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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. More like they have all of OUR money
  2. I actually spend more time in front of my PC playing such cutting edge games as Civilization or Pirates! so my consoles sit around collecting dust. If I was going to wager on a new console purchase I'd say Nintendo, just because they have the games that I know I'll probably want to play (Zelda, Metroid, Mario). I've never really been all that impressed with GTA or Metal Gear enough to warrant a purchase of a PS2 or XBox. All you youngin's talkin' about how great it is to stomp on a hooker for some loot using hi res 1.21 gigawatss of processing power, need to go back and play a few games of pong or Atari 2600 pac man (yikes!) and realize where yo rootz is, holla!
  3. I really wanted to like that last episode, but once again those idiots B&B screwed over Trek fans everywhere. There really was no reason to write Riker and Troi into this episode. It was almost like a cry for help "Look, its TNG and the Enterprise D! Remeber them?! We didn't suck donkey testicles back then did we?" Instead of giving the cast of Enterprise a proper send off, they needlessly killed off Trip and then short changed all the other characters by making them backgrounds to Rikers story on the holodeck. They didn't even have the decency to write a stirring speech for Archer to read during the openinng ceremonies of the federation. Wasn't that what everything was leading up to?
  4. I actually really like that idea...it'd be a nice nod to the original trek. Now if they could just erase this series' existence from memory.....
  5. It's kind of sad that this Paramount let those two idiots drive the franchise into the ground with mediocre product these last few years. Even TNG started down the road of suck that last season. Well, hopefully the next movie just won't happen and they'll put Trek on the back burner a few years until someone with some GOOD ideas can revive it.
  6. Well, if they're willing to release the CF, there may still be hope for at least a DYRL Kakizaki since he's just a repaint as well. I just wish they would try and sell us a valk that wasn't from the vf-1 line. Did the MacPlus line not sell very well or something?
  7. I'd be sure to get the optional $2000 dollar insurance if anyone decides to go for this.
  8. Ack! So are you guys saying we should all go ahead and pre-order because there probably won't be a large run of these? Man, I guess I'll only be able to afford two if this is how it'll be.
  9. What's really awful is that the *bonus* is the "collector's packaging". Wow, not only can I have that craptastic valk, I can have the cardboard and plastic it came with? Must...resist....BIN....
  10. I agree. This aspect is getting old already. I like the characters and the music and all of that, but have they actually managed to save anyone yet???
  11. Man, I really hope we find out that this isn't a limited run. I was looking forward to having a couple of these "flying" in formation behind hikkie and roy. If they're limited and the prices soar, I'll probably only be able to get one or two at the most.
  12. Okay, maybe I'm crazy, but I never thought a Jetife was worth over a thousand dollars, minty mint or not:Jetfire Auction on EvilBay
  13. Well, if we're going to do that #315, #904, and #513 I guess I'll need a case too Man, this thing better not turn out to be vaporware.
  14. I listen to all kinds of stuff myself. I listen to hip-hop, blues, r&b, electronica, industrial, jazz. Anything that suits my mood I suppose. Currently in my CD player Nine Inch Nails With Teeth. MP3s currently in rotation: The Cure Close to me, David Gray Please forgive me , The Cars Drive, and a bunch of house songs by Paul VanD, Oakenfold, Sasha, Digweed, etc....
  15. That's a great idea! I'd definitely pay extra if I could get my names on my CF valks. What are the chances of this happening?
  16. Okay, my next question would be, what program would I need to add those subs to my DLd copy of FB2012?
  17. Well, as long as they're still using the molds, they should consider a run of DYRL Kakizaki's so that I can finally complete the Skull squadron. Heck, make it a limited edition so they won't sit around on shelves all over the place. BTW, do we know if this CF release is a full run or limited?
  18. This had better not be a joke or someone is going to get hurt. Otherwise, I quote Deekin: Huzzah! Now we just have to make sure Godizlla and Kensei don't buy all of them up!
  19. If you're going by ebay, the price is over $200.TISINC (of course) Since Kinsei is the equivalent of the central bank of Yamato (he and Godzilla) I'd agree that the worth is probably only between $180-190 USD.
  20. This is a pointless release. Remaster the video and include the movie on a third disc and MAYBE you could justify that price.
  21. I'm wondering how they plan to do the Dark Phoenix Saga with minimal CG. She eats planets and suns and transforms into a giant bird of fire. They should be calling ILM and WETA and Pixar and investing in some serious CGI, not the opposite.
  22. It looks like Gloval has been hanging out with Porkins between trench runs
  23. That cover to Classic X-Men #1 has always been one of my favorites. Great stuff from Mr. Adams.
  24. There will actually be zero threads because all the guys will be watching that episode over and over again.
  25. I wasn't sure if this qualified as a noob question or not, but here goes. Is there a fansub'd dvd version of Flashback 2012 where the songs are subbed? I've got a version I DLd some months back witout any subs and for some reason it really bugs me when I don't know what they lyrics are. I had the same problem with the first version of Mac7 I DLd because I had no idea what Basara was singing about. That could be considered a blessing to some I suppose.... So, if anyone has a link or knows where I can get a dvd with english subs, I'd appreciate it.
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