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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. ROBOTECH/MACROSS- MATCHBOX SDF1 NIB w/ POSTER The box was a little used up (for collector's standards). But the toy inside looked like it just left Price Club 20 years ago. Pristine. The box wasn't even opened, with the exception of the flat panel, in which they sliced a circle-sticker, simply for the purpose of a ebay photo shoot. My question is: I thought these things were rare. And in this condition?! That's cheap, ain't it? I usually see them all crapped up. Missing arms and legs. Bundled together with a used red and green lion from Voltron. I would have bid on it, but I didn't have time for a bidding war. I thought it would reach over $300 easy. And WHY, other than those two little metal mini's, doesn't Yamato come out with some new versions? Or even a re-release from the Matchbox (Tat/Bandai) version. Or some company? Did someone lose the master molds? Is the toy not cool enough? Did Micheal Jackson buy the rights so no toy company can make them? (rumor has it, he bought the rights, because back in 1987, he was really good friends with a Japanese kid dubbed "Japan's #1 MJ Fan".. Today, this kid is now the head designer for a Japanese model/toy company. Apparently, this company is the only organization that has the rights to make a Macross (aka SDF-1: Home of the Robotech Defense Force) toy. And for some odd reason, they like to leave a large crotch gap on their design. Almost looks like the toy is splitting apart diagonally. Yamato... would make a decent one. Bandai... would make a decent re-release. CM... would make a decent one, but with colors too bright (and priced over $280 + $40 shipping) Toynami... would make one that blows. All the other toy companies would make a static figure where you didn't even know if you were gonna get one, because they came bundled up in a random set of 4. This filipino is pissed. Where's that dude who just got rid of his SDF-1 model?
  2. Godzilla..... Who are you? R Kelly??? Where do you get the $$$$???? Selling drugs!!?? =)
  3. I have three 1/48's.... I just picked up the GBP armor and I now I want to pick up a 4th 1/48.... I kinda wish we didn't have to hide a 1/48 in there; but then again, I'd be complaining if you couldn't! I need a cheap 1/48 now! =) Now, I'm eyeing VF-0's.... these things are like crack cocaine.
  4. fifbeat

    Thunder Hammer

    How much are these? What's the wait? Are decals sold for this? This was first seen in a Hobby Japan, right? I didn't even know these were for sale.
  5. How many 1/48s do you guys have?
  6. What about custom instructions? I'd pay over $20 for that.
  7. f'in sweet, dude! Which color came with two ride armors??
  8. =) That's the one! (so yeah, I guess the fellow was right about it being the bootleg). Damn, I remember it looking a lot better than that. =)
  9. Gubaba... Reba West and Tony Oliver will NOT be happy about this. They like to hear bad news right away. You'll suffer. =)
  10. Yeah, man... I'm thinking of getting some, too. If anything, I'll leave them in fighter mode. They look better that way. =) Especially the "exotic" ones.
  11. So I take it you're not a fan of the R.D.F.? (Robotech Defense Force) Dude, thanks for your answers. Clears some things up. =)
  12. lol, what do you mean, you're not even gonna touch that? =) Okay, so, let me get to that bottom of this!!! ROBOTECH Legacy Collection: Yeah, I understand that people don't like "Robotech." That's fine. I don't care. I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for Robotech. This version... just your standard, non-remastered, untouched series that ran in the 80's right? ROBOTECH Protoculture Collection: Same as the above, but remastered, woth some new scenes thrown in (new scenes from the Jap version, that is). MACROSS English Dub Volume 1 with Collectors Box: (http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=243) Contains the original Japanese dialogue, english subtitles, and NEW english dub and is remastered? Now, is this the SAME remaster as the above one? (Protoculture?) AND, where is volume 2??? MACROSS - The Complete Remastered Series DVD Set: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 This is where I get confused. What's the difference between this and the one above? And, why doesn't this one have an english dub of any sort? As the above, this one ALSO states to be uncut and unedited? argh! MACROSS DVD Mini Box Set #1-#3: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=94 Now this, I undertand. This is strictly the uncut animego version. However, how does the picture quality differ from the two two above series; and how much more faithful are the subtitles compared to the above? I need someone to go through ALL my questions and answer me. Please. I'll give you a massage. I'll give you money. I'll buy you a pizza, I'll die for you, (okay, I won't really do any of these things, but please, understand my desperation).... thanks in advance. I've never seen so much B.S. released for one series.
  13. Yeah, I read about those the first time. Forgot to acknowledge. =) Yeah, maybe it was those. But don't you think they would have popped up on ebay or someone might own them on this forum? (Or even a google search!)...
  14. Okay, so this is the one where Ijma maria whatever her face (the girl who did the voice/sung) redubbed in english?? Hmmm.... I'm so confused with all these damn releases.
  15. I respect your choice to keep them in their boxes; but seriously, what's the fun in that? Keeping them stashed away... you might as well have not even bought them. As stupid as that sounds, just think, I mean, we're not gonna live forever... right? Like, think about the guys that only own 2 or 3? Unless you plan on selling them in the future? But, I really do see your point. Keeps them un-yellow, right? =)
  16. You see, I remember TOYS (non-matchbox) existed. Unless there was some other anime show that had the same kind/similar of armor costume.
  17. fifbeat


    Hmmm... I don't get why Ratchet's post was taken to offense. I didn't see anything wrong with his post. I guess there's a war history somewhere in there.
  18. Okay, the youtube.com link above, what DVD is that from? Please. Someone. Judging from that one scene alone, the dubbing is NOT better than the Robotech dub. That's for darn sure.
  19. fifbeat


    More like 1986 to 2003!!!! (with the exception of that 89/90 Bandai re-issue)
  20. Damn, that thing is clean. One of the cleanest ones I've ever seen.
  21. BTW, what's the deal with the gummy and first generation mini figures? I wasn't aware of this. What's the difference? Is it just that one is soft and the other isn't? (great... waiting for an admin to direct me to another topic. lol... )
  22. Not sure if you're kidding or not; but dude, that can be a HUGE business for you. Just from this forum alone. I personally don't see what the big deal is about that weathering special. It doesn't look like a "custom"... it looks artificially done. Lke someone said, it's too dark. Did people go crazy about the "angel" 1/48 as well? I'm beginning to think if they released a pink and orange valkyrie, people would kill to get one. Matter if fact, if Yamato drops one on the floor, throws it in a box and calls it "crash landing special" it would be a hot item. As for me, I like mine clean OR customized by a pro (which is not me). =)
  23. Man, I remember the "Pony Toy-Go-Round" store. I was on their mailing list back in the late/early 90s. I remember getting a flyer for the original Bandai re-issue (which was only like $55!!!!!!) and I never got enough money to get it. a couple years later, I did some bad things like steal my mom's credit card and order some low budget Patlabor toys... i was a bad child. :/ (when I was doing this, the Bandai poo was out of print) I could have swore the Southern Cross figures I saw were toys and not models. I remember the box: a figure with just the clothes; and all the armor was on the right side (a la just like any other jap toy w/armor).
  24. They had toys for Southern Cross. I remember my parents taking me to Chinatown (Los Angeles, circa '86-'87). My dad gave me like $10 for getting good grades. We walked into some shop that carried a lot of toy imports from Japan. I ended up getting the macross Mac II Destroid... anyways, I remember seeing figures for the characters in Southern Cross... you know, their armored clothing and such... they were about 8-10" tall from what I can remember.... and no, they weren't Matchbox products... Since I never see these babies on ebay, I imagine they are more rare than Jesus. As for the "I hate robotech" fiasco.... Macross fanatics are acting like it's the worst thing ever. There's nothing wrong with it, other than a few cuts here and there that don't effect the flow in any way. There have been numerous import movies/shows that have been butchered for American audiences and a lot of them have gotten really bad treatment. Robotech wasn't one of them. Robotech has a good dub job, great music and if anything, a lot of us wouldn't even know Macross existed (and Mospeada would be totally unknown to us).
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