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Everything posted by SaitouSad

  1. 21k yen is already the MSRP (including taxes), so the prices on NY will only go up from there. Otacute usually does quite a nice discount, but it's hard to grasp their timing. Plus we're not sure if they'll definitely be on board for this. Same here! I intend to pose the VF-27 with the YF-29 (Alto), now if only I can find the super parts at non-rape price. They're pretty okay, I got my YF-29 30th anniversary from them, and my VF-25F is on the way.
  2. imho, there's only so much crap worth buying in the "panic buy" market
  3. well, if you're interested in ever letting it go, do give me a heads up at this point, your best bet are Nippon-Yasan and Otacute. Camp these 2 sites over the next 2 days and see if you can score one. If I had picked up a spare I would gladly sell it to you since you're in SG.
  4. The VB-6 Koenig Monster off course. The SP version to be precise. I have doubts about it getting a reissue, so I'm camping an auction at the moment.
  5. I'm just glad to have finally secured one. After this, all that's left is the VF-25S and a Monster and I'm done for the time being (until the YF-30 or whatever iteration of the YF-29 customs get made)
  6. I believe that's pretty much the same situation everywhere except Japan. Also, Macross is probably too niche a market for any local Bandai branch to care about. We don't have a local Bandai branch here, but a major toy distributor that deals in a lot of their stuff. And all they ever bring in (for the most part) are the generic popular crap or stuff targeted at kids. The few licenses they do bring in that interest adult collectors are heavily overpriced, and readily available online. So we either scramble for the Macross stuff online, or pay a huge premium and hope a local hobby shop can scrape together a few from (usually) their HK dealers (some times Japan).
  7. I think the sudden appearance of stock from HLJ probably caused a number of cancellations. Also stock seemed pretty abundant (many people selling off theirs in Mandarake, which itself had stock that looked brand new except for a damaged box) also, they're relatively cheaper now, even with the markup. about a day later from records. But it's a bit iffy some times
  8. I'm chinese too, though not the mainlander kind That said, the hobby shops in Singapore also tend to price these pretty high (usually double MSRP) Mayhaps some of the HK members we have here can shed some light on how the situation is there... do they also buy from Amiami? If not where else? Some times I wonder if NY is buying up stock from places like Amiami as well (since it's pretty evident that they buy up the local stocks from brick and motar shop there)
  9. Amiami and Hobbysearch serve Japanese customers as well. Also as it is, there're like 6 hot figures being released today Rockman X Ultimate Armour Venosaur Ryuseimaru (Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru) Shin Getter Robo VF-27 And Sailormoon (which is on the japanese page for Amiami only it seems) Every popular Bandai release, amiami's server gets a bad fart, and orders sell out fairly quickly (especially SH Figuarts by my observation).
  10. The way I see it, Amiami's japanese page always get updated first. The scalpers and fans will always get first dibs. The same might be likely true for Hobby Search
  11. The chinese fans have an equally hard time buying these too. They're not all scalpers Plus, I get the feeling most of the scalpers are just the Japanese sellers (I mean look at YJA).
  12. the best part about getting this at HLJ, is that I can ship it with my RVF-25. I just hope HLJ doesn't screw up my warehouse storage (it happened once last year) Plus, HLJ came through on me today, by having Ryuseimaru in stock as well
  13. I guess with Bandai's Frontier Valks, it's always a wild card as to how orders would go up
  14. were they that bad? They fulfilled my VF-171 CF
  15. Thanks again neoexcaliber! Now I can focus on work for the rest of the week Also, order stopped @ HLJ
  16. The best part is, HLJ has anti-scalping measures in place
  17. THANK YOU KIND SIR!!! I Preordered it like the mother-frackin' fist of the north star. Just so happened to have a window for HLJ open too
  18. well, I'll take NY's premium if that's what it takes to even get one. None of my local stores ever take preorder for these, and when they do, it's heavily marked up (think almost double the MSRP)
  19. Bandai's pretty smart if you ask me. They've developed a method to keep us wanting even the villain or CF jets, simply because of how hard it is to procure them. and then they slap you with super/armor parts for web-exclusives
  20. I agree. But I think if they did that, they would also risk losing a lot of potential sales. I don't think many people have the chance of buying Web-exclusive stuff.
  21. arrgghh.. all I wanted to do was secure one, now I gotta spend the next few days scouring for 1 pathetic piece
  22. Looks like Bandai didn't really have as many stock as we had hoped
  23. Shin Getter bro! But why 2? Also, in before the inevitable Tamashii Web Exclusive Getter Tomahawk and other effects parts
  24. God Dammnit!!! Click added to cart, and it Sold out!! Gaaahhh!!
  25. the japanese will get through first, since their server always gets updated. And then there will be none left
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