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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Ah so.. where is this bay located on the VF-25G? Is it illustrated in VFMF?
  2. The monitor turret (head) of the VF-25G looks almost identical to the VF-25A. Along the lines of @Sir Galahad® question, is it just in the sniper rifle? I noticed Bandai has done the 1/72 VF-25F Armored “Alto” with sniper rifle.(Ordered it from Mandrake) It looks to be the same rifle as the G version. I didn’t notice this variant in the VFMF VF-25...
  3. I think the VF-25 May be a better all around performer. But I’m biased. I prefer it over the 31 in most cases. Nice Avatar change up @Seto Kaiba
  4. I’m not sure it brushes past it , so much as focuses on the much larger picture surrounding the issues with bringing Macross to the west. It seems many industry insiders are privy to the myriad of legal issues and complications which have stacked up over the decades. Justin did a decent job of laying it out for the masses , without speaking details because, as we know, many are being kept secret and behind closed doors. And to attempt to quote industry insiders would be hearsay, even if it was accurate.
  5. Ya, I said check it out. I didn’t say love it. I found it to be quite pretentious and self aggrandizing Of Netflix. And this woman , who isn’t even an anime or manga fan , was some week sauce. I can go on and on, in fact I already did to my GF. It left me feeling like where’s the real anime documentary? Not on Netflix..
  6. Concerning the VF-25 and it’s many variations. We are familiar with the RVF, but what further role does the VEF-25E perform? Granted, it’s called Warning-Messiah, but is that to say it doesn’t have any similar hardware or duties as the RVF? I’m assuming the VRF-25F would have a very limited combat role as it doesn’t appear to come equipped with a gun pod.. The VC-25V is odd , I wish there were more views of this as the airframe doesn’t appear so aerodynamic. And speaking of odd, WHAT is up with the VF-25WR Wyvern-2 ? It’s SO oddball I love it!
  7. Bebop and Champloo are definitely up there. I’ve got the Champloo soundtrack shuffled into my daily mix. For that matter, Princess Mononoke, Laputa, Ponyo, Nausica, Castle of Cagliostro are worth mentioning. Iv’e tried a few of the newer anime’s and I can go like 15-20 min before it loses me. Having said that , I did enjoy The animated Godzilla movies (even though I agree, Mecha Godzilla is NOT a city!) , Ultraman and Blame (you either like Polygon or hate their style). Also enjoyed Castlevania and Love ,Death,Robots, though those are arguably not anime..
  8. Haha. Oh the silliness... years ago there was a guy on evilbay selling tailor made Solo “smugglers Jackets” ala ESB. They were zippered up the front and made of cotton duck cloth in any color available. Yep, I ordered one. I had him ad an inside breast pocket, as it didn’t come with any. I also had him add elbow patches and had it done in gray, which is more of a bluish gray. I love it and anytime I wear it people dig it , even though none of them recognize it. Lol.
  9. There’s a lot of good stuff out there! But for me , it’s probably still DYRL and M+ . In that order. Manga wise, Biomega by Tsutomu Nihei His Blame is up there for me also, and is what got me started with his work. Both Alira the Manga and Anime are an honorable mention.
  10. Going deeper into the Mysterious Venus , I’m curious to see how her character development will further unfold. Maybe she will go rogue...
  11. Bad a$$ !! ya I had one of those , back in the day. But I agree. 1/100 is too small and I think misproportioned. Very inspirational! Keep going
  12. It’s well known Kawamori San has a catalogue of creative ideas and premises. I’m hoping he’s gonna whip one out
  13. As Delta Flight was assigned to Walkure tactical sound unit previously. Perhaps we will see some “upgraded “ Siegfried’s. Now, it’s highly possible Delta Flight has rotated new pilots or been entirely reassigned , wherein Walkure could have an entirely new unit assigned as protection. And , since Walkure’s primary focus was dealing with the VAR syndrome, what use will they be now? Will our star singer clone be activating protoculture or protodevlin ?
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