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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Someone posted a photo of stacks and stacks of CM's Legioss/Beta boxes (again, I keep forgetting the proper name for those things... sorry if I'm a Robotech fan! = D )... Anyways, I can't find the post. Can someone direct me to it? I want to know the name of the place he bought from. I'm from the U.S., never ordered anything from Japan. What are the ups and downs? Someone help a filipino brother out.
  2. Don't worry, I am Flip too, man. Free adobo. On the house. =) Interesting information. I'm learning a lot about my own filipino list from you guys.
  3. Seriously low budget. I'm not sure what's worse: The packaging or the toy. The packaging says everything from Macross, Robotech: The Masters, and a burst which reads "New! In Hot"... at least the toy gets Strike Armor (well, 1/3 of it). I'm thinking about getting it just for the BP8 hinge... Here it is out of the box. Looks like it was made from a mold, of a mold, of a mold, of a mold, of a mold of a Takatoku/Toynami re-release mold. Still looks better than the Masterpiece Toynami in this mode. Uh, those arms are upside down... The guys that produced this thing couldn't decide whether they wanted to make it a dark stealth-type valk or a 1960's LSD trip... so, they made it both. I believe this was one of those "Convertor" knock-offs in the mid 80's. Unlike the Megahouse Ride Armors, this dude came with a sticker sheet. I think this is another one of the "Convertor" bots. I think Toynami got their molds from this actual toy for their low budget morphers. Another "Convertor" bot. Actually, not too shabby for a low budget SDF-1 toy. This is some serious low budget filipino stuff... I actually had some of these when I was kid. This dude is actually made out of metal... and you can add parts to him (lego-style) to make planes and stuff... Hey, I didn't know Toynami made Robotech figures. Rick looks more like Speed Racer's corpse than Rick Hunter. I know this is Matchbox, but it still very much belongs on this low budget list. Okay, enough Toynami bashing. They make good dolls and the above Matchbox product supports that fact. I don't think they got anything right with this product. Since when does Rick Hunter look like he's part Tommy Yune and part Linda Blair on crack? This doll scares me.
  4. I don't get it. What is mod'd about it? And what is a "mixi"? Anyways, the photos are great! and the photos of "The Crew" are awesome as well. Wish I had the money!
  5. I like it so far! Keep up the good work.
  6. PHOTO REQUEST PLEASE!!! Can anyone take a photo of their Toynami Mospeada Super-Poseable Toys (non-metallic editions, if possible) together with Mega House' Ride Armours? (sorry CM owners... way too small; way too bubblegum green). Mix and match whatever/however you want. I want to see if they mesh together right... not in size (obviously), but in overall look. I already ordered both my Megahouses; I'm just contimplating whether I should get the Super-Poseables. I just want to see how they look displayed together. I can't get myself to buy the Toynami or Ashioma (or whatever the heck that company is) because they don't look too flattering. They look like midgets. The A's are really worse; with those bright colors... And I would get that really expensive one (the one with the beta (again, sorry for my robotech terms), but it's just way too expensive right now. And I've never liked the way any of the early Alpha toys have looked. I do like the look of the Toynami Super-Poseables... Am I a low budget filipino? Anyways, thanks, A LOT OF THANKS, in advance to anyone who has time to take a photo or two or three. BTW, when can we expect the other two Megahouse rider armours?
  7. The ending of DYRL makes me want to get a beer for some reason! =)
  8. Well, hook a brotha up! =) I need that and I need a drilled BP-8. Now.
  9. I was thinking the same thing.
  10. You have some good points, man. You really do. In fact, I remember hating DYRL when I first watched it (and believe me, I was super obsessed with Robotech) for pretty much the same reasons you mention. Like i said, watch it again, with less expectations and no comparisons to the TV series, and you might find a really enjoyable masterpiece. All in all, I do prefer the TV series more (The "robotech" version, just because the music and the dubbing are top notch and it's what I remember from my childhood)... but the DYRL movie... there's something about it. It's more intense, real and dark. There a lot of special touches and detail in there... the TV series had a long time to play around with situations and character development; that's one of the perks of TV series vs. 90 minute movie... Don't skim through it. Watch it and pay attention. There are some beautiful scenes in there. (are you watching the dubbed or Japanese version w/english subs?)
  11. I can see why VM Tech thought Macross 7 was goofy; and Macross Zero was a bore... But DYRL leaving a bad taste in your mouth? Ouch. DYRL is classic, man! It's like the cliff's notes version of the TV series with extra fine-tuning and some partial story changes, great music and in even more dramatic and heartfelt during some scenes... I have no intention of watching Macross Frontier. VM Tech, my advice to you: Watch DYRL again... maybe give it a shot 2 years from now. Watch it serious, with no expectations, and you might be surprised. And if you can, watch it on a DVD or something. There's something about watching DL'd stuff on a PC that just doesn't work with me.
  12. Thanks. I don't get why the "1/48 VF-1 BP-8" is NOT DRILLED. Even if I did have a drill laying around, I'd have to be extra EXTRA careful drilling that piece. (heck, 4 minutes ago I just broke the replacement BP-8 trying to get that damn metal rod in there!!)... Is there an alternate way of fixing this problem without having to order that piece? I'm gonna leave it on Battroid mode (with strike armour on) so it doesn't matter if it's a semi ugly fix. It's just gonna be displayed anyways... so, any quick fixes? (besides duct tape!) I'm cool with his $20 minium and his family first stuff; but I'm not gonna order parts of I have to drill my own hole. I'll end up fuggin it up Is there anyone else in here, who is 'all about business" offering this piece besides the non-driller? I don't mean to sound snobby towards the guy; he's offering a great service, but i have no time to wait (it depresses me know there's a piece missing from my valk) and I don't own a drill. I just wanna fix it damnit!
  13. I'm having trouble pinpointing the source to these things in this forum. Please, someone hook me up with where/who I can order it from. Thank you very much!
  14. mark, Thanks. I'll porbably be ordering some stickers from you soon. Thanks for the info! Thanks for the feedback, people. =)
  15. Thanks a lot gilermo. Took a look at the Beagle.... wow! Nice scale, too. I know they're going for the realistic thing, but I think the whole boot area can be a little beefier. Other than that, it's 95% perfect. Let's just hope they don't use bubblegum machine-blue like the CMs. =) Of course this stuff always looks a lot better in prototype stage anyways... So, let me get this straight, the cyclones coming out by Toynami are gonna be based off these Go Bots? Holy, what's up with this dude... I've never seen an alpha look all sharp, midgety and chizzled like the leader-1 in this version:
  16. fifbeat

    Toynami Invasion

    Interesting. The sticker thing is tacky; You'd think they'd at least repackage the items with their own Toynami boxes. It would get them some respect for something they couldn't produce themselves. =) Besides, they're good at making boxes. It's official. Toynami is officially the "Tai Seng of the toy business." I'm about to get some cyclones myself. Please tell me how those are (and yes, I've been reading all what was said about them, but one more guy wouldn't hurt). (Topic change below: Don't read! Very important stuff!!!) Not to change or bring another topic in this thread or anything, but the CM's look cheapo. It's B.S. that people are choosing that over the Megahouse ones, just because the size of the tire is a little off. Look at the CM's. That low budget blue on his arms and legs makes the rest of him look like he's yellow'd out from cigarettes. PLUS, there's not detail on their face. Look, if you're buying a figure based on a character you like, put a little quaility in the head, alight??)
  17. Been skimming through this thread.... interesting stuff! So Kevin, does this mean that VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.com is re-opening? And is this just on hehalf of the whole Toynami re-issue thing?
  18. Okay, hear me out! 1) Is it just me, or does that Gakken bike (tbe bike only!) look fuggin mean and badass??? Wow. Really cool for a toy that's nearly, what, 20 years old? I remember holding that box in a Target store back in the mid/late 80's... my dad was about to buy it for me; but my mom stopped him! argh! Payback tomorrow mom! lol just kidding. 2) Someone posted yet another cyclone (unpainted Scott) on some scanned Japanese page. It's the one that ugly "transformers" jeep is on. Anyways, could someone explain to me which brand that cyclone that is? Toynami's? It's obviously not Megahouse or CM... AND, when is it coming out? What is the expected price? Is it a toy, model? 3) What's the 411 on the Toynami cyclone? How big is it? When is it coming out? 4) Does the sticker guy have a website? I want to see what sticker offerings you have. 5) I want to get a cyclone right NOW. But my biggest complaint is how small these damn things are. I don't mind the price, but why must they make these things so small! I'm shooting towards the Megahouse, because they look the best. The CM's look like they came out of a gum ball machine or something! 6) When will that Alpha be on sale (minus the beta!)... 7) Is it just me, or do the Toynami super poseables look the best?? Even the above Alpha looks sorta stretched out vertically! This is sort of an odd question, but did anyone in here buy the Super-poseable alpha's over all the transformable mospeada bullshit that has came out? Like I just said, they look good! Sorry I don't know the right Japanese terms, but I'm just not hip to the game like you smooth cats in this forum... =) Anyways, looking forward to feedback and comments...I know it seems like I'm spitting out random questions, but any feedback you guys give me is really important and I will use it! J
  19. fifbeat

    Need Adive

    Can someone direct me to a link (in the forum possibly) of a review to the body armour? I'll be honest, I haven't been around in awhile and I'm too lazy to search... I basically just want to know if it's more solid than the 1/60 version. Thanks in advance (and sorry if I'm being a pain in the ass)...
  20. fifbeat

    Need Adive

    Thanks guys.... I appreciate it. =)
  21. fifbeat

    Need Adive

    1/48 VF-1J Valkyrie H.Ichijo? or the 1/48 VF-1 Valkyrie Armor Parts? I will eventually get both; but i want to buy smart because I know one will go out of print befoe the other. Help me. Thanks.
  22. Solscud007, where online can I get thoe shoes (just the style, I don't care about the color). they look cool (better than the custom ones in the other pic)... What other colors do they have 'em in??
  23. Looks pretty good to me. Good price. That damn thing is nearly priceless these days... Post some pics when you're done customizing it!
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