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Everything posted by danth

  1. Alright, Eugimon and Maximiria, we're all going to make you two hold hands until you get along.
  2. No, in those black prototype pics, one intake hole looked bigger, but it was just a shadow. God damn stupid CM. I wanted a Legioss & Tread so bad. I always bitch about Yamato, but I bet they could do a better job.
  3. I'm really loving the new 1S head. The 1/48 1S head was decent, but I think this new one is gorgeous. Maybe it's just because it's looking down? I dunno, there's just something about it.
  4. Kyp: Damn, I didn't realize how fugly those old 1/60's were until now! Eugimon: The gunpod is definitely too far back. I bet if it were moved a centimeter forward, it would look big enough. If I had to gripe about something, it'd be that the whole tailfin area is a bit too small and not far back enough. Here's a pick of the new VF-1 without the rake ( i broke up the outline of the pic):
  5. Let's have a visual aid, shall we? You'll noticed the new VF-1 is slightly raked (pointed downward while on its landing gear)
  6. I know it'll never happen, but I like Shin Densetsu's ideas: Hikaru 1J and Max & Kakizaki 1A's would be awesome. Or, the CF 1A, VF-1D, and Hikky 1J would work too.
  7. Haha, nicely put. There's a term I've heard before on the internet that sums up this Legioss/Tread toy pretty well: EPIC FAIL.
  8. Wha? Seriously? I had no idea either. What are the differences?
  9. Regarding the connecting beam and landing gear, there's an easy solution. If they're going with removeable parts, they might as well have one nice-looking but non-functional connecting beam for the Tread by itself, another ugly but functional (fugly?) connecting beam for the link up, and detachable landing gear for either beam. That way you can still have the Tread displayed on the runway by itself without those hideous snaps sticking up, and you could have the connected Legioss & Tread in the air without landing gear hanging out. It looks like this job was just too tough for CM. Or the projected production run is too small to spend the money on first-rate toy designers.
  10. So which VF-1 do you guys want them to release first? Even if it's not probable, if you could pick any VF-1 for them to release first, which would it be? For me it would be the Hikaru VF-1J. It's my favorite VF-1, easily. I love the 1J head and the white scheme with red stripes. Plus, it's Hikaru, the main character's valk. Looks great with GBP or fast packs.
  11. Hahaha! No, seriously, you've got to be kidding me. For more laughs, check out the gunpod placement in fighter mode. Seriously, this thing is garbage. Here's a list of the flaws: Legioss: * Bizarrely long nosecone * Tiny chest intakes * Arms too fat and close together in fighter mode * Gunpod placement way off in fighter mode * Big gap at the shoulders in fighter mode * Shoulders not sloped enough Tread: * Connecting boom looks horrendous without the Legioss hiding it Legioss+Tread linked * Legioss' vertical stabilizers can't even retract all the way * Legioss' has to spread it's legs to connect * Tread's rear landing gear can't retract or even be removed * The two fighters don't even connect in the right place.
  12. Damn, I can't believe I read through all of this thread. Here's my pro's and cons: Pros: + I normally hate CG in my anime, but this CG didn't really stick out at all -- hell, it looked good. + I LOVED the directing. I really felt the danger when the bugs attacked. It felt like people were really going to die. It's hard to explain it, but it felt real. + The music only helped the great directing and the feelings of danger. It was perfect in setting the mood. Cons: - The X-gears are pretty gay. They remind me of that weird anime with the roller-skating angels. I don't know for sure if the feet of those X-gears have thrusters, but it sure looked like they were "skating" on air. I honestly think the X-gears were put in because angel wings and roller skates are big in anime right now (Air Gear, Haibane Renmei, Paranoia Agent, etc). - The character animation was bad. The character designs themselves are unimpressive, but the drawing in the animation is even worse. It's Anime Friend all over again! Neutrals: * I'm definitely getting the Mospeada vibe. * I'm not so sure I like the bugs. I need to see more of them.
  13. I want Bandai to get the license. I've seen what Yamato can do -- now I want to see what Bandai can do. I know Bandai could make an awesome valkyrie, and I know they could also make a garbage valkyrie (Macross 7). But I'm hoping Bandai makes awesome VF-25's and VF-171's, and I hope they sell well, and I hope Bandai says, "Hey, these sold well, let's make some VF-1's and stuff too." And I hope they rock, and I hope the competition between Bandai and Yamato means we get the coolest valks ever.
  14. Wow. Let me bring this full circle guys. Maximiria is battying, Eugimon is battying about the battying, and now I'm gonna batty about the battying about the battying. Maximiria has a legitimate complaint: the leg's don't match the lineart. Yeah, I know, it's impossible to make the legs like the lineart, because the lineart is meant to look "cool," instead of having proportions that are actually possible. I personally prefer a sleek fighter mode to a lineart-accurate battroid, so this problem doesn't bug me so much. But I'm not gonna flame Maximiria just because he's found a reason to dislike the 1/60 YF-21. Not only should Maximiria be entitled to his opinion, he should be entitled to voice his complaints without getting flamed. When you accuse someone of battying for voicing their opinion, that's just rude. Maximiria, you're not alone. Every time a new Yamato toy comes out, there are a few people that voice legitimate concerns, and they are always lynched. I think I've figured out this phenomenon: People who spend thousands of dollars on toys, who's very happiness relies on buying toys, get extremely emotional when you challenge the greatness of a toy they plan on buying. I know it's stupid, but it happens EVERY TIME.
  15. I never did, because the low hanging shoulders really bugged me. Because of that, the smashed canopy, and the high price, I decided to pass on all of them. I figured there would never be a perfect valkyrie to satisfy me. So I settled for the classic, and bought only a few chunky monkeys. And now this. This looks perfect.
  16. I seriously doubt this thing will be only $100. Also, I'd like to know if it really does have an internal heatshield. If so, it will be truely miraculous, though for this scale I won't be upset if the heatshield is snap-on. As long as I don't have to swap out the canopy and to transform like the old 1/60.
  17. I'm with Ruskii. I was just about to go to bed, but now I can't sleep! I'm just gonna look at the picture for a few hours.
  18. From what I can tell: * Cooler head sculpt * Really smooth legs * No low hanging shoulder problem in fighter mode * Really nice nose shape * Looks like the canopy isn't smashed like the 1/48 * No chicken hands What did I miss?
  19. Wait, look at that picture again. It looks like a SDF Macross above it. And what does that say? VF-2S?! Also, this is a fully painted toy. Funny we've never even seen a prototype yet.
  20. Oh, oh F*CK YEAH. This is the answer to my dreams. I never bought a 1/48 because I hated the low hanging shoulders in fighter mode. Plus they're so big and expensive, and I like smaller scales. I thought the old 1/60's looked ugly and hated that they weren't perfect transformation. And now we get this! Praise ye gods! I feel like all my dreams are coming true. Cool Mospeada toys coming out soon, and now a beautiful, perfect transformation VF-1! Okay, it's pretty sad that my dreams involve toys from 20+ year old cartoons...but my dreams are coming true! Also, I hope this is for real or I'm gonna be pretty sad. Otherwise, this is the best Christmas gift ever. BRING ON THE TWO SEATERS, FAST PACKS, AND GBP ARMOR! Hey, I wonder if the old fast packs and armor will be compatible? Doubt it.
  21. I'm gonna use this thread as an excuse to say: CM should make some valks!
  22. I'm down to see any Tolkien movies that Peter Jackson wants to make. The Hobbit, Silmarillion, Book of Lost Tales -- it's all good.
  23. I've seen this before, somewhere, long ago. But what really strikes me is how rich and artistic the animation is. God I miss good animation from the eighties. After watching this, I watched the beginning of Yotoden for the first time, and the art and animation were just beautiful. I've decided, all those people who say japanese animation back then was no better than anime today -- they're retarded and I hate them. Sure, there was crap back then, and there's crap now, but the state of the art back then was much better than the best stuff today. We've lost artistic quality, style, and animation techniques that made animation look cool, and the only thing we've gained are computer techniques to make animation cheaper. Anyway, cool find, Area88. If only you had, oh I dunno, a blog or something you could for all these cool things you find.
  24. Me too. I got to level 39 easily, and then I hit a wall. It took me a few days to get from 39 to 40, and I can't get to 41 no matter what I do. I haven't noticed my opponents getting any better, though -- I've just noticed my lag getting a lot worse! I'm talking about getting direct hits on enemies with rockets and not killing them, or getting four headshots on an opponent who doesn't die even though he just ran right through a grenade blast. I could go on with more examples, but I'll just say that games get ridiculous after level 40. Maybe it's because I'm in California. Most players, according to the Xbox Live map, are in the Midwest or East coast. So unless I get host, which I never do, I'm in Lag City.
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