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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Come visit my site and see what just tromped and stomped off my workbench... Bandai MG2.0 Zaku IIJ Ground Type
  2. A remake of 0083 doesn't make any sense... that series in pretty much perfect.
  3. I think you're obsessed ... it sounds like the level of hard-on accuracy you want to achieve really should be done by a full on repaint, but as you're pointed out, the MP Seeker mold is not the toy to be hacking apart like that.
  4. Well, the big Zeek is like three feet tall, so he already looks pretty smug towering over all my other toys... he definitely needs a T-61 to play with My only problem with some of the sets is that I have no use for the MS bits in some of the sets... but I really want the Anti-MS team now!
  5. This should probably just go in the Gundam Show thread... they've released like 8? novels so far, and two Master Grade kits for Unicorn... it is set in the Universal Century, so it's in UC 0096... CCA is set in UC0093. I'd love to see Unicorn as an anime of some sort.
  6. Unbelievable... my preorder for Alto still hasn't been filled and you guys are worrying about reissues... I'm gonna have to email them.
  7. Not to my knowledge, but some people probably have spares from various kits... are you looking for something in particular?
  8. Don't worry, I'm a fairly shallow anime viewer... they all sounded fine to mee
  9. So, I caught three of the four episodes of 00 that were on Sci-Fi tonight... seems like a pretty fun series, and the dub is good. I assume it was all Season 1 stuff, but alot of people with names seemed to die that I assume were a bigger deal if you've seen everything up to then (one was obviously big, but I don't know about the others). Is the complete dub (of S1 at least) available somewhere yet?
  10. Hopefully they spruce up the webstore a great deal... it seems to be missing alot of inventory seen in the pics from the closing, and for the price of alot of the items they really oughta have pics of everything. I would certainly spend some money with them if they had their whole catalog online with pics so I can buy confidently.
  11. THANKS for the pics! I like the new joint system alot... T-28 is crazy articulated. I still think the new Black Ox is kinda ugly... maybe I will grab the T-28 fig by itself. It looks amazing.
  12. Got any pics? HLJ makes mention of a new joint system but doesn't explain the new system at all.
  13. Anybody pick up the new Testujin 28 SOC yet? It's available by itself, or as a two-pack with the new Black Ox, which seems kinda ugly to me... I always liked the sleeker T-28, and am interested in this, but I'd like to see a review first... hopefully CDX gets one.
  14. Looks fantastic HWR.. did you use masking for the chipped stripes? They're spot on. I'm always amazed at how much multi-media goodness comes in a MaK kit... gonna have to get my hands on one someday. Are the wires on the smoke launchers(?) going to connect to something when it's done?
  15. So the Green Caliber is without the armor... awesome. Hopefully this'll make it about 50 less... I'd buy this for $150. Will the green one come with different Dorvak suits?
  16. You bastard... I am so jealous. However, that toy seems really overpriced... probably partially because they included all the extra armor, which I agree with you is totally unnecessary. You've gotta give us some shots with the ADORABLE little Dorvak power armor figs, which I would totally buy is released separately. Is it confirmed that the green Cannon Fodder Calibur is going to come with all the extra armor? It might be significantly more affordably priced without all that crap.
  17. I bought the CMS Corp fig of the grey space-dog and was really disappointed... cheap feeling plastic and the ball joints all have studs on them to help stay in positions, but all that translates to is having to take the parts off and reattach then in new poses. I don't know if the Calamity Dogs you want have this same problem tho.
  18. It's a High Grade kit of Gundam Epyon from Gundam Wing... these are like, ten years old? They've got alot of mold seams to deal with, and tended to break. I remember having the Gundam Wing and Deathscythe kits.
  19. http://www.comicbycomic.com/2009/01/i-have...vie-on-way.html I am at a loss... are there simply no new movies left to be made at this point?
  20. HGUC Nu HWS will make alot of people happy tho...
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