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Everything posted by danth

  1. Yeah, I'm bummed that there's not a lot of multi-story action in the Halo 3 levels. I was hoping for some more vertically complex levels like Headlong or Tombstone from Halo 2. My favorite Halo 3 map is Construct, because it's so vertically expansive with 3 main stories. Standoff, the new level you mentioned, would be more interesting with a few tall towers and more underground tunnels. Overall I think the Halo 2 levels were cooler. I played some ranked team battle with Apollo Leader last night and we kicked butt! We were 3 for 3, even though we were outnumbered in our third game.
  2. Oh yeah, I forgot to make the obligatory comment. Oh good, so this will be nothing like Macross 7.
  3. Wow, I'm liking the new artwork. The old art bugged me because the character's noses were drawn so low on the face. I hope we'll see more artwork like this new stuff. As for the blonde, her stripper suspenders are ridiculous, but that design is still hot. And I'm a sucker for boob bottoms.
  4. I preordered the Megahouse from him, and now I want to change my order to the CM. There's no way to do it on the website, so I emailed him with the request. Does anyone know if Carlos is cool with that sort of thing?
  5. Aww man, I wish the artwork for the series was as nice looking as the artwork for that manga ad. I really like those character designs.
  6. You know, I'm the first to nitpick transforming toys, but the Legioss/Tread must be a nightmare toy to make. A transforming toy that relies on anime magic to work must be a biznitch to design in the first place. Incorporating stuff like landing gear and heatshields just makes it that much more of a huge pain. But the Legioss/Tread linkup must take the cake. I've tried to work it out on paper, and it's impossible. There's no room in the Tread's groin section to hold the full length of the connection boom. Cramming its big-assed landing gear into the thighs and connection boom just adds to the problem. And then there's the fact that the Legioss' legs make it impossible to really hook up to the Tread unless you can make them super short in fighter mode. And to top it off, there's no way the Legioss could transform while linked up unless it's noseone becomes ethereal and magically passes through the Tread's chest and connecting boom. I suppose it might be theoretically possible to make it work somehow, but I can't think of a harder toy to make without resorting to parts swapping.
  7. I'd love to get some VF-2's! I want the Valkyrie II, with fast packs, and the Icarus! As well as the enemy armors and pods.
  8. No, I want a line of all the valks and enemy mechs, not just the VF-1, but a nice VF-1 in a smaller scale is something I really want. I like the price and scale of the Toynami, but I'd pay more for a higher quality toy (better plastic, stiffer joints, integral hands & landing gear). Plus, the Toynami 1/100 suffers from huge shoulders and incorrectly shaped intakes. Also, I meant to specify a Japanese toy company like CM or Takara. I'm thinking a Japanese company could get closer to the line art (but then again, look at the CM's upcoming Legioss) and pull off something more sophisticated than the Toynami. I know it's a pipe dream, but when I'm not fantasizing about women, I dream about valk toys.
  9. Okay, I said it before, but I need to say it again. Some other company needs to make a line of transforming valks in a smaller scale, like 1/72 or even 1/100, and more toy-like and affordable than the Yamatos. I'd gladly pay $50 for valks the size and quality of Transformers Alternators. They should make all the valks, VF-1's, VF-4's, VF-11's, all the way up, and enemy mechs. They could sell repaints for years, it'd be like printing money. In other words, I want more VF-1's.
  10. That is a damn insightful piece. He made some great points that never even occurred to me before. Thanks for posting it!
  11. Who remembers this arcade game from the eighties? Serious nostalgia there for me.
  12. Well sure, they always say that. Doesn't mean it'll happen. I sure hope it does, though.
  13. I'd like to see a nice perfect transformation VF-1 toy in a 1/72 scale. The 1/48's are too big for my taste, and I don't like how the arms hang so low in fighter mode. I also don't like the fat, low canopy. I'd rather have a removeable heatshield than ruin the proportions and profile of the entire fighter mode.
  14. Okay, the CM Ride Armors are looking pretty fantastic. Do you guys think we'll really ever see the Fuke/Houquet or Yellow Belmont versions? The Stick and Rei are almost identical, it's like getting two toys out of the same mold. The Blowsperior, however, would require a new chest section, rear thruster area, helmet, and of course forearm sabers. That might be too expensive for one toy. As for the Fuke mold, it's totally different, but it could be used for two toys: one red with rocket launcher, and one black with camcorder -- that is, if CM thinks they will sell enough. Do you guys think it'll happen?
  15. Sad to see that the design hasn't improved at all since the grey prototype. Same mosquito nose, tiny chest intakes, too-close-together arms, long-ass feet, incorrect leg transformation, and all-wrong Tread connection. Also, the ride armor looks pretty cheap in that close-up.
  16. 120mm = 4.724 inches. I'm guessing that's the height in Armor mode. In that case, with an actual height of 2.05 meters, this thing is a hair smaller than 1/17 scale. Bigger than I thought, and they look good, too. I was hoping for a cheaper alternative to the Megahouse, but with Japanese toys, when is anything cheaper?
  17. Wow, you really are an apologist. Not to get personal, but that's honestly the first thing I thought when reading your post. I love Macross 7 and all, don't get me wrong, but it has its flaws. Killing off characters right when they get interesting isn't good writing. Where would Gigil have fit in on the 7 fleet? That sounds like a problem, and problems are interesting. Too bad they didn't explore that and give him more time in the show while he was interesting. The "awesome plot point" of his death could have happened later, and it would have been a better show for it. Gamlin's death was incredibly lame. Bringing a main character back from the dead is worthy of ridicule. Comic books and soap operas are infamous for that sort of crap. It's just not good writing. Gamlin's death hit me hard, and when he came back, I felt cheated. Breaking the triangle wouldn't have matter so much since his "death" happened at THE END OF THE SERIES. Um...Please tell me you're being sarcastic. That was the weakest, most predictable death ever. I actively didn't care -- that's right, I saw it coming and consciously rebeled against the idea of caring for some stupid non-character's death. Although I agree with you about Physica's wife...it was pretty hardcore that she was already with another dude.
  18. I like the original better, but I still really like the BGM from Robotech. And to be honest the Robotech opening blows the Macross song out of the water! Boy, I know I'll get heat for that one, but it's how I feel. Even the Minmei music has some nostalgia value for me, but it's pretty bad. One other thing I noticed -- Love Drifts Away is not as dramatic or energizing as We Will Win. When I watched the big showdown in Macross, I noticed the fight lacked the dramatic punch that the Robotech episode had, since they were fighting to such a slow song. But seriously, We Will Win? Man, what a stupid lyric!
  19. Hey guys. I've held my peace until now, but I'd like to share my thoughts on all this. If this somehow gets me a nice, transformable, smaller-scale VF-1 toy, I'll be ecstatic. I hope Bandai or some other company (Not Yamato, please) makes a line of transformable valks -- the new valks, of course, and older valks. Maybe even valks like the VF-4 and VF-5000. A quality line of toys (like Spec of SOC) from a quality company. I'm not really happy with Yamato because the toys are so big and the plastic is so thin. Second, what's up with Kawamori eliminating the other Macross designers from all of his projects? Is his career strategy to make sure that he himself is the "god" of Macross, instead of just the mecha designer? Macross 7 was so cool to me because Mikimoto and Miyataki were part of it. Without them, it won't seem like Macross to me (and yeah, I didn't like Macross Plus either). I don't find the new character designs to be particularly good. I like the new valk! I hope to see more new valks, fast packs, and reaction armor. I'd hope for destroids, but without Miyatake, I don't care. Still, I hope we get some cool enemies in the style of Zentradi, and by that I mean the enemies should have their own aesthetic. The zentradi looked weird but cool. And they fought in cool looking MECHA! I gues that's what I really want. The supervision army would be perfect, so they're out of the question. As for what little bits of art and animation we've seen, I will say that the characters looks pretty angsty. I hope they turn out to be as likeable as Mylene, Gamlin, Hikaru, or Misa. EDIT: One more thing. I hope the CG valks look like the fuchi/tachikomas from GitS:SAC. In other words, they would only be detectable as CG because of their perfect movement.
  20. Has to be lone wolves. You can die in between. I still need the Steppin' Razor, Nice Try Buddy, and the Spartan Laser Double Kill.
  21. Hey guys, I just discovered this show. And I freakin' love it! I've always found gansta culture to be a rich mine of comedy gold, and the last five or so episodes I've seen of this show really cracked me up. I've seen a little of season one and two, and I think season two is even better than season one. The animation is stellar! The Stinkmeaner Strikes Back episode is my favorite so far.
  22. Well, let me say I think these toys look awesome. I'll definitely get a few.
  23. Dude, my memory has totally failed me. You're absolutely right. Well, for once I'm glad to be wrong.
  24. Rey's energy gun is supposed to mount on the forearm armor plate, not replace it. I hope this is just a case of mistransformation, if you can call it that.
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