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Everything posted by arbit

  1. Words of wisdom to remember, "Deform by reducing as much as possible the source of such fruit calls." ~Shoji Kawamori, 2021
  2. @Urashiman A YF-19 is always a good idea. Why build anything other than Macross anyway, right @505thAirborne That bike looks so cool, I'm drooling. Wave does have good quality, I have enjoyed building a couple things by them. I also really like their plastic, it is totally different than other model brands. Kind of hefty. And @Thom is building a Thomcat, go figure.
  3. Thanks for the advice. So what ratio of my video was useless talking versus informative talking? Don't be shy, I need constructive criticism. Of course, I will be actually building stuff and showing the project plan, this was just an off the cuff test of lighting, photography and audio.
  4. Hi All, So I made this short build video for my new project, a platform deck add-on for my 1/72 Flight Deck. It is not a public video, only you guys can see it. I wanted to ask your opinions before I release it, whether you like this kind of thing, if the quality is good enough, and if I should make more throughout the project. I'm not really into spending hours editing a professional video, but I can do something like this.
  5. I'm half way through. My thoughts are: it totally sucks, I love it anyway, can't stop watching, they really stuck to the groove of the original, it brings back all those old memories. Question: Did they have a Hong Kong action choreographer? Because they could have really used one. -See you spaced people...
  6. Whoa!! Great photos. The combination of flat black and white is impressive. Now I know why you painted that girl figure in black outfit, painting practice.
  7. Thanks, man. Project is not complete till I hear from you.
  8. Thank you. Obviously I am a big Sharon fan. And given the lack of figures of her, I had to go all out.
  9. Thanks Thom. PM me if there is something you MUST have for a project. Thanks. But how did you know "Holy Idol Madness" was my project concept? Thanks my friend. I ended up covering an Idol from each series, but I didn't start with that plan. I just kept going and going. The world's greatest Macross Zero Fan @Xigfrid made Sarah Nome's necklace to complete the project. I was really excited when I realized I could make unique figures I always wanted like Ishtar, Sharon Apple, Sarah Nome, and Captain Minmay. Why would you think I'm up to something? Guess you know me too well What I lack in artistic skill, I make up with the element of surprise. But lets just say I have seven new Macross figures for the Life Boat Platform for my Flight Deck. And my motivation is to make neglected Macross figures. They are really small for a complete beginner painter like me. But I figured if I painted 20 figures, I would learn something by the end. I definitely learned some basics of hand brushing during the process, which you can't get from a tutorial, only from practice. @derex3592 You didn't tell me what you think of the little back dress?
  10. Hi guys, So I decided to call this project done! I've shown you what I've been up to, but not EVERYTHING. I saved my favorites as surprises. I got 5 months of grueling work down to a two minute video. Hope you like it.
  11. I just finished a new project I have been working on for my Flight Deck's Stage Diorama. Comments and geek outs greatly appreciated. Hope you like it!
  12. I've seen that file on Thingiverse. But I didn't think it could come out so impressive. Nice work!
  13. @anubis20 Your photography looks like a professional box cover. And I like the subtle shading for the paint. Nicely done!
  14. Nice mix of glossy and satin finishes. And the detail painting is outstanding. Beautiful work.
  15. Now that's hilarious. But I'll have to get you back...
  16. @electric indigo What was your mix for the black, and the highlights? I have a little black dress I need to paint like that.
  17. Nice photos. I love me some Syd Mead mecha! Don't you wish we had more?
  18. On my workbench, 1/48 DYRL Minmay v2 with 1/60 Xigfrid's bike. I have a mask on the canopy, hope it comes off okay. Below was v1. I got more details to pop out, like the shoulder sleeves, and a more dynamic pose. Even tried some wet blending.
  19. @electric indigo Nice work. And great photo! Tell us the background on that figure. And just for you this is "Minmay with Valk", on the Not Guilty shelf
  20. Thanks, I've been meaning to try Microset. But Minmay came out good enough for me. Very pleased with her. Definitely, I didn't start this project with mini figures till I found the perfect pair. Yeah, my eye decals do look kinda like cat's eyes. But however they turn out, they are much much better than hand painting multi-colored eyes in a 1mm space. I tried, and failed miserably...
  21. I've used From Japan for years. No complaints. Good customer service and follow up. Actually, I do have one complaint, there is too much cool stuff in Japan to spend my money on
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