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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. You should. I never picked up on the picKUP truck one...
  2. Boy, I can't wait for BBTS to get their VF-25 stock in...
  3. Goddamn 1.1 patch broke my games sound... I never finished this game bc/ even tho I LOVED it, it would crash every hour or so, making extended plays a chore, and now I go and want to get back into it but it's broken more after the patch.
  4. hit up dalong.net... he has full instruction scans for everything.
  5. Cyclonus= jet transformer with blocky build and rabbit ears... Black Ox = Marshmallow super-robot w/ rabbit/cat ears?
  6. I like the characters in 0083... Uraki is a great rendition of the young pilot forced to fight archetype, and plays well off of Gato, who is a terrifying force, and Burning, who is one of my favorite support characters in the franchise. Seeing Bask already be a bastard is neat too.
  7. Just got my GFFMC G3 set in the mail... I've gotta go to class, so I can't unpack it yet, but I did a quick sweep of the package (my mom took the set out of the box and repacked it to send to me to save bc/ apparently the box is huge) but when I checked the Gundam itself real quick, I heard ratcheting, so I'm excited. Initial view of the accessories on the backing and a quick look at the figure looks fantastic... detailed finished, and a great sculpt. Maybe I'll take some photos of the set once I've gotten to know it.
  8. Honestly, past Prime's initially being made up of the three entities (Prime, Roller, and Trailer), which died quickly as an idea in the TF setting, I don't see much direct influence from specific SR designs... what's leading you to the Cyclonus BO bit?
  9. See, that's my 'problem' as a Gundam fan... I HATE 0080 because I think it's boring as all hell, and I LOVE 0083 with a raging nerdboner because the Kawamori designed mechs are my favorite Gundam ever, and I like the story alot, and how it ties in with Zeta, which is an awesome show in its own right. I also adore 08 MS Team for grabbing at that ground-pounder grunt loving side of me, same reason I like VOTOMS and those designs, their closer to walking tanks than Super Robots.
  10. Even working with Bandai's explanation of stuff like the Zaku II Kai as a separate model, you could always consider them factory production variants of the same basic design... look at stuff like the Shermans and T-34s in WWII, same basic design, but with lots of differences based on where they were made. Stuff like 08 MS Team, just go with the fact that the Ground Types were built from spare developmental parts, and used in fairly limited numbers, so it's likely that the White Base crew never ever heard about those ground battles.
  11. Guess I'll end up needing a Classics Hot Rod... fricken sweet.
  12. Yeah, that's Bandai's sly marketing for you... B-Club releases a set of GOOD looking hands for their kits, which cost half of what the kit did in the first place... That set is especially overpriced.
  13. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/ Is a pretty great resource.
  14. Good lookin work. I've got a MG Zaku II ver2 ready for decals, so that's what I'll be tackling tonight... maybe I'll snap a couple of shots before I start weathering. Ive also been sinking some time into my new site... Prometheus Rising (link in sig) is going to be the new home for all my stuff... I've been throwing up some of the best of my older stuff, so check it out!
  15. Then ankles look really un-articulated... that might be a big part of the problem. Looks like this guy will need some tweaking after all. Thanks for the pics!
  16. It's uh... pretty much perfect There's a missile without enough paint on it (visible from the worm's-eye shots) but otherwise you did an amazing job... that's probably some of the best chipping I've ever seen, and the decals look great (LOVE the leg art!).
  17. SO... I read jenius's fantastic review of the Beagle, and I'm looking for more people's thoughts on its balance with the armor on... I hate toys that require stands, and the lack of balance my biggest gripe with the smaller figures... how does this toy stand and pose without the stand?
  18. The other thing I personally noticed as someone who was introduced to Gundam by Wing (scary, I know) was that if you didn't have Toonami on, you probably missed new stuff coming out anyway. I Got interested in Gundam when my mom bought me the four pack of the first 4 isues of the Viz comic books when they came out, and then I bought a few models, and then never saw a Gundam thing again until G-Gundam and the Battle Scarred Wing figures were going on clearance... (not entirely true, I am pretty sure I once saw the DX GP-01FB at TRU and kick myself for not buying it... had to finally import one from Japan last week). But as someone who didn't have the TV shows directly available (but would have totally eaten up more buyable stuff if I'd known about it) I totally lost interest... the only other major purchases I made were EW and F91 on DVD, and god-help me id F91 didn't throw me for a loop! Truth be told, I didn't even put two and two together and realize 0083 had a true domestic release until a year or two ago... I just figured it'd been dubbed and dumped to DVD. I think it was hearing about and finally downloading 08th MS Team that finally brought me back in... that and seeing the SEED Mangas and being curious.
  19. That's bull... I was just about to ask the same question, as they've got the MG Unicorn Gundam and Shinaju together for only like 7400 yen...
  20. I see sprue marks... if you're gonna snap, we've GOTTA get you some tools dude With some sandpaper and maybe some Gundam markers and dullcote, you could take your gunplas from snapped out of the box to snapped and looking like finished kits. Check out DannyChoo's article on paintless gunpla-ing... I think you'd really enjoy the tutorials Hobby Japan puts up whenever a new MG-type kit comes out on how to get it looking great with the least amount of work.
  21. Looks good... reminds me why I want the 1/60 Big Scale FI... I don't like Seed much, but the FI is a nice tame design that I like... I also really need to get a Unicorn!
  22. Turn-A's on my watch list, but it's all subbed, so it requires a much more concerted effort... the nice thing about stuff like the Z and MSG series are the dubs, which I really enjoy, and can work on my models while watching.
  23. They have to release a Spartan... that would just be criminal not to!
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