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Everything posted by SaitouSad

  1. tis' a sad day Otacute is closing its business by October 2013. Glad they are man enough to honour preorders (up till August I believe).
  2. Now I know why Otacute isn't taking preorders for VF-27s
  3. just search your email using the keyword "YF-29", Murphy. So.. to the NY regulars here, generally, NY sends out the reminder 2 weeks before release, right?
  4. that lasted pretty long this time Hope those who haven't scored one (or an extra) finally managed to get one at this awesome price
  5. Yes, though I normally use Paypal, which is linked to my credit card to be on the safe side. Depends. You can choose to use either your credit card's or Paypal's rates. Personally, I believe the credit card companies tend to have a slightly better rate than Paypal.
  6. I know! Everybody here keeps harping about what an awesome Valk it is. I can't wait to get around to fiddling with it more. All of my Valk acquisitions since I started in October last year are pretty much still in their boxes (I did break a few of them out to play around and check for defects), because I'm in the midst of moving house and I really don't wanna go through the hassle of having to display and then repack every single Valk I got. That said, I'm having 2 custom cabinets built with my wife for our collection, so these babies will soon taste freedom from their plastic prison.
  7. While having a surplus of available VF-171 CF is a good thing, I hope it doesn't send signals to anybody that "maybe Macross F just isn't popular anymore", thus affecting future reissues/releases like the 25F or S. That said, I hope to just get my 25S, and be done with this series. I've got other lines to collect too.
  8. oh man.. that makes me kinda wanna bust out my VF-11B too...
  9. The VF-25F would be a good benchmark for this I'd reckon. It's still pretty hard to get, though it was available longer on NY. Only time will tell once it drops later this year. That said, didn't they already bump the price a few thousand yen on day 1 or 2 itself? I don't know how I'll react come D-Day for Ozma's 25S, but I too hope to be able to secure it at MSRP or less. I might just bite the bullet if it's just a small bump on NY though
  10. It's pretty rare and weird for Amiami to actually have stock on a released product, especially one as hot as the VF-171CF. They're big but they're more of a preorder centric company for me. I'm wondering if many people had cancelled their order, or if there were some problems like slight damage on the box (cause I keep seeing the 171s show up on Mandarake) If ever we see a surplus of VF-25s upon release, that'd be totally gravy. I still need the 25S (make that 3!) to finish up my collection.
  11. Decided to pick up one on top of the 1 I got from HLJ, so at least Alto would have 2 wing men (2 very heavily armed wing men ) Edit: And she's still in stock
  12. All those people who were stalking Otacute should really pick this one up now.. or pray shops will have stock leftover when it's released
  13. This is really interesting... Is there anybody still looking for the VF-171CF? Because Amiami has her for MSRP http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-RBT-2966&page=
  14. thanks for the tips, peeps I'll keep my eyes peeled for a GBP, if I come across a reasoably priced one. Otherwise. I'll just have to hope Arcadia makes one I guess
  15. Many thanks for the additional tips! Is there a way to tell from the box alone?
  16. SaitouSad

    Macross figures

    Nendoroids are awesome as they have some articulation and you can do parts swapping. I just wished they gave more face plates. It'd be nice to put those expressions (chibi crying face?) she makes in the Macross 30 seminar videos.
  17. while I'm sure some of us actually enjoy the excitement (and rage) of scoring one of these.. what would you do once your Frontier collection is complete? Besides playing/posing them off course.
  18. oh man... at least you have one. Well, the good news is, that once the 25S gets reissued, most of us should be done with this series for awhile. No more preorder anxieties, yay!! ....Until they make the YF-30 or YF-29 Isamu custom (if it ever gets made).
  19. at least you have 1 (or 2?) I'll need 2 or 3 pieces (you know.. armor / super set up and whatnot). It's the only 1 (along with the 25F) I'm willing to buy multiples of (and break my no multiple figures rule)
  20. people still on the fence for this really should besr in mind that it's currently at 4000 yen mark up, and it comes with the super parts. I shudder to imagine if this thing will end up going for double once they're done with this round of reissues. Also.. I worry for the day the VF-25S goes up.....
  21. I guess you can think of NY as a proxy... a rather expensive proxy...
  22. holy crap.. that's close to 300 bucks in my currency. this is already becoming one of the most expensive frontier valks (as far as preorder prices are concerned)
  23. Despite being pricey as hell, I think it beats paying auction prices (not to mention going through the kinda anxiety associated with monitoring one) Hope you guys managed to snag one
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