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Everything posted by fifbeat

  1. Okay, I'm having trouble referring to some of my related posts... but here I am again. I'm almost done watching the "Robotech" version of Macross (and it has been my favorite since childhood). Now, for the first time, I would like to see the Japanese version of the TV series. Only one problem: Which one to get? First of all, I'm scratching this one off completely: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=94 It's the "black box" AnimEigo set. I keep on getting out-bidded on ebay and they're just too expensive. So, this version can go to hell. Next, and again, this is where I get confused about the differences or differences that I should give a rat's a$$ about: This version: http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=242 This one states that it's uncut and all that. Also, it has the english dub AND the Japanese track. It also says "the inclusion of Mari Iijima, who is reprising her role as Lynn Minmay"... so, is she playing Minmay in the english dubbed track? Or what?? And, are these not avail. in a box set?? And, I'm also looking at this version: (set) http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 Okay, so this one has NO english dub (I don't care, really, but it would be interesting to see how Mari Iijima delivers her english-speaking Minmay IF someone answers my above question about her actually appearing on the english dub)... Now, which one should I get? OR, are these actually the same products? (because Robotech.com and all this crap is just confusing me.... and believe me, I get confused really easy)... Like, are the subtitles the same, are the remasters the same? Please, someone, help me. I know I've been sounding a little redundant, but I swear, this is the last time. I just wanna watch the damn show in it's originality! Thank you in advance. I have to bookmark this thread because this darn forum moves to fast!!!!
  2. I was gonna bring up a post just like this a week ago. Perfect. which one came out first? The movie version or the series? I haven't seen the movie version; am I missing something?
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you must be talking about the Robotech: Boobytrap VHS... I mean, THAT one, was a wide release. (it's the one that came in a very large F.H.E. "porno" type large video box. I have a pretty observant eye when it comes to anything "video/VHS" (from early 80's to current) and the version of HG Macross Boobytrap is really rare. Besides, you said yours had a different cover? Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  4. I'm curious! I'm surprised it wasn't an extra in any of the Robotech discs.... any youtube links? I suppose I can do a search myself, but there are too many to really find THAT. Thanks for the info.
  5. Totoro242... The video cassette pictured. What dub does it have??
  6. I'm filipino! =) Well, some of the stuff are Revell and some other low budget brands. So not all Matchbox... No problem. I thought it was interesting and knew someone would get a kick out of it. =) Robotech/Macross.... a very big part of my childhood. Can't seem to get it out of my life.
  7. By the way, I HIGHLY recommend everyone to watch the E6 DVD "Prototype Toy Presentation." (I'm sure it's on the newer sets, too). It's hilarious as hell and very interesting. Even if you're not a fan of these particular toys, its comedy watching the guy get all nervous while trying to transform stuff... lol! Okay, I think I replied to myself enough times already. =)
  8. Well, I thought it was odd that the full pilot was english dubbed and all that (even keeping the characters original names, ie Stick, etc)
  9. Part 13: Obviously, all these images are screen shots from the "Elements" Special Features of the Robotech DVD collection; so, this may be old or new news to some. It was hard to get a good look at these images unless you kept the "pause" button handy... so I thought I'd change that by screen capturing the images for your filipino viewing pleasure. It's not that I have a lot of time on my hands; it's more of fact that I do strange things with the little time I do have. =)
  10. Part II: The following are just random "Robotech" catalogues, advertisements, etc. As you scroll down, stuff gets stranger by the minute. Who the heck "posed" these things? Stevie Wonder?
  11. The first six photos are from some prototype toy demonstration... a lot of the toys turned out different or weren't even released at all: At one point, this thing was supposed to be transformable to at least a G-mode? I guess they couldn't perfect it so it was only available in the prototype version. Uh, that ain't Rick Hunter. In fact, that ain't even a Robotech figure... GI Joe dude, maybe? Looks like someone beat Megahouse to it... No, seriously. Hey, those legs are a lot skinnier than the final product. The thing was TOTALLY different from the final product. Why the change?
  12. Just questioning the English dubbed pilot on the extras of the Robotech DVDs. It tripped me out. What's the deal of this? Were they actually gonna air it (without the Robotech tag?).
  13. fifbeat

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