new game/system smell. I noticed that my local games stores seem to be flush with both since I guess a lot of 'cube owners jumped ship to xbox or ps2.
  8. The trailer made me drool and I can't wait. I'm hoping that this one is the one that is as good as ESB. I told my wife that I'm probably going to make sure I'm off that day so I can get in line with all the other fanboys. Naturally, as wives like to do, she rolled her eyes.
  9. Wow, that's the dumbest Hollywood idea yet. Would it really have been so bad to recast Jor-el? Really? Come on, this unnecessary. Superman came out, what 25 years ago? This gen wouldn't know Marlon Brando was Jor-el and probably wouldn't care as long as the story was good. And, frankly, I'm old enough to remember that Brando was Jor-el, but it wasn't like he we irreplaceable. If they're going to do that, why not just CGI Christopher Reeves' face over Routh's body. Then it'd be a blockbuster for sure!
  10. Umm...that was AWESOME! Please Nintendo, none of your famous delays and just deliver this game when you promise and I might forgive you for snubbing your nose at online play...
  11. I guess what matters the most is character development and iconic status. Has the original crew had their day in the sun? Yes. Has the Voyager timeline been done to death? Yes. Did they compeletely wussify the Borg? Yes. Has the prequal timeline been done? Yes, and they did it poorly. Why not go back to their roots with some new ideas? I've been a Trek fan since I was a kid and that interest has definitely waned in the years after TNG. To me they have two viable options: Give it a rest already. Give the franchise a break. Come back in 10-20 years and try again with a new gen of fans. Or go back to the era that started the show off and create a new captain with a new crew and bring back the short skirts and the red shirt security guys! I'm really pulling for the former rather than the latter...
  12. Screw this prequel crap. That horse has been beaten. Let's go ahead and either let the franchise rest for a few years, or move onto the Enterprise J, K, L or whatever and try a fresh take. Or hell, let George Takei and the Excelsior have a movie.
  13. I love valks and jetfire was my first exposure to them, but 1800 bones is frackin' nuts!
  14. What a great idea! Make another crap sequel of a crap movie license! Way to go Hollywood! I've found yet another reason to keep my money in my pocket. Oh well, more money for my yamato addiction.
  15. Yes, we need new cyclones!!! My Gakken is lonely and we need more toys! *wipes drool off chin* Actually, they're being pretty stingy with news on this series considering they slated it to premiere this year, what's up with that? You'd think they'd be more than happy to show off a storyboard or a one minute intro clip or something.
  16. I thought the new trailer was coming out on Friday with the Robots premiere?
  17. Rather than start a new thread, I just wanted to say thanks for the advice on getting My Neighbor Tortoro for my son. He loves it and we've watched twice in the last three days. BTW, to anyone else who owns it, did you notice Carl Macek's name is listed in the credits? Is there any anime out there he didn't get his fingers into during the eighties?
  18. I'm just wondering if this vaporware product is still on track for release this year? I know when they originally announced it they said it would have an '05 release to coincide with RTs 20th anniversary.
  19. Back in my youth, I could beat him. I think I only ever did it twice that I can recall. He was a quick mofo in that game! I just remember the first round started with him throwing uppercuts for the first 30 seconds or so, so all you I could do was dodge until my thumb hurt.
  20. (/sarcasm)Wow, this thread is so much fun now!(/sarcasm off). Come on. This is probably the worst fan vs. fan thing I've seen since the whole LOTR trilogy nerds vs. SW trilogy nerds first reared its ugly head. Yes, people like Star Trek, heck some fans even like Enterprise. How's that different than some fans liking Macross 7? The thread went from "look at what some fans are doing for the franchise they love" to "star trek geeks are so much geekier than Macross geeks." Let's grow up people. You're on a message board about fighters that transform into robots and songs that can stop wars. Flaming a topic just because you don't think the show is good, is just pointless. If we need more of that around here, we'll just get one of the mods to rename the thread "3 million Macross 7 fans pledge to get more Basara!"
  21. Anyone else think the speeder bike has a passing resemblance to a Colonial Viper? Maybe I'm just watching too much BSG...
  22. I definitely agree that it's funny, but I think it's funny in a sad clown kind of way.
  23. Ohhhhhh.....my bad. Oh well....I'll just wander off now.... Mods, please delete topic.
  24. So, I was killing time and cruising Best Buy's website and found a listing for MACROSS 7 and MACROSS 9 (?) on sale in the DVD section. The company listed for the release is Animeigo. Is this some kind of major flub or did animeigo get the rights to release Mac7 in the states? Mac7 for sale at Best Buy??? I know Mac7 is a touchy subject around here, but this would be considered good news for Macross as a whole, wouldn't it? BTW, what's Mac9???
  25. Yeah, that's a bit of a pisser. I was getting all jazzed up for a run of good episodes and we get a rerun. At least it was the Booster Gold episode which was mildly amusing. The next episode was supposed to be "Double Date" with Green Arrow, Black Canary, the Huntress (I think) and some other dude who probably has never had screen time before....
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